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Posts posted by euchrid

  1. Hmm... difficult to name a single 'trigger'. I think it was probably a number of influences and events over a period of time that led to the full-on attraction for heels. When I was quite young (maybe 9 or 10) my younger sister had a box of old 'dressing up' shoes in the bottom of her wardrobe. I remember having a rummage through it a few times and always being disappointed in the contents - it had only a few pairs of ugly/weird shoes (60's kitten heels & 70's platform slingbacks). There was definatly some sort of undefined high-heel interest forming at that time though.

  2. i would say there a lot of guys who would wear heels that dont as well. the breakdown on who is gay,who wears in private as opposed to in public,etc will undoubtedly never be known. but its safe to say that it will always be a fringe/taboo sort of thing,at least in the forseeable future. and i dont think anyone should feel guilty about where their interest in heels takes them...

    wise words, mate.

  3. is it just me or does it seem that a lot of the posts in the girls forum seem rather malelike in content?

    It's not just you.

    There's probably a few guys "contributing" to it... It's not hard to 'pretend' to be someone else online.

    Not really that much of a problem though, I would have thought.

  4. Is there actually a scientific explanation for the attraction of high heels....

    There is... sort of.

    Desmond Morris described it in one of his "Watching" books (Body Watching or People Watching or Sex Watching... whichever)

    Basically, it's the effect of the heels on the female wearers' posture.

    She is made to stand on tip-toe, with her haunches (hips, buttocks, and upper thighs) raised and her posterior pushed outwards.

    This is a female primate mating signal which basically sends out a message to males - "i'm up for it lads, if you're interested!". #

    When combined with other body language and subliminal mating signals (bare flesh, revealing or tight clothing, red lips, long hair, etc.) the poor unsuspecting male can't help but be visually attracted.

    I think the *click-click* attraction of the heel sound is a pavlovian response. We automatically turn to look because we assume we'll get to see an attractive woman making those sounds. This can obviously lead to disappointment but, as our 'strike rate' on spying an attractive woman in heels is usually pretty high, we are unlikely to stop responding to it anytime soon.

    # That's Desmonds' theory not mine, of course.

    Some might say it's a primitive, sexist, chauvanistic one but that doesn't mean it's incorrect.

  5. It's surely only a matter of time before media scare stories like this one guilt-trip shoe manufacturers and stores out of making/promoting/supplying and stocking high heels at all! Perhaps they will be banned as part of some insane Health 'n Safety drive.


    Every podiatrist in the land seems to be speaking out about this at the moment for some reason. I saw one on the BBC local news a few days ago.

    Is there no proper news or what? :smile:

  6. Bit of an unfair way to do it - a girl in front wins the race because- A. she had the minimum height heels on (2.75 ") when others were wearing 3"+ heels B. she had fairly stable T-strap shoes on when others were wearing slingbacks, strappy sandals and courts C. she was in the front line to start with!!! They should have had heats. Maybe 10 runners per race only. Can't wait for this to hit the UK though!

  7. Knee boots are my choice, but having said that I tend to look more at ankle boots nowadays as they are more practical to get on & off (I always wear em under trousers). There always seems to be a better choice and range available in the knee-boot style though. And usually fit better too for some reason :smile:

  8. Sorry to see things turn kind of sour between FF and KH. You both offer such interesting stories and well thought out contributions to the forum and I hear you two have worked together to coordinate events and such. Hopefully, its just a temporary spat, I have not been around here long, but hate to see that happen due to a few poorly chosen words on the spur of the moment.

    Well said, that man. I share the same sentiment.

    I hope to hear that FF & KH have kissed & made-up before the next international heel meet :o

  9. Peeptoes - Nope, just do not like them at all. They are OK on women I suppose. High-heeled peeptoes will always be better than flats but I just don't like them for some reason. Same for mules (open or closed). Not my thing at all.

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