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Posts posted by euchrid

  1. I'm at Milton Keynes this Sunday. (Tomorrow.) Coffee anyone? :thumbsup:


    I'm also in MK tomorrow actually.

    Would be excellent to grab a coffee with you (either or both of you!) but not sure if it will be logistically feasible:-

    My wife is doing the Race for Life thing at Campbell Park (starts at 11:00).

    When the 'Race' is underway, I shall be doing a quick shop with my daughter then meeting up with the missus again for a bit of family shopping & a Muck-Donalds lunch before heading off. This has all been planned (by her indoors) for months so any change of plans suggestions on my part will most likely result in two items precious to me being removed with rusty pruning shears.

    Fastfreddy2 - I have your mobile no. & will call or text if a window of opportunity should show itself. Will also 'keep em peeled' for you as I wander about the place.

    I'm still very much up for it in respect of a proper shopping trip.

    a lack of free time at weekends + school half-term hols + a backlog at work has been putting it on hold thus far.

    <actually, I like the scent of Old Spice very much! :smile: >

  2. A man goes into a pub, and the barmaid asks what he wants.

    'I want to bury my face in your cleavage and lick the sweat from between your breasts' he says.

    'You dirty git' shouts the barmaid, 'get out before I fetch my husband.'

    The man apologises and promises not to repeat his gaffe.

    The barmaid accepts this and asks him again what he wants.

    'I want to pull your pants down, spread yoghurt between the cheeks of your arse and lick it all off' he says.

    'You dirty filthy pervert. You're barred. Get out.' she storms.

    Again the man apologises and swears never ever to do it again.

    'One more chance' says the barmaid. 'Now what do you want?'

    'I want to turn you upside down, fill your lady garden with Guinness, and then drink every last drop.'

    The barmaid is furious at this personal intrusion, and runs upstairs to fetch her husband, who's sitting quietly watching the telly.

    'What's up, Love?' he asks.

    'There's a man in the bar who wants to put his head between my breasts and lick the sweat off' she says.

    'I'll kill him. where is he?' storms the husband.

    'Then he said he wanted to pour yoghurt down between my arse cheeks And lick it off' she screams.

    'Right. He's dead' says the husband, reaching for a cricket bat.

    'Then he said he wanted to turn me upside down, fill my lady garden with Guinness and then drink it all' she cries.

    The husband puts down his bat and returns to his armchair, and switches the telly back on.

    Aren't you going to do something about it?' she cries hysterically.

    'Look love - I'm not messing with someone who can drink 12 pints of Guinness...

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