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Posts posted by euchrid

  1. Anyone watch Mrs In-Betweeny on BBC3 last night

    I didn't - it looked pretty naff in the trailer.

    Just checked it out online - can I have those 54.13 minutes back please?

    from thelondonpaper review:-

    "in one hour it includes one death, two arrests, a lesbian romp, a grandmother pleasuring herself with Japanese love-eggs, a pre-op transsexual exposing herself to a headteacher (who’s masturbating in a public loo at the time), a 15-year-old schoolgirl being taught fellatio on a cucumber and a primary-school child distributing penis pictures"

    "Is it a drama? A romp? A comedy? A romp-com-dramady? One thing’s for sure, despite the intriguing set-up, it’s remarkably boring"

    Thank you so much BBC. It's nice to know you are investing those ££££millions of TV licence fees in such quality programming.

  2. Hello high-heeling peeps,

    To follow up on a couple of recent threads, and the popularity of the idea - as expressed by some attendees of the International Heelmeet on 16.02.08 -, I hereby propose a Mini-Heelmeet:-

    Date: Saturday 5th April 08

    Venue: Watford town centre

    My timing suggestion is from mid-afternoon to mid/late evening (say 2:00 til 10:30).

    That allows a few hours for a shopping expedition, plus plenty of post-shopping time for that all-important pub/meal relaxation and some ‘hours of darkness’ heel wearing time.

    If others want to get there a bit earlier/leave earlier – well that’s fine by me also – I’ve simply put the suggestion out there for feedback.

    For those in the know, Watford has a fairly sizable shopping centre, which will be open until 6:00pm (www.theharlequin.uk.com). There’s a few other shops dotted about in and around the high street that might also be worth a visit and there’s the usual selection of pubs & eateries. If anyone has some local knowledge, perhaps they can give us a few pointers on decent watering holes & out of the way places worth checking out.

    Here’s hoping you can make it. ;)

  3. Nah, I don't buy it. All schools have a dress code. The girls would have a enough hard time trying to get away with stilettos, let alone the boys.

  4. I'm really keen, and I can see this idea unfortunately slipping away with trying - possibly too hard - to get all interested parties together. [Trying to please everyone, and actually pleasing no-one?]

    I've very little experience of trying to help organise such a widely spread group. How has it been done before? A poll with a matrix of choices, with the highest count being the one used for time and location?


    I'm also keen as mustard for some mini-meets to happen this year.

    We had a couple last year that I 'sort of' organised.

    (Reading & Bluewater: The threads are probably still accessible if you want to see who did what & when)

    As I recall, all I did was make a suggestion (of venue + month). The actual date was then decided on the basis of whether enough people were interested & could make it.

    I prefer to meet up on a weekday myself, as weekends are usually booked up with family stuff. A weekend meet is probably workable as well though if there's enough notice.

    If no one else had kicked off with a suggestion/invitation by end of this week, I was going to post one myself at the weekend. I'm happy for someone else to start the ball rolling this time though.

    Just stick your head out of the minaret and start chanting! ;)

  5. They are hopeless. Just think about how many stunning, classy, well-designed, well made and (most importantly) wearable "real" shoes you could buy for that amount of money! What would you prefer - one pair of those in your wardrobe or the dozen+ pairs of Prada's, Louboutin's, Miu Miu's, Manolo Blahnik's and Geiger's you could have instead.

  6. My wife totally hates the idea of me wearing anything to do with women's shoes. She doesn't want me to even think about it. Not even for a second.

    Mine is the same unfortunately. Last Saturday evening, after arriving home from the 2008 HeelMeet, I gave my wife a brief and watered-down description of how it went, what went on, etc.

    She was horrified to hear that I had taken a pair of stiletto-heeled boots with me and had sat in the Miller drinking a pint (or two! ;) ) while wearing them.

    (I didn't mention that i'd also gone for a stroll down Oxford Street in them :cool1: )

    Anyway, we then got into a discussion as to why I "do it". I couldn't really answer that question but I mentioned various factors and pointed out the double-standards in society over what woman can wear on their feet (i.e. anything they like) vs. what us men can wear (a narrow range of dull, functional items) and so on but it was all to no avail - she remained unhappy/uncomfortable with the idea. Then I asked her a question:-

    "Is it the heels that are the problem? Would you be comfortable with this if I was wearing flat-soled womans shoes or a pair of womans trainers?"

    Her answer was "Absolutely not" - which I found very interesting. It indicated that she hasn't got a specific dislike with me wearing blatently female items of footwear - it's with me wearing anything that isn't a 'male' garment. The thought of it somehow diminishes my male-ness in her eyes (or her mind).

    I know that this is a deep-rooted, subconcious feeling that she has, so there's no way to convince her otherwise.

    I can't see us ever getting to the situation that Heel-D, Johnieheel, thedesigner and other HHP guys enjoy with their partners. I just have to let things continue as they are and hope that she will come to realise in time that this is just something harmless which does not and won't ever affect our day-to-day relationship.

    As Frank Spencer used to assert - "I'm a Man, betty!"

    I shall have to start doing the same!

