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Posts posted by Thighbootguy

  1. I was about to reply that the only “nice boots” complements I get are from women, and I do get some of those, but I looked back through the Thighboots in Public thread and found two posts where guys had said “nice boots”. One was a guard at an Art Museum in Florida and the other was a guard at the Indianapolis Art Museum. The guards at the Cincinnati Museum greet me like a long lost friend but I don’t recall them ever complementing my boots.

  2. I was driving home from work Friday night (45 min. of expressway) when a truck passed me and I notices the rear wheels were making a lot of noise and had a minor wiggle. There was a phone number on the back of the truck so I called the truck line. The transferred me to the safety department and I told them about the truck and gave them its number. They said they would have the driver stop and check it. Three miles later the truck pulled off the road and I pulled off with him to tell him what I had seen and heard. The trucker had walked to the back of the truck as I was getting out of my car. Only then did I realize I was wearing black leather pull on thigh boots with 4” stilettos and that may catch the driver by surprise. I waved and introduced myself as the person who called and told him what I had seen. I took a minute for him to find a tire that was starting to come apart. He thanked me (shook my hand) and said he would immediately have it replaced and I headed back to my car. Not one mention of boots or any reaction at all. I think he was too worried about the tire.

  3. Driving in heels has never been a problem. It took a few minutes to make sure I had the geometry right (could find the pedals) but after that, I do it all the time. Whenever I travel I wear thigh boots with 5” stilettos with no platform. I have never worn platforms but I think they would be more of a challenge to driving than heels. I echo the comment from Happyfeet about the damage you get to the right heel.

  4. Yeah, how can I try a pair of pumps like in front of dozens of people?

    Simple. Sit down, take them out of the box, put your foot in. Its all a matter in having confidence in yourself. From the clerks point of view, a sale is a sale.

    One tip on wearing hose (at least with boots) is to leave an extra inch of material loose around your toes. When the boots slides on your foot, it tends to grab the hose and your foot slides inside the hose rather then the hose sliding inside the boot. This can cause the hose to cramp your toes even if there is room in the box.

  5. First Welcome to the Forum.

    One other option you might try is a pair of leather thigh boots like Ellie 8899 which is a classic thigh boot. They have a 5” heel but I find them more comfortable and easy to walk in than boots with a 4” heel. Since they are leather boots, wearing hose is not a requirement. I wear trouser sox most of the time with mine.

    I’m sure you have discovered that wearing heels takes practice and more practice. Once you can walk in them then wearing them out take confidence and more confidence.


  6. One last museum trip for the year. I went over wearing a black turtleneck, tan suede jacket, jeans and blue thigh boots with 5” stiletto heels. The parking lot was packed which means there is some hope for the art community in Cincinnati. I had to park in the back of the Museum and go in the back entrance. The guard had to show me the stairs to the main floor. I walked in to the main hall of the Museum from the stairway and, judging from the looks on their faces, caught several folks by surprise. I headed up to the second floor and picked up a stool and went to work sketching. A lot of folks walked by. Some bothered to notice some didn’t. I got a couple of smiles but for the moist part this was a more conservative crowd than is normally at the Museum and I think a guy in thigh boots with heels was something new to them. I moved to a different gallery and chatted with some folks about the paintings. I moved into another gallery and did the same thing. It is surprising how accepting folks are when you talk to them about something they are interested in, even when your wearing thigh boots. As I was leaving the Museum, I had to walk through the main hall which was being set up for a wedding. The male half of the wedding party was there in a group and I did notice that all conversation stopped when I walked past. It must have been the collars on their tuxes were a little too tight. :santa_hat: I vanished down the stairs only to run into the other half of the wedding party and got a similar reaction. Oh well, the guards bid me a pleasant afternoon and I walked out to my car. After the Museum I went to Sam’s for a little shopping. Other than a few glances there was little reaction. I’ve been wearing thigh boots with heels for a while now and I have started to notice that I really do consider them to be just another pair of shoes and wearing them isn’t that big of a deal. I still am not complacent about where I go so I still realize that everybody doesn’t see things as I do, but they really are becoming just another pair of shoes.

  7. Yesterday was a Museum day. I finally found the time to go back over to the Art Museum. I went over wearing a dark blue turtleneck, jeans, and black leather pull on thigh boots with 4” stiletto heels. The parking lot was almost full so I got to walk in from the back of the lot. I don’t thing there was s special event, just a lot of folks enjoying the Museum. I did get reactions that were different from what I normally get. Most of the time folks just give a quick glance and keep on going (or occasional smile) today I got the glances but they were then followed by disapproving looks. I don’t know if it was a different crowd or something I was doing but the reactions were different. As I mentioned, it had been a while since I had been to the museum. Two of the guards and one of the receptionists went out of their way to greet me and ask where I had been. They all noted it had been a long time since I had been to the Museum. I said I was embarrassed about that but had just run out of time. They really seemed genuinely glad to see me (boots and all). For the car buffs, the Museum had a 1964 Ferrari 421P on display. Bright yellow and still looking like ti was ready to take off.

  8. I went shopping at Sam’s yesterday wearing a black turtleneck, jeans, and black leather pull on thigh boots with 4” stiletto heels. I had time so I wandered around a bit. As usual a few heads turned but that was it. I did notice another lady wearing a pair of brown leather over the knee boots with a lot of fur at the top and straps and buckles running around the shaft. They looked like 4 ½” arrow wedge heels. She needed some more practice in walking in them but they were striking. She was with her SO who looked like he might be a football line backer (for the non US football folks, that means he was big) so any comments had to be made judiciously. I said, “Excuse me, but those (indicating her boots) are neat.” She looked surprised but said, “Thanks.” I’m not sure if the surprise was because I said anything at all, or a guy wearing boots that were taller than hers said something, or that anyone said anything to her at all with her SO around. In the parking lot some other folks (father daughter) had bought a mattress and frame and were trying to load it into a pick up truck. I asked if they needed any help and they said they said they did. I’m sure they noticed my boots but I was willing to help. We loaded the truck and bid each other a good evening. Doing an unexpected kindness is part of the fun. Another fun outing.

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  9. The weather has cooled off a bit and it has made a leather skirt and turtleneck comfortable to wear. I went shopping tonight after work wearing a medium length black leather skirt, black turtleneck, a tan suede jacket and black leather pull on thigh boots with 4” stiletto heels. My first stop was the Sam’s where I normally shop. A few heads turned and there were a few looks of surprise but that was all. The next stop was Pet’s Mart to get some cat food. Again there was a little surprise but nothing negative. The last stop was Walgreen’s Drug store and the reaction was the same. Part of what was going on was the attitude I tried to project. I gave no opening for someone to think I wasn’t doing exactly what I wanted to do or that there wasn’t anything wrong with it. I think I like the look of a shorter skirt with hose and thigh boots but like I said, it has cooled off a bit and the longer skirt was comfortable. I had a great time.

  10. Bootylicious -

    Congratulations on winning the head game we are all playing. :smile: It is really all a matter of believing (really believing) you are not doing anything wrong and projecting confidence in what you are doing. I am starting to conclude that experiencing that win is the only way to understand it was a head game all along. Having a supporting group around, as you have described your co-workers helps a lot, but most people really don’t care.

    By the way the boots do look great and I’m looking forward to reading more of your posts.

    I started a thread Boots at Work that you might find interesting. I do make a distinction about what I wear at work and when I’m not at work. We do have a dress code that expects appropriate business attire but so far no one (managers included) have said anything about my wearing boots at work.

  11. I spent another afternoon working at a friend of mines house in Portsmouth Ohio. When I was working I wore a black turtleneck, gray exercise pants and black leather thigh boots with flat heels. When I was traveling to and from Portsmouth (about a 2 hour trip) I wore changed to a denim skirt and black leather pull on thigh boots with 4” stiletto heels.

    On the way down I stopped in a big Goodwill (thrift) store and wandered around for a while. The place was packed with shoppers and I did turn a few heads but no one seemed to care that I was wearing boots and a skirt. I tries on a couple of coats but didn’t see anything I really wanted.

    On the way home, I stopped at the Goodwill in Portsmouth (while I was still wearing the flat heeled boots and pants) but after wandering around for a few minutes I headed back home.

    When I got to the East side of Cincinnati, I stopped at a Sam’s I had never been to before. I was wearing the denim skirt, black hose and heeled boots and I put on a high wasted denim jacket. I thought the outfit looked rather nice. Most of the shoppers didn’t seem too care (or notice). A few heads turned and one guy turned and stared as I walked by. :smile: Since this was a new store I had to ask a clerk where some stuff was. He didn’t seem to be bothered by talking to a guy in a skirt and boots.

    At the checkout, the register clerk was a really cute young lady who didn’t want to be deal with a guy dressed as I was. I saw her notice the skirt and boots and register a bit of disapproval but she didn’t say a thing. She just concluded our transaction as quickly as possible. I didn’t bother to try to talk to her.

    A few days ago I stopped at the Sam’s where I normally shop, also wearing a similar skirt and the same boots. Other than a few customer’s glances, it was just another shopping trip.

    Dressing the way you want is something that, done with care, you can do. I really love wearing thigh boots and I’m starting to enjoy a skirt more and more. I do keep fighting becoming complacent about where I go but,with that caution, I’m having a great time.

    demoniaplatforms - Thanks for the kind words. :wave:

    jimc - I’ll put in a second for the picture request.

  12. I haven’t had the opportunity to go out too much lately but I made up for it yesterday. I went out wearing a pair of gray exercise pants (loose fitting but lots of stretch) a gray T-shirt, tan suede leather jacket and black leather pull on thigh boots with 4” stiletto heels. I went to Lowe’s hardware and Bigg’s grocery.

    At Lowe’s I was looking for an electrical switch that, it turned out, they didn’t have in stock. That meant I was in the electrical department for a while and getting help from several clerks. I got a couple of looks at my boots from the other customers but other than that, the clerks treated me as a customer (not to be harassed). I did notice that a couple of heads turned as I walked across the parking lot going into and coming out of the store. Most of the attention was from young kids with their parents. However, one look from a lady, was, of what I thought to be, despair (as in what is the world coming to if he can dress like that). But no one said a word.

    At Bigg’s I was wandering around looking for my stuff and I did overhear a few OMGs from several matriarchs of the family groups I passed. For the most part everyone paid little or no attention. There was one exception, however, A very attractive lady, who was with her husband, saw me out of the corner of her eye and turned to look (three times). She was wearing a sweater, tight jeans and brown leather knee high boots with 2-3” stiletto heels and really looked sharp. I think she was surprised to see someone else wearing boots with stiletto heels at the grocery, and more surprised that it was a guy. It was that or the fact that my boots were higher than hers and, if her husband hadn’t been there, she would have asked me where I had gotten them.

    Both were fun shopping trips.

    Last night I went to another concert. This is two concerts in two months which is significant because I haven't been able to go to concerts for several years. This one was at a neighborhood arts center in Fairfield Ohio. They had a guitarist, Keith Knight performing in a 250 seat (small) theater. I got a ticket in the fourth row that was 25 feet away from the performer! I hadn’t been to this theater before and wasn’t too sure how far I could go so I took two pair of boots with me. I was wearing a black turtleneck, a tan sleeveless jacket, and blue jeans. After looking things over, I judged the neighborhood to be progressive enough to be tolerant, I decided to wear my blue leather thigh boots with 5” stilettos. :smile:

    I started with my boots cuffed to knee high just in case I had read things wrong. It was night time and I had never been to the theater before so after parking I managed to walk to the wrong building and had to walk back about two blocks to the theater. I walked in and got in line for my ticket. Several folks noticed (6’5” in heels) my boots but didn’t seem to care so before I entered the theater, I pulled my boots up to full height. A couple of heads turned when I walked in and was seated down front but no one seemed to care. I chatted with the folks in the adjacent seats about the theater and guitar playing and then enjoyed the concert.

    After the show I walked back out into the lobby with the rest of the crowd and headed back to my car. I did catch my reflection in the glass doors as I was leaving (looked good) and also saw that no one in the crowd seemed to be paying any attention to the guy in thigh boots.

