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Posts posted by euchrid

  1. I believe this has been asked many time before, but:

    I wear heels because its exciting to me, I like the lift, I like the many different styles and colors and love the way they feel and look on my feet.

    Yep, all that and more.

    They generate a magnetic facination too. Whether they are being worn by me, by a shapely young lady or just sitting on display in a shoe shop.

  2. Perhaps she sprained her ankle while at the function where the picture was taken. Without knowing all of the facts, it's premature to think of it being silly.

    Nah, she'd sprained it before she attended the function.

    I remain of my original opinion.

  3. Men, have you ever worn footwear with an elevated heel?


    2.) Men, have you ever worn footwear with an elevated heel in public?


    3.) Men, how often do you wear elevated heeled shoes in public? Please specify X number of times per week, month or year or never.

    Twice per month on average.

    4.) Men, if you wear elevated heeled shoes in public do you also wear other items of clothing that is 'socially determined to be ladies wear'?

    c) Never, only shoes.

    5.) Men, do your friends, family, work colleagues know of your wearing of elevated heeled footwear?

    :smile: Some yes, but I'm careful who I share it with.

    6.) Men, if you do not share the knowledge that you wear elevated heeled footwear with friends, family, work colleagues, please can you provide the main reason why?

    Fear of ridicule; stereotyping as a weirdo/pervert/nutter; fear that being open about it could 'kill' the 'illicit thrill' element somehow.

    Also, i'm a private individual - what I do and why is my own business.

    7.) Men, have you ever been to a 'Heelmeet' or similar arranged meeting?

    a) Yes.

    8.) Men, if you have attended a 'Heelmeet' how many other men were present also wearing elevated heeled footwear? (please refer to the last Heelmeet you were present at).

    about 10 or so.

    9.) Men, if you have attended a 'Heelmeet' in elevated heeled footwear what has been the general public response to your attire with respect to your footwear?

    c) Indifferent/no reaction.

    10.) Men, if you have attended a 'Heelmeet' how has the number of men attending wearing elevated heeled footwear changed?

    d) no change noted.

    11.) Men, do you feel vunerable in your public surroundings wearing footwear with elevated heels?

    a) Yes.

    12.) Men, have you ever received any public negativity when or for wearing footwear with elevated heels?

    :wave: No

    13.) Men, do you feel that an elevated heeled shoe could ever achieve unisex status as a mainstream fashion item?

    a) Yes.

    14.) Men, if the elevated heeled shoe ever became a unisex fashion item would it still hold the same appeal to you as the wearer?

    a) Yes.

    15.) Sorry forgot, please could I you to specify your age and country of residence?

    41 UK

  4. On most shows with females wearing high heel its very obvious that they switch to lower heels when the action kicks in. :wave:

    Yeah, I hate that so much.

    It's often when there's a close up of the heels too - like when a stiletto-wearing character has just jumped off a wall and the shot changes to a flat-soled landing! So stupid.

    They even do it in the movies. A classic example is Michelle Pfeiffers' catwoman in Batman Returns. Great heels for most of her shots but watch that flat-footed landing shot in the Mall!

    As for Michelle Ryan - yep, shes' Babreham Lincoln alright! :smile:

    She was one of the few reasons for watching that Jeckyl tosh a few weeks ago.

  5. I would say a lot less than 1% wear heels openly.I've been keeping a look out on my travels for a couple of years,and have never seen any:cry1: ,I must have checked thousands of feet in that time though

    I'd have to agree with that.

    I've been 'on the lookout' for heel-wearing blokes myself for about two decades now. Outside of the HeelMeets, i've never seen any.

    Cities, towns, villages, shopping malls, airports, rail stations, gig crowds, you name it.

    Apart from the very occasional drag-wearing stag party member, etc. i've seen none whatsoever.

    There may be many thousands of admirers and closet heelers out there, but there are a precious few street heelers.

    1% would be an excellent statistic if it were accurate. It's more likely to be many times smaller than that in reality.

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