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Posts posted by Francis

  1. Get the idea that this person is a non-shoe-lover? I mean, how many times have we heard this argument before? Might be time to dispel a few myths. How they can say that heal wearers suffer back problems, etc. is beyond me, when so many people have found their posture improved by the same 'device of torture' they are condemning. I won't go into the corset side of the debate as I cannot vouch for much on that subject, but to all those 'experts' out there that reckon that high heeled shoes are hazardous to your health, I say "go buy a pair and find out for yourself"

  2. there's nothing like trying them on in stores. if you're a little nervous, don't be, the sales people are there to help you. they want a sale from you regardless of what you are buying and will bend over backwards to assist, especially if they are commission based :smile: when you done it once, you'll want to do it again. in the end you'll wonder why you were nervous in the first place

  3. Well, in one weeks time, work will begin in ernest to continue with my latest layout, due to have it's debut in June at Desborough, Northants. I say work as it's present condition is simply baseboards and track. Rear fiddle yard is yet to be laid and the two front parts have yet to be electrified. Platforms have been cut and are ready to be fitted, then faced and weathered before ballasting can begin. The main part of the layout is 8' x 4' with an 8' x 2'6" fiddle, but there is a hell of a long way to go. I reckon I should have running complete with rear wall and station building by June. Then all the curved platform canopies are to be scratchbuilt. When I give myself a project I always seem to throw myself in the deep end. The name of this layout is "Eckerslike". Why, you ask. Well if someone was to ask if the layout is based on a location or if something took ages to construct, the answer would be "did it heck as like" :smile: I like unique names!!

  4. Bonsai trees can be found in most climates, both in and out of doors. I remember seeing one of an oak tree. The down side was that the leaves and acorns where of nearly normal size which sort of marred the whole effect, but a good effort of the behalf of the owner. From what I know of bonsai, it's more a case of knowing how and where to tie and trim. I could be wrong. As a crossover, I saw a garden railway in OO scale that utilised bonsai trees rather than the usual dwarf conifers that proliferate this type of railway and the effect was fantastic. An exhibition layout had a few on as well as running water! Real water! well I'm off. I still haven't tortured myself enough for my last post :smile:

  5. The model railway club I frequent has just gained lottery funding for a 5" and 3.5" gauge outside line. This also includes some ride on stock. We shall begin groundbreaking in spring

    One the subject of using an 08 shunter, maybe someone should do that and call them 'training' heels :smile:

    Sorry! That was bad! I'm off now to torture myself! B)


    Posted ImageQapla'

    <font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Francis on 2002-01-30 12:19 ]</font>

  6. It's amazing how much stuff is made in China these days. I know that there was a little factory in Diamond Hill, Kowloon that made shirts for Harrods. On a good day, you could buy straight from them before they put the Harrods label in at a tenth of the retail price. Very handy as I was still at school then. There must be the factories churning out shoes and boots somewhere in the old territory of Hong Kong. I know there was two in Shatin and one in Tai Po Kau. Whether they are still there is another thing.

  7. I notice that a lot as well. and judging by the amount of viewings that some threads get, you would have thought that more would have been posted. Oh well! If they don't wanna talk, but just lurk in the shadows, then there's not a great deal we can do about them. Someone will eventually break the ice for them and we'll have a torrent of messages :smile: Here's to wishing B)

  8. I have also posted on the Trisha chat board, only to find that Firefox had posted his part 1.5 mins earlier. Talk about thinking alike :smile: Neither of us have posted a link back to this forum as we would prefer to gauge reaction rather than be overwhelmed by any bigots from the other board. I'm sure most of us would not like this to happen. Firefox posted as a wearer and I posted as doing a study into men wearing heels. The results should be very interesting. Perhaps the double entry will grab more people's attentions. Time will tell.

  9. for starters: Venus In Furs - Velvet Underground The Low Spark of The High-heeled Boy - Traffic New Boots and Panties - Ian Dury and the Blockheads Kinky Boots - Patrick McNee and Honour Blackman These Boots Are Made For Walking - Nancy Sinatra Hell On High Heels - Motley Crue any more takers?

  10. Well we missed the Model Railway Show in the Docklands over the heely weekend :smile: but then I don't think the non-railway people would have enjoyed us drooling over what they consider lumps of plastic.

    Plus there's no heels !!


