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Posts posted by Steve63130

  1. So the gig went extremely well. Crowd demanded an encore! I wore my 2 inch block heel cowboy-ish boots from Avenue (with high-arch insoles that I put in) during the whole gig. Played in front of 60 people - no one noticed. Here's a pic.

    No one noticed that you played? HA HA HA - just kidding. I would certainly hope they noticed that you played!

    But I think you mean that no one noticed your heels. Frankly, I'd never notice those were women's shoes either from that pic. They're totally unisex. So good on your outing and I'm glad it went well. That was a big step for you, I'm sure. Keep taking them. It gets easier every time. The world is ok with what you wear on your feet.

    Thanks for sharing.


  2. Histiletto, You have a good point. I may stop pointing out in the review text that I'm a fashion forward guy. It's a holdover from before Naturalizer started posting the gender. I don't really need to make a big deal of it. In fact, just saying "my wife likes them on me" is probably more than sufficient, although it dispels the false assumption that a guy wearing women's shoes must be gay. Thanks for your comment. Steve

  3. I always try to post a review and, like Bluejay, I mention that I'm a fashion forward male who appreciates the much bigger selection of colors, styles and materials in women's shoes, especially heels, and that my wife approves. I try to be very detailed an objective, and thus helpful. Even though people see it's a guy posting, I often get several "likes" or "helpful" votes. And I usually applaud the company for making shoes in bigger sizes for males. My latest review is for Naturalizer "Tribute" sandals. The first review draft didn't get posted. When I inquired, I got a response that they couldn't read it, so I submitted a second, which they also said wasn't readable. I applied for a new account and posted a third review, using a different computer. It not only showed up but the second one magically appeared as well. So there are two reviews from the same guy, a day apart. Here is the link. http://www.naturalizer.com/en-US/Product/EC0209550-3010904/Naturalizer/Black+Leather/Tribute.aspx The first one got one thumb down and zero thumbs up so far, and the second one got two thumbs down and no thumbs up. I must have upset some conservative gals. Too bad. Their problem, not mine. Steve


  4. Just about everyone here thinks their own environment is the most conservative backwater place, and among the most unaccepting of men in heels. Well EVERYONE can't be below average! The problem is that often the demons are in our heads. We're our own worst critics, and we tell ourselves that wearing heels is wrong, when it's not. It's just different. If you dare to be different, you risk being laughed at because that's how humans deal with situations that present discrepancies. Laughter the first time, but on the second encounter, not so much, and by the third time, yawn, it's just another guy in heels. We thought the same thing when guys first started to wear earrings. Now it's no big deal. If you're going to be a pioneer, expect to get an arrow or two in your back. But if you strut in confidence, that will overcome the criticisms. Steve

  5. Steve,

    Are you inferring that you, from time to time, game for wearing stiletto heels?? Here I thought you were a low-heel stealthy guy. :)


    Happy, I didn't say I would wear stilettos. I was meaning that I would like to go shoe shopping with RadioDave again, to that Aldo store. It would be interesting to see that shoe salesman in heels, and it's always great to see Dave in his stilettos. I've nothing against stilettos, and they look great on tall slim guys like Dave who rock them well. They're just not for me, that's all. Maybe someday, though. I'm leaving that door open. I never thought I'd wear sandals and a year ago I started doing that and love it. Like a lot of people here, my adventures in heeling are a work in progress.


  6. I have been guilty of posting stuff in the guy's section that more properly belongs in the everyone section. I will try to be better at that in the future. Thanks for the reminder Shafted, and thanks for your comment Amanda. I've certainly not intended to be exclusive, but I can see that by posting in the guys section, it could be taken that way. Steve

  7. Well recently I am a more sporadic patron here, as time goes on I have found less time and fewer places where I can get regular internet connections. My work has played a large role in that but as well it get hard to tell same things over and over when you come here less often too.

    But as mentioned and I know that without participation the motivation get less. It is all about saying and getting involved which really gets one inspireded to go heeling and talk about it as this place did for me a few years ago. Not that I have stopped heeling, I do more than ever but chatting about it can only help others get here too. So hopefully I can supply more postings and replies cause it does inspire. :nervous:


    I notice that you have been posting more lately and that's a good thing. Thanks for keeping up the interest and for taking the time to inspire others.


  8. Hi guys, i'm considering buying a pair of Heels but i'm not sure on where to hide them, i've looked around and seen people talking about how they've hid them in the past. I was wondering if you guys have any advice/tips on this, and would love to talk to people with the same problem! :-)

    As a couple of others have suggested, I would advise that you don't hide them at all. By doing so you're telling yourself that what you're doing is wrong. It isn't. You're feeling shame and don't want to be disgraced by your parents. That's normal. But we're not talking morals here. We're talking about a pair of shoes.

    Buy some shoes that have a 3" heel so it gives you a feeling of a high heel. Don't start out with 4 or 5 inches. You'll regret that because it's so much harder to master them if you're not accustomed to lower heels first. Work your way up slowly over time. Your worst nightmare would be to trip and bust your nose because you were wearing shoes you couldn't walk in gracefully.

    Don't start with anything too feminine. Forget the stilettos, the bows and ornaments, the thin straps, the bright colors, and the open toes. Go for something unisex, like loafers, clogs, boots or booties, or even sandals. Wear them around your house, in the presence of your parents and friends, and you'll find yourself enjoying them immensely, glad you're accepted, and glad you're not keeping secrets or worried about being discovered. You'll be seen by (some of) the gals as confident and boldly going where guys don't ordinary go. You could be a chick magnet.

    As people get used to your shoe preference, over time, you can push the envelope a bit. Wear thinner heels, higher heels, something other than brown or black, etc. Eventually you'll get to the goal you set for yourself. And you'll still not be hiding anything. You'll feel accomplished and good about yourself. Just keep your life balanced and you'll be ok. Remember, they're just shoes.


  9. I bought a pair of the Brash Kosmic pumps for last Halloween and put them away for the next year. But then I found myself standing on tip-toe trying to change a light bulb that was a;most in reach. I thad this "light bulb" go off - use the heels for that extra lift I needed and I did not have to wobble trying to stay on tip-toe and keepmy balance. The bulb was easily changed without having to resort to a chair to stand. A new tool for the tool-box. :D

    A guy can't own too many tools!


  10. Hi, Amanda. They're gorgeous shoes and I'd love to help, but I can't find them in black for you. I checked Nordstrom, Neiman-Marcus, Saks Fifth Avenue, and Macy's, but none of them carry that shoe style. It must be out of production and out of stock. I did find a pair in US women's 9.5 (=UK women's 7) on Ebay: http://www.ebay.com/itm/BRIAN-ATWOOD-Brown-Snakeskin-High-Heel-Slingback-Strappy-Pump-Sandals-9-5-39-5-/150980224210?pt=US_Women_s_Shoes&hash=item23271f64d2 They're pre-owned but in Snakeskin, not black. Sorry I can't locate a pair in black for you. Maybe someone here has a pair they'd be willing to sell you. Good luck! Steve

  11. Good progress, Logjam! Glad you're getting out and about. Pretty soon you'll be out in broad daylight and wondering why nobody notices. It happens. People aren't observant. We're focused on shoes so we think we're so obvious, but most people don't notice or if they do, they're almost certain not to care. It gets easier every time. Continue to get out there and inspire us! Good luck! Steve

  12. SF is right. Sandals are a lot of fun. I had never wanted to wear them before a year ago, but in December of 2011, I developed a toenail fungus and went to my dermatologist, a stunning woman who wears very fashionable clothes and shoes. She knows of my passion for heels and has seen me in different boots and clogs. Anyway, she diagnosed my fungus and trimmed away 1/3 of the nail on my left big toe, gave me some ointment and told me to put it on twice a day for 6 months until the nail grows out. I did, and by June 2012 everything was good again. I decided to start wearing sandals a lot because keeping my feet in boots and clogs and loafers all day keeps the toes moist from perspiration, and it makes an ideal environment to grow fungus, so I started buying sandals and wearing them a lot. I probably own a couple of dozen sandals by now, and I love wearing them. I get my toenails (and fingernails, too) professionally done in a local salon, and usually wear polish with a subtle color - dusky satin rose, copper, etc. My feet look great, they're healthy now, and they do justice to good looking sandals. Just last week I bought these casual wedge sandals from Naturalizer called Tribute. They are only 2 3/4 inches but the ankle strap keeps them secure and they're fun to wear. If you log onto www.naturalizer.com and search for Tribute, you'll find them, and you'll see two reviews from me. I submitted the first one, but it got lost, so I submitted a new one, then they found the old one and posted it too. Steve


  13. That is a worthy target and a good way to go about it. You'll know by trying it on that it fits and you can walk in it. You might see other shoes you like, too. Shopping in the store is always good. And if you can do it with a companion, it's even better. I've had fun shopping with RadioDave, Bluejay, Johnieheel, and others, and of course my wife. Stay on target! Steve

  14. My first clogs were wood sole Olaf Daughters that my wife bought for me from Lