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Posts posted by Thighbootguy

  1. Something I have noticed when I’m wearing thigh boots and particularly when I’m wearing a skirt, is that some folks do see you but make an effort to not make an overt action of looking. I suspect they just don’t want to mess with the idea of a guy in boots and a skirt and refuse to let the concept into their world. (It’s their world and they can do what they want with it.) I have not noticed that I generated more or as much attention when wearing guy shoes and slacks. But there is another consideration. When I’m out in boots and a skirt, I kind of throw up a mental shield against the rest of the world. With that filter in place, I’m real conscious of who I’m interacting with and who I’m tuning out. I am picky about who I’m letting into my world. I’m sure that others pick up on that and are willing to return the snub, of overtly being ignored, by ignoring me. (I’m not sure I realized I was doing that until I wrote this ... I’ll have to give it more thought). Back to your post Did your Nike runners match (or was one pink and the other green)?;) Just kidding. I do absolutely agree with your conclusion that this is a head came that you can win.

  2. I stopped at Sam’s last night to complete my weekly shopping. I went in wearing a brown suede winter coat, dark green turtleneck, a stretchy denim skirt, black hose, and black pull on thigh boots with 4” stiletto heels. The skirt hem hit the top of my boots. The staff greeted me like an old friend and the rest of the customers didn’t seem bothered. I did notice a couple heads turn and at least one guy came back into the isle where I was and pretended to still be looking for something but that is to be expected. I had some time so I wandered around the store a bit and just enjoyed being out. I had stopped in this same store yesterday after work and I was in a hurry. I had not pulled on my boots but went in wearing slacks and guy shoes. Not wearing my boots got more attention from the staff than wearing them does. As I left the checker at the door asked where my boots were. Tonight the same guy was at the door and gave me a smile with the comment, “Good, you got them on tonight.” I have started to notice that I am really finding a skirt and boots a comfortable way to dress, both physically and mentally. I like the look about as well as I like boots and jeans and I’m becoming more and more comfortable presenting it.

  3. I suspect if there wasn’t any societal opposition to guys wearing women’s shoes we would find some other way to run against the grain of society. Wearing heels in today’s society (and not trying to hide them) screams that you are confidently independent and are willing to live outside of the self imposed rules to which others have subscribed. Its because we are breaking those rules that some others feel an obligation to try to encourage us back into the heard by pointing out to everyone that we are doing something different (holding us up to public ridicule). For most of us, if it wasn’t heeling, I suspect it would be something else.

  4. Boot over jeans!

    If you have a good looking pair of boots, dont hide them.

    I appreciate that some folks prefer the style of boots under jeans for the appearance, but one trap we sometimes fall into is that wearing boots under jeans will hide the boots/heels. If you don’t have the confidence to wear your boots over jeans, other will notice that you are trying to hide something.

    While I’m preaching …

    The best post I have seen on having confidence is from guys in dresses where geo_t says,

    “What I think makes the largest impact on how others view you is how you carry yourself. If you walk around looking at your feet, trying to hide in shadows, people will notice you more.




    Dress appropriate for your location or destination. Keep your head up, walk purposefully and don't be afraid of anyone. Be confident. Now, there are some caveats to this... be aware of your surroundings and don't go anywhere that a natural woman would not go, and be aware of those in the world who feel the need to be violent to those who they perceive as different.”

  5. The purpose of a discussion board it to have discussions and I want to thank all those that have contributed so far and encourage others to add more. It was not my intention to suggest that everyone that tries on a pair of heels will wind up in a skirt and wig. Nor did I want to imply that we all do things the same way. The steps I described were a distillation of my own experience and of many posts from others on this board. I hope that most who step on the path will step off again when they are no longer comfortable. The one danger I missed pointing out is that walking that path can be addictive. I didn’t have the steps where you walk up to an emotional cliff and look over and realize that if you take one more step you’re “going over the edge”. At this point, some just stop, other purge their collection and go all the way back to the beginning, where after a while, they might start over, and a few go right on over the edge.. That can happen anywhere on the path and can happen more than once. The other addictive thing about thing bragging to other likeminded folks about what you have done. I know that many of us would not have ventured out in heels without having read about the experiences of other. However, writing about those experiences (and getting the positive feedback) can also be addictive.

  6. I just got back from one of those over the top outings that was a lot of fun. I went to Sam’s this afternoon for a few items. I decided to wear a skirt so I put together a black and white outfit. I wore a white knit short sleeved top, a black suede leather mini skirt, white hose and black leather pull on thigh boots with 4” stilettos. It was cool enough that I also wore a brown suede leather coat. At Sam’s I use a shopping cart which masks the initial view other get but there was little reaction. There were lots of folks in Sam’s today, including a lot of young males that did have me a little concerned. I took my time wandering around and got a few looks but other than that no reactions at all. Even the group of guys I was concerned about gave a look and kept on doing what were they were doing. I got in a long checkout line and after a minute a woman walked up behind me and said, “Excuse me, but where did you get those boots? I’ve wanted a pair for a long time.” I told her you could find them on the web and told her about several sites. She thanked me and went back to another line where her husband was. The register clerk was an attractive young lady that I had not seen before. I noticed she did look at me a couple of times. (I suspect she was thinking, “Why my line”). When she finished ringing up my stuff I asked her, “Does this work together?” and indicated the skirt and boots. She gave me a smile and a not and said, “It rocks”. I thanked her and headed out of the store. I had to park farther from the store than normal so I had a nice walk across the parking lot. Nobody seemed to care or to be bothered by what I was wearing. Truth be known, I didn’t really need to go shopping today, I just wanted to go out.

  7. I’ve noticed there are a lot of recent posts about going out in heels for the first time. I suspect that the posts on this board have helped some take those first steps. The new folks may not yet appreciate that they have stepped onto a long and “fun to walk” path. I’m sure the path is not the same for everyone. Some of us step on and off at different steps. Here is the path as I see it:

    A Guys path to Heels

    Trying on shoes - This is the earliest place to start. Most of the time is Mom’s or sister’s shoes and or gloves that peek your curiosity and we are just want to know how they feel.

    Wearing them in private - After you discover they feel and look good you wear them whenever no one is around.

    Wearing them in public in panic mode - After a while you want to venture out but are sure that everybody will see what you are wearing and laugh at you. The hardest step you ever take is getting out of the car. The outing results an adrenaline rush (panic) but you start to discover that no one notices.

    Wearing them in public with confidence - Once is sinks in that no one cares what you are wearing, you become confident with the image you are presenting and go out and just look good. You give up worrying about what others might think.

    Trying other garments - After the “shoe/glove thing” no longer is exciting, you start to become curious about how all the other stuff feels to wear. You get yourself things like skirts, panties, panty hose, bras ... and discover how they feel. You like the feeling and wear the undergarments as regular attire.

    Wearing outer garments in public in panic mode - Something pushes you to try a skirt in public. Again its a real adrenaline rush (panic). Your worried all over again about others laughing. A couple of heads turn because people do notice but your confidence starts to build.

    Wearing outer garments in public with confidence - Again you discover that no one really cares and decide to just enjoy yourself.

    Makeup and trying to pass in private - You start to wonder if you can go all the way and have a whack a t makeup and a wig at home. With some practice you start to like the look.

    Makeup and trying to pass in public - After you get the look down pat, you want to see if it is good enough. (You thought getting out of the car in heels was tough). Now you try to see the world as the other half sees it.


    Somewhere along the path you start to wonder why you are doing what you are doing.

    You may realize that this is not a comfortable path to walk or that a few steps are al you want to take. One nice thing about this path is that you are the only one making you walk it. (A word of caution, don’t let your posting about your adventures push you along. Proceed at you own pace and only as far as you want to go.)

    You may discover that heels and skirts are just an “attention getting device”.

    You may discover that you are “the other gender in the wrong body” or that there is another side to you that you hadn’t known about.

    Additional comment and prospective is encouraged.


  8. Atumnheels -

    WELCOME to the forum.

    Sounds like you had a great time with your friends. Do they have any idea that the heels weren’t a new thing?

    Most folks that are just getting out start with block heels under jeans rather then “a short black dress, black hair and black fishnet stockings” with 4 ½” stiletto heels (they look great by the way). That sort of gives them something to progress into at a slower pace. I was going to ask if you have you worn your 4 ½” stiletto heels with jeans but you said this was your first outing. I will suggest that a less adventurous outing can also be a lot of fun.

    Have you considered asking your GF to go out with both of you wearing jeans and heels?

  9. Today I took an opportunity to get away from my desk and stopped in at the local Goodwill (thrift store). There was a sign advertising skirts and blouses for 99¢. This was too good to pass up so I went in (dressed in work clothes ie. slacks and turtleneck) and looked through the racks. I found a gray wool 36” skirt and a gray and a tan blouse. I tried the skirt on and it fit very nicely. The skirt came with a narrow black belt which really manes the image. I asked the lady at the register which of the two tops went best with the skirt, and she said the gray one looked nice with it. On the way home, I stopped at Sam’s and wore the skirt, the black turtleneck, and a pair of black thigh boots with 4” stiletto heels. The skirt is long enough that not much of the thigh boot was visible, I could have work knee boots and gotten the same effect. In Sam’s, I was using a shopping cart so people really didn’t notice what I was wearing as I approached them. However, even the folks that really did see a guy wearing a long skirt and heeled boots didn’t seem to care. One thing about wearing a lined a wool skirt and thigh boots, the outfit is warm. At the register I had a clerk that has never seen me before. After she had rung up all my items, I asked her, “how does this look?” She put her hands up to her face and giggled :w00t2: and then gave me a smile and a thumbs up.:santa_hat: When she composed herself, she said, “looks nice.” I think she was really trying hard not to react to a guy wearing a skirt, but when I spoke to her, she lost it. All in all this was a fun day.

  10. Latindancer –

    That was a great outing. From experience, I know exactly how you felt. A guy going out in public as a guy in a skirt and boots can be an extreme high (and even higher when you talk to someone).

    I hope you have had time to come down off the high and to get your pounding heart back into your chest. You just had a super outing and are feeling great but be aware that that feeling is addictive. It is real easy to get hooked on that excitement. I’m not suggesting that going out was a bad thing but getting addicted to anything is a bad thing. You have pushed your envelope from guy shoes to heels at home, then to heels in public, then to skirts heels and makeup in public in a fairly short period of time. Each step builds on the previous one and is more exciting than the previous one. It’s real easy to get addicted to the feeling you get by pushing your envelope further and further.

    My advice is to not be in a hurry. Slow down a bit and enjoy things. Become aware of what you are doing and make sure you are really comfortable doing it and not just doing it for the excitement ie. addiction.

    If you go too fast it is real easy to overshoot your comfort level. I say that from experience. All of a sudden you see yourself and wonder what the f- - - you are doing. This is not a pleasant experience. Several of the folks on this board have been there and done that.

    My 101 year old aunt used to tell me “Quality work takes time”. Although she didn’t have guys learning to wear skirts and boot in public in mind, it’s still good advice.

    Bootking – great avatar

  11. Newfieguyinheels -

    I think what you are experiencing comes from you being confident and comfortable with the image you are presenting. People do pick up on that and give it some respect.

    The next phase is figuring out what to do when nobody notices. For a while, I actually asked folks what they thought. The issue is do you just like the style, or is it the attention, or both. For me it’s both. If it's the attention, then you start asking yourself what do I do next? :santa_hat:

  12. I have come to enjoy wearing the black fabric skirt I bought a couple of weeks ago. The length is about mid calf and it has a side slit that goes up just above my knee. I stopped in Sam’s again tonight wearing that skirt, black leather thigh boots with 4” stiletto heels, a black turtleneck and a brown suede winter coat. The skirt has a bit of spandex and fits tightly. I did make sure there were no unseemly bulges in the front. I walked through the store and got very little notice. The staff is used to seeing me and the other shoppers either didn’t notice or didn’t care. At Sam’s I do have to use a shopping cart so people seeing me from the front very often don’t notice what I’m wearing. I went to a register where a clerk who knows me was working and I asked her how the skirt looked. She said it looked fine but also that she was used to seeing me. She has told me in the past to, “dress however you want”. All in all an uneventful shopping trip. The weather, however, was cool and wet enough that I knew I was wearing a stretchy fabric skirt rather than a leather one. Later in the evening I ventured out with a different pair of black leather thigh boots and a leather skirt. This was nothing more than an uneventful walk around the neighborhood.