    Posted ImageQapla'

    <font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Francis on 2002-01-29 21:06 ]</font>

  11. Had a great time! Thank guys! I arrived a little late to the gathering and had to catch up with everyone in Camden. After sorting out introductions we completed the first task of the day. Liquid refreshments :smile: Then it was off to raid the shoe shops up and down Camden's main road. Steve buying a pair which proceeded to wear for the rest of the day. Highluc purchasing no less than 3 pairs to add to the 2 pairs he bought at Lakeside. May be time to build an extension to that shoe closet B) A walk in the arcade section of Camden revealed a few delights. One shop sporting many interesting features. The most interesting that Xaphod and I found was a woman had was dressed a mistress wearing a tight corset that must have brought her waist to about 20-22 inches. Xaphod mused that it might be 18. Pity she had an attitude about photographs :sad: If you're reading this missy, I shall expect a photo next time. Leaving Camden, we headed off for Oxford Road and the various shops down there. I was going to do a complete shock factor stunt and buy this pair of bright pink leather thigh high boots and wear them over my trousers, but they didn't have my size in stock :sad: It would have been fun. Then off to High Street, Kensington where we all piled in to Sacha's to be greeted warmly by the staff. Patrik bought a pair of blue and purple boots, we know he really wanted a black pair, but he succumb and bought them anyway B) Then we had a quick look at one more shop before invading Pizza Hut for much needed food and drink. Much chatting was done on various subjects. Heels, cars and computers were all talked about. Some of us have more in common than we thought :roll: Patrik tried his best to attempt to drown in Pepsi, but admitted defeat after 5 or 6 glasses :lol: Upon exiting Pizza Hut, I made my apologies and my goodbyes to head off to the tube and my train home. Well it was 8:30 and I had promised to be back between 8 and 9. Not that the wife was worried :smile: Gained a few strange looks from a few people on the return journey. I had worn my 3" for the most of the day and changed into my 4" later and kept them on all the way home. Don't mind leisurely walking in my 4", but for long distance I prefer my 3"s. But I think that Xaphod did his best to "kill a few brain cells" with his boots and I reckon he succeeded in managing to kill off more than he thought :lol: My apologies to Calv and Xaphod for not saying goodbye upon departure and also to Richie who turned up last minute. Sorry I didn't get an opportunity to natter, but will next time :smile:

  12. Everybody has 'deep and dark' reasons for everything in life and for some those reasons should stay hidden. As for 'forbidden', did you not take into account that heels were originally designed for men and women alike. So your case of them being gender specific would seem to lose some of it's validity. I wear heels on a daily basis for practical reasons. If my mood is light hearted and jovial I will wear my 4" boots, otherwise it's the standard 3" for daily use. I still wear flat shoes on occasion when the situation dictates. So, for me, there is no hidden deep, dark reason for wearing heels. I suppose for some there may be the sexual excitement that was experienced in their earlier years when bringing their interest to the fore. Indeed, women even experience the same 'rush' when first trying heels and it's not age specific either. I had 3 teenage girls literally drooling over my footwear collection and they couldn't wait to try them all on. One of them wanted to see me walk in my thigh highs with 6" heel (no plat) but because I didn't take a pair of shorts with me, I declined. This point was soon rectified when the eldest ran upstairs and grabbed a skirt for me to wear instead. Sexual excitement does play a part in everybody's development and heels are another stage of this ongoing process. Trends are changing and having a hidden agenda for doing something deemed forbidden is losing the shock factor that it once had making it easier for things like men wearing heels to become easier for the masses. All trends start off small and then become mainstream. Take a completely unrelated passtime such as bungee jumping. How long ago was it that people started to engage in this dangerous activity? Now look at it, people don't see it as strange that others attached a giant elastic band to their bodies and then hurl themselves of a high platform to what would most likely be their death if it weren't for this device attached. Do they have a deep, dark reason for doing it? Or maybe they just wanted to. I'm lecturing now, aren't I? I best stop now before I end up writing a whole book on the subject :smile:

  13. I agree with that I see these shoes regularly as they are always on sale at the local warehouse. Of course I can get them at trade price, but I still wouldn't buy any of them.

  14. we can only hope but they'll probably end up doing some computerised stand in or a bit of transplanting in the same manner of the DS9 episode "Trials and Tribblations" where the Defiant went back in time and the timeline coincides with TOS episode "Trouble with Tribbles". It would be great if they tie the loose ends together to try and make the Star Trek universe run almost seamlessly.

  15. I agree that most american stock has better running qualities, but the british outline stock has improved a lot. I've got two bachmann diesels (class 08 and a class 25) that will give your american diesels a run for your money. Them and a 4MT tank and a Ivatt 2MT tank. Bachmann, who also make american stock, are updating all drive systems to include standard american model practice of all wheel pickup and all wheel drive. Indeed I have 8 multiple units that also feature this system along with directional lighting. On a plus, the 25, 08 and 4MT tank are also DCC ready :smile: Running qualities are good on all my stock and a feedback controller is a must as an aid to slow starting. I know about your bus fetish, Calv B) why do you think I keep dropping hints about Cavalcade B) I do have a few bus models, again in OO scale, the oldest example being a Leyland Atlantean in Salford City Transport livery.

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