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Posts posted by euchrid

  1. The international heel meet is this a meet primarily for members of this great group or is it a meet advertised to all into wearing heels? What was the number of attendees last year? And how many are expected this year?

    It's for all and sundry. Obviously, the preferred attendee is a guy with a strong heel-wearing interest. We don't want it usurped by dozens of stiletto-wearing girlies (they can wear their shoes 365 days of the year!)

    For data on last years' Meet, check out these threads:-



    This next group of questions is aimed at men who want to wear heels but still dress in normal male apparel. Where is this trend at; are we just a few who have decided to break the norm and go with what we like, or is this trend growing and gaining acceptance both among people and the fashion industry. If the trend is growing is it a fad or do you believe that some day men will wear heels as a part of everyday dress?

    Impossible to say. I personally think we are an elite group. There are probably fewer heel-wearing, non-TV/CD/TS men in the world than there are albino polar bears.

    I still don't see any guys on the street in heels - even modest 1 to 2" ones. It's still very much in the closet and I can't see that changing anytime soon, if ever.

    If the fashion and footwear industries actually pushed this trend what type of high heel shoe do men want marketed to them. Example if Florsheim Shoes took their current line of shoes and offered the line with regular heels or high heels say 2” to 4” would you be interested? Or do you want the footwear companies to make the women’s lines available in men’s sizes.
  2. Hi, What time do the shops stay open until in Oxford Street?

    Yeah, I was thinking the same thing.

    I was actually on the tube yesterday at 5:45ish and thought about getting out at Oxford Circus for a quick snoop around (I have a £50 Faith voucher burning a hole in my pocket for a start!).

    Decided not to as I thought everything would already be closed for the night.

    If there are late opening hours generally, it would be worth knowing for the next time.

  3. Round-toe or almond-shaped for me every time. I don't mind seeing the girls in pointy toes, particularly in smaller shoe sizes. As the size gets larger though, the proportions somehow make the point look too elongated and artificial. That's why I never buy them for myself. At size 7-8 I just don't like the look of them. I had a couple of pairs of pointy-toe kneeboots once but I soon discarded them (this was the pre-Ebay days darnit!)

  4. I would plump for boots over pumps, my preference being for a black 4" stiletto. Ankle or knee height. Not too pointy either. That said, there are some lovely pumps out there at the moment. My buying and wearing habits just haven't progressed into that arena yet. I have been sorely tempted though. There is a siren-call coming out of every branch of New Look at the moment. How long will I be able to resist it? :santa_hat:

  5. Nope. That's as non-sensical as saying that if you put on a pair of wellington boots, you will get an insight into how a farmer thinks/feels or how he relates to his dairy herd. You might, in some way "feel" like a woman while wearing womans shoes (or female attire of some other sort) - more feminine, mannered, graceful, elegant, sexy whatever - but you won't get any closer to knowing what goes on in the minds of the fairer sex.

  6. I had thought of trying something similar using these Velcro pads:-


    Not to hold the edge of long trousers off the floor but to keep them close to the bottom of the heel-tip to maximise opportunities for 'secret' heeling.

    It would probably pull free as soon as you sat down but since it's Velcro it can be restuck as soon as you're on the move again.

    I haven't got around to trying it yet but it should work a treat.

    Maybe I'll give it a trial during the Int. Heel Meet.

  7. Nope, apart from a few seasonal sniffles, I managed to avoid any heavy cold/flu bugs this year (at least I have done so far).

    I wasn't so lucky last xmas & the one before that when I was totally bunged up - hard to enjoy a slap-up turkey dinner with no sense of taste or smell!

    The news today has been all about this Norovirus thing:-


    Sounds nasty! I could do without catching that.

  8. a website would be a great idea. its a long way for some of us to travel to bristol.....

    An Ebay Seller shop would do the trick.

    Very easy to set up and it would open up Mels' business to an international market.

  9. IMO these aren't much better than the crocs themselves...

    I think they are OK actually. Not something I would wear but if I see them on the street I won't mind.

    Whereas, when I see the original Crocs on the street, I want to pull out a flamethrower & burn the wearers' feet off.

  10. Not wanting to take sides here guys but would like to point out that there's a positive aspect to "free" distribution of music.

    Wider distribution through all channels - mates passing out copies, Napster downloads, personal copying of lending library CD's or whatever - leads to an increased fanbase for the artists. The larger fanbase may well then "reimburse" the artists through there longterm support, making many future purchases (media, gig tickets, merchandise, etc.) that they would otherwise never ever have bought!

    This has been my own experience many times over and it's particularly true of artists who have not achieved wide media exposure.

    The Robbie Williams and Kylie Minogues of this world are not going to go hungry through CD copying, whereas up-and-coming artists might never achieve any degree of fame, wealth, success, recognition, etc. unless people obtain free (or cheap) copies of their music.

    This appears to have been recognised by the majority of artists - check out the thousands of MySpace Music pages where their "free" tracks can be listened to as many times as you want.

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