    I’ll add this place to my “places to go” list. :silly:

    Bubba136 -

    Describing me as “your attitude and the image you project - a not shy, early middle aged, slightly balding, slightly gray haired male - might be interpreted by some as your being somewhat "eccentric.", is one of the most accurate things anyone has said about me in a long time. Thanks. :wave:

  13. I haven’t fallen while wearing heels (5") but I have had a few miss steps. Several times I have had a heel kick out from under me while I was walking on a freshly waxed floor in a supermarket. Each time it happened it was a reminder that it was time to go to the cobbler and replace the heel tips. The other recurring incident is when I’m getting into my car. I manage to catch a heel on the bottom of the door opening when I’m putting my foot in. When this happens I manage to tumble into the drivers seat. Since I’m on the way down anyway (gravity being what it is), there isn’t a lot I can do about it except to try to crash gracefully.

  14. Thanks for posting the Pictures. I really like the “boots and jeans” look on you and, your right, those are great looking boots and you look good wearing them! Remember to practice walking in those boots until it becomes natural.

    One more sermon then I’ll get off my soap box.

    “how I would love to be able to wear them outside, shopping and just going out and about - with skinny jeans to really show the boots off - I just cannot see that society will ever see this as the norm though!!”

    Now that you have posted some pictures, that’s as good as looking in a full length mirror. Do YOU like what you see? Are YOU comfortable being seen dressed in thigh boots with heels? Notice, I didn’t ask what you thought “society” would think about it. Society is just a bunch of other folks (most of whom don’t wear thigh boots) that you are letting dictate what the acceptable is. The real key decision is “Do I look in good in thigh boots with heels?”, and that is a decision only YOU can make.

    I really do like the look of boots and jeans on me and I don’t let what “sociery” collectively thinks about it bother me. After I have been to a place a couple of time, and the folks there get used to seeing me, it really is no big deal.

    I may sound like I’m pushing but it seems a shame to hide a great looking pair of boots like yours. Consider trying this, go to a mall, museum, large store, … that is away from where you normally go. That takes away the “what if someone I know sees me” problem. Pick a descent location where folks behave in a reasonable manner. Wear your boots over your jeans and go shopping or museuming. The hardest thing you will do is getting out of the car. After you step out, give yourself a few seconds to come to grips with the fact that you really are doing this and settle down a bit. Once you have done that just walk in like you own the place. You may get a whistle or hoot but that rarely happens to me. You will have the time of your life. People really don’t care what you wear and will accept most anything (especially if they think you are going to spend money).

    This really is a head game. You have to have enough confidence in yourself that you can wear thigh boots with heels and really present them as just a good looking pair of boots and it’s normal for you to wear them. If you can do that, go for it and you will have a ball.

  15. “probably be easier with the dark nights approaching” Nope, going someplace dark is not the way to do this.

    First, practice walking in your boots until it feels natural.

    Second, pick an outfit that looks good with your boots. Jeans with a nice shirt and jacket (coat) always goes well.

    Third, with that outfit and your boots on, look at yourself in a full length mirror and make sure you are comfortable with what you are seeing. If you are not comfortable, don’t go out. If you think the image in the mirror is great, head on out to a crowded place where you are comfortable.

    The key to the whole thing is being comfortable with what you are doing. When you’re comfortable, you can be confident. If you are confident, the rest of the world will recognize it and give you your space. If you aren’t confident the rest of the world will have fun at your expense.

    When I started going out I liked to maintain some anonymity so I went to public places where no one knew me. However, after a few outings, folks recognized the guy in boots and I found I had an even better time. The thing about public places rather than dark ones is a matter of your own safety. If your not sure about a place, don’t go in wearing thigh boots until you are sure it’s a safe place to be (boots or not).

    In all honesty, Thighboot Guy and I do have separate life styles. There are places I don’t go as Thighboot Guy and I don’t have a problem with that. But, there are lots of places I do go as Thighboot Guy and I have a ball doing it.

    Enjoy your boots!

  16. Welcome to the forum! Those are great looking boots. Get comfortable wearing them (both mentally and physically) then don’t be afraid to wear them outside. It would be a shame to hide a great looking pair of boots. Enjoy the forum and your boots.