  7. As for what's keeping me away, it's me. I'd like to meet some of you guys, and would like to participate in heels too, but I guess I'm just not ready to take that step yet.


    I may well be your nearest (non-lurking) HHP neighbour & I'd be happy to assist you in an introduction to the HeelMeeting crowd.

    Drop me a Private Message sometime if you want to get together for an extra-mini-meet somewhere low-key where we're both anonymous and can get lost in the crowds (like, er... Bletchley?).

    Failing that, keep a lookout for me in MK Shopping Centre - i'll probably be that shifty looking bloke skulking about in the New Look shoe dept. ;)

  8. I was one of the berks from Bucks! :cool1:

    Yep, Lakeside or Bluewater would be good for me.

    Watford or Camden would be good also - easier/quicker for me to get to them than the others actually.

    Some other places were also mooted - Stevenage? Uxbridge?

    I'd be game for those, although I know little about them. Do they have large shopping precincts & decent outdoor areas?

    If no one else has proposed a date/venue by end of this month, I'll 'stick a marker down'.

    A day in April seemed to be popular. It would probably have to be sometime in the first 2 weeks of April for me if it's a weekend meet.

    Any chance this idea could be progressed?

    I know of at least 3 of us in the Herts area. At least one other in Milton Keynes, one or two more in Bucks (or was it Berks? ;))

    I'm sure there's a couple of members in North London too. Watford seems central ... But I'm up for a 30-40 mile journey in any direction.

  9. My testimonial and recollections of the 2008 HeelMeet:- I enjoyed the whole thing and thought that it all went extremely well. From the details posted beforehand, I expected there was to be a tightly-run programme of events throughout the day. That wasn't the case and it was more of a free-form affair with the usual drinking, circulating & socialising. Absolutely fine by me though, as that's what I was there for. That said, I did try on a few of Dr Shoe's 'bring & buy stall' items. A couple of pairs fit me pretty good but they were too fetishistic for me to consider making an offer on them. I enjoyed all the meeting & chatting with new members and the 'heelmeet virgins' that attended, as well as saying hello to some long time members that I hadn't had the pleasure of meeting before. I chickened out of the group photos. Again. Next time I shall be more prepared and will bring a balaclava with me (or a cap & sunglasses at least). There was some excitement on Bladerunners' departure – I accompanied him to the adjacent NCP carpark for a quick viewing of some surplus-to-requirements footwear in his car. Both of us strolled out of the Miller in our highly visible 4" stiletto heeled boots (mine £16 from Schuh; his £130+ from Vivienne Westwood!). Just as we turned the first corner, a posse of approx. 10 hoodies suddenly appeared heading directly towards us. "Shall we leave it?" says Bladerunner. "Nah, let's just go for it!" says I. This, BTW, was my first ever full-daylight, public place, street-heeling experience! We sauntered past the posse. One of their number took a sideways glance at our footwear. Nothing else happened though. Kind of disappointing in a way! On my way back from the carpark, I had to walk by a couple of other people. No idea whether they noticed anything unusual as I click-click-clicked past them both. Nothing was said and the police weren't called out to investigate so no drama at all really. Following an enjoyable afternoon drinking, snacking, swapping experiences and finding common ground with the other guys, events were enlivened by the arrival of two Miller bar girls. Their reactions to a pub full of stiletto heel wearing guys were totally cool. One girl even tried on a few of Dr Shoes’ sale items and posed for photos in them. As the day drew to a close, the usual dilemma arose – whether to join up with those heading for an evening meal or to hit the shops on Oxford Street. I chose the latter as I still feel that the shoe shopping trip forms an essential element of a heelmeet. I also thought I’d probably end up staying out long past my curfew time if I went somewhere for more sitting, talking & drinking. Shakedown & I headed for the tube and hit the Oxford Street crowds for a quick look around. This resulted in another first for me - - - 7:00pm shopping in and around the Oxford Street department stores whilst wearing 4" stiletto boots. I really enjoyed it, particularly the pavement excursions. Were there any reactions to this bizarre & unusual sight? Well actually, I only spotted two:- 1. A security man in Debenhams who’s eyes alighted on, and remained glued to, my footwear as I walked past him. His face was absolutely blank; it was as though he was at a complete loss in processing the visual information presented to him. 2. Three teenage girls outside Selfridges who followed closely behind us, nudging & whispering to each other. As we slowed down (we'd decided to go back in the opposite direction), they passed by and one of them cast a curious look back in my direction. I caught her eye and smiled at her and she looked away quickly as though embarrassed about something! ;) I also tried on some cheap plastic knee boots in an asian-owned discount clothing store. I had a sales chap fetch them in my size. When he re-appeared, I asked "have you got anywhere I can try them on". He said follow me, led me back upstairs and pointed to a footstool next to the shop entrance! I'm getting braver but I've not reached that level yet matey! So, despite my loud declaration during the heelmeet to (a) stop buying cheap plastic stuff and (:cool1: stop buying knee boots, I went straight ahead and bought them for £15. D'oh! Anyway, here’s looking forward to the 2009 Heel-Meet and hopefully a good many mini-meets before that one.

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