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Posts posted by euchrid

  1. I started with a pair of my sisters shoes. They were fairly ordinary brown, block heeled lace-ups. Just ordinary schoolgirls' shoes really. Not very high (maybe 2 inches), but that was higher than anything I'd ever worn before. They felt amazing though & I used to wear them at every opportunity. I nearly got caught with them once. I got up early one morning, thinking I was the only one up & went to get them out of the airing cupboard in my bedroom for a quick secret try-on. My sister had stopped wearing them at this point & they had been shoved into the cupboard along with various other clothes & junk that was marked for the jumble sale. I found one, but the other was buried towards the back somewhere. As I was groping for it, my mother came out of her bedroom and saw me standing there with my pyjamas on and a single girls' shoe in my hand. I told her that it had just fallen out of the cupboard and I was putting it back. She believed me, I think! The entire cupboard contents was cleared out soon afterwards so it was goodbye to those shoes forever. :santa_hat:

  2. I went shopping last week and got these at Nine West. They were all on sale so I got a great bargain. I really like the boots. They are shiny but have a slight distressed look to them. .

    You're right - those boots are stunning.

    So how much did they actually cost you? Still in the £80-£100 area, i'd guess. Too rich for my high-heels budget! :santa_hat:


  3. My answer is that since my wife doesn't like me in heels, it would be hard to justify high prices for something I will wear indoors only when she isn't around. I also have a family to think of before spending on "luxuries" :santa_hat:

    Same applies for myself.

    It's mostly Matalan & New Look for me at the moment. If money was no object, and if I had good 'wearing' opportunities, I would probably be in those department store Shoe Studios' most weekends.

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