  13. Corsair -

    Great outings and thanks for sharing them with us!

    I haven’t done much flying in the past couple of years but I did go through security wearing a pair of flat heeled over the knee boots and I got to take them off and on. I even had security at the gate pat them down. This was the same trip I almost had to run from one end of an airport to another (wearing my boots) for a connecting flight. I got a couple of looks but no one said a thing.

    I was interested in your wearing leather slacks. I have several pair but rarely wear them in public. I’ll wear thigh boots with a leather skirt but not the slacks. I’m not sure why that is. I seemed like your leather slacks got more attention than your boots. Would you comment further on your experience(s) wearing them?

  14. thighboots wrote - “I think wearing my thigh boots over jeans may be a way off yet, but you never know.”

    That’s what everyone says, but the seed has been planted. :w00t2:

    My 101 year old aunt used to say “Quality work takes time”. Don’t let the members on this board push you into something you are not comfortable doing. My test is to look in a full length mirror and considering if I am comfortable presenting what I am seeing to the rest of the world. (I like the way I look in thigh boots). If you are comfortable with the image you see, go for it, if you’re not comfortable, wait a while then look again.

    One advantage of wearing heeled boots over jeans is that you never have to worry about “what if someone notices my heels”. Don’t laugh, currently you are worrying about what if someone notices AND how will they react. Wearing boots over jeans takes away half the worries. If you project confidence in what you are doing, people really will respect that.

    All that said, don’t go somewhere where you expect trouble. Places where I have had a great time wearing thigh boots include: museums, restaurants, bookstores, almost any store.

    Enjoy your boots. :santa_hat:

  15. I stopped at Walgreen’s (large drug store) on the way home tonight. I went in wearing slacks, a turtleneck, a suede coat and black leather thigh boots with 4” stiletto heels. I wandered around a bit and found the item I was looking for and headed for the checkout. I noticed that the girl at the cosmetics counter was processing checkouts for non cosmetic items and I thought, why not. She wasn’t too uncomfortable waiting on a guy in thigh boots but wasn’t enthusiastic either. After she rang up my sale (I was the last one in the line) I asker her if she had a minute and what would be a good foundati0on makeup for me to use. She was a little taken aback but asked, “Do you want power ort liquid?” I said,” I didn’t know, I’m just getting started.” She recommended a power and showed me a brand that she said she had not tried but was reputed to be very good. I asked her how to chose a color (colour). She took me over to the liquid makeup display and showed me the color matching guide they had. I held the guide next to my hand and asked her for a recommendation. She pointed out the color that was an exact match and suggested that the next darker would be appropriate. I thanked her for her help and bid her a good evening. At the end, I don’t think she was as uncomfortable as she was in the beginning of the conversation. I picked up a couple of helpful tips and will probably go back and make a purchase. Even if I don’t, it was a nice conversation.

  16. Thighboots –

    I full agree with JeffB’s comments. CONGRATULATIONS

    Although I can’t offer firsthand advice about telling you girlfriend, it sounds like JNR has offered good advice.

    On wearing thigh boots, I can offer firsthand advice.

    As you noticed, the hardest step is getting out of the car. It sounds like you managed that with the expected reserve. The next thing is walking with confidence and from your comment, “The first thing that struck me was how natural it felt, as if it’s the way it should be” it sounds like that went well also. :santa_hat:

    The main thing to remember is that you have to project the confidence you feel. If you don’t have confidence to project, go back to wearing your boots inside. People will pick up on the confidence you project and they really will respect it. If someone does appear to notice, throw them a confident “yep, I know” smile and keep on going.

    It is going to take a little while for you to be fully comfortable while you are out and about wearing boots with 5" heels, but it will soon happen. When it does, it’s time for the next step. Wear your boots over your jeans. The down side is you have to start the confidence building exercise all over again, but once you do, it’s a great experience.

    It really is a shame to have a pair of “Italianheels Amanda Thigh boots - black leather, 5 inch stilleto heel, pointed toe and fully leather lined” and not share them with the rest of the world. :w00t2:

  17. Demoniaplatforms –

    Thanks for the kind words.

    I was running a little short of time when I made the video and didn’t have time to work anything up so I just noodled around with 3 chords in E. There was no particular tune.

    The prior video Thighbootguy makes Coffee has a soundtrack that is an arrangement of the old PP&M tune Asolin. I do take music copyright stuff seriously. All the music I use is either copyright free or my own.

    Thedesigner –

    If you can do knee boots you can do thigh boots. I would suggest a conservative pair (black leather with a reasonable heel), avoiding the white shiny ones with dollar signs or red lips on the shaft. :santa_hat: No one cares and they really feel and look great.

  18. Consider for a moment: men and women don’t refer to each other as the opposite sex without reason. The operative word is opposite. I suspect that a woman’s reaction to seeing another woman in 6” stilettos as Britana suggests,is generally different than a man’s reaction to seeing a woman in 6” stilettos. I think the training most of us have undergone from birth (pink vs. blue) that men and women dress and act differently has such a head start on forming our thinking that it is almost impossible for men to think like (understand) women and for women to think like men. I’m not sure our training the only thing that makes us think differently, there are different societal pressures on each sex and we may even be wired differently. The comparison to trying to relate to a colorblind person, that Histiletto made, is particularly insightful. Dr.Shoe – Thanks for providing another reason I like to wear boots. :santa_hat:

  19. First Britana, welcome to the forum.

    Wearing women’s clothes/shoes/heels does generate a feeling in most of us that have tried wearing them, but that wasn’t the question. The question was, do we understand how women feel.

    Lets put it another way, do you think women feel like you do when they wear women’s clothes/shoes/heels? Do women feel like you do if they wear men’s clothes/shoes? How could you possibly know how women feel about what she is wearing (or anything else for that matter)?

    I think the feelings we experience (whatever they are) are not the same as a woman would feels (that is a guess based on no facts at all). For most of us women’s clothes/shoes/heels are an exploration into forbidden territory and that generates excitement. As other have noted, “women can wear anything they want” so there is no forbidden territory thus not the same excitement.

  20. Do you guys think that your wearing "made for women" shoes and/or clothing give you a better understanding and comprehension of women; how they feel, how they think, how they are, how they relate to men…

    If understanding how women think was as easy as changing your clothes there would be a whole lot more guys wearing skirts and heels.

    My answer is No. What you wear may help you understand how you feel, think, relate to others… but it doesn’t help you understand someone else (male or female).

    I have been curious about how gals felt wearing boots so a long time ago (when we were allowed to do this) I posted a question on the Gal’s page Wearing Thigh Boots? where I asked what it was like for gals to wear thigh boots. I was hoping for some insight into how gals felt when wearing thigh boots. It generated a few interesting comments.

  21. The weather has gone nuts. Early January and the temperature is almost 70F (21C). I was planning on wearing a brown suede coat and matching leather skirt with black leather pull on thigh boots when I stopped at Sam’s tonight but it was too hot for the coat. I stopped in the Goodwill on the way to Sam’s and I really was just looking around but I notices they were having a sale on skirts. I bought two for 99¢ each.. Both were fabric with a bit of spandex as part of the weave. One is shore and bright pink the other is black and just above ankle length. Both stretch just a little when I wear them. I decided to wear the black one with my boots into Sam’s. I knew the greeter and asked her how the skirt looked. She said it looked fine. I was not using a shopping cart so there was no hiding behind it as I was walking around the store. I shopped for a little while but didn’t buy anything. I went out the same door I had come in (entrance door rather than the exit door) which meant there were people coming in and I got to walk through a crowd that was facing me. There were a few confused looks to say the least. No comments or giggles but most folks didn’t believe there was a guy in heeled boots with a skirt walking toward them. I bid the greeter a good evening and headed out to my car. I think I still prefer jeans with boots but this is a fun look to try out. I’m not sure what I’ll do with the pink skirt unless I wear it with my white thigh boots.

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