  17. Now that the weather has cooled off a bit (at least in the northern hemisphere), I have been wearing boots at work all the time. I was wondering if anyone else has used the cool weather as a good excuse for wearing boots? I have three pair that I wear at work. All are leather knee high, in blue, brown and black, with a 2” block heel, and I wear them under my slacks. I’m not ready to wear 5” stilettos to work and no one here is ready for that either. I have gotten a couple of looks at my boots and the only comment was that I was a little taller but no one seems to care. I’m having a great time ( I really do like the work I do ) wearing boots all day.

  18. I saw this poll a couple of days ago and wanted to think about it before I responded. I came down on the male in heels side. I do occasionally wear a skirt in public with thigh boots but I don’t try to pass as a female even though, at a good distance, I might give that impression. And yes, I enjoy doing that or I wouldn’t do it. I think the handle I picked a few years ago, “Thighbootguy” is still appropriate. My favorite look is still thighboots and jeans. For years I have recognized there are is a male and female side of me that co-exist and I take advantage of both of them. The female side is the creative side and the male side liked to make machinery work. Since my trade is computer programming, I use both sides all the time. After writing that last paragraph, I realized I was thinking of sides as left and right where it might be more appropriate to think in terms of in and out.


  19. There is also a big difference is wearing a 5” heel on a size 8 than a similar heel on a size 14. Shoe designers try to keep the proportions of the shoe in scale but by the time you get to large sizes there is only so much they can do. My 5” heel is on a size 14 and is very comfortable but the same heel (or even a 4”) on a size 8 would require a much sharper angle in the ankle. You didn’t tell us what size you or your wife wears but if her size is significantly smaller than yours; her 3.5” may be more difficult than your 5”. Or it might be that your ankle is more flexible than hers. If she says a 3.5” is her limit, she probably has a good reason for that opinion. Like I said, heels are for looks not pain.:smile:

  20. In the classic words of an IT geek, it all depends. As some have pointed out, the labeled height of a heel varies depending on the size of the shoe/boot and the manufacture (and the phase of the moon and the alignment of the planets). As others have mentioned there is a difference in each person’s physical geometry that dictates the limit of the heel height they can manage. And as always, practice, practice and more practice is the real key to wearing heels well. Walking in heels should look and feel natural. If it doesn’t and you can’t straighten your knee when you’re standing, the heel is too high (for now). There is a noticeable difference between a 4” heel and a 5” heel. But there is a BIG difference between a 5” heel and a 6” or 7” heel. I can walk very comfortably in a 5” heel but a 5.5” starts to feel awkward and I can’t straighten my knee in a 6”. I recommend you practice with a 5” heel for a while until it really is natural, then move to a 5.5” rather than a 6” or 7”. If the 5.5” is comfortable, move on up but don’t try to push the height farther than is comfortable and allows natural walking. I think wearing heels should be about liking the look and enjoying the feel rather than about enduring pain.

  21. Folks – Thanks for the comments.

    I don’t go to any mall that often but when I have, I have never been approached by the mall sellers. I thought it was significant that three made the effort to talk to a guy wearing a skirt and boots (the third wanted to sell me another cell phone). After all, there were lots of more affluent looking folks they could have snagged.

    It just occurred to me that those folks working the mall booths were trolling the stream of passersby. I think that would make their place of work a “troll booth”. (sorry)

    The part that was more significant to me than the mall was going to a bar at the end of the outing. There are a couple of reasons for that; 1) I rarely if ever go to a bar, 2) I was wearing a skirt and boots. I don’t know exactly why but going to a bar in boots has been something I have wanted to try for a long time. It may have come from reading others adventures on this board.

    Like I said, there I try to choose where I go with an eye to safety. There was always the problem of going to a bar but avoiding drunks. The restaurant bar I chose seemed like a safe bet but I was ready turn around and leave at a moment’s notice. However, after I was there for a few minutes, and no one paid any attention, I relaxed and enjoyed my beer. Unfortunately, if I am driving, one is my limit (heels or not). I think I would have enjoyed a second.

    I am just starting to realize what I did last week. Aside from having a great time, I pushed my own envelope quite a bit. I think it’s time to slow up a bit and reflect on where I am to be sure I really want to be here.

    Any conversation is welcome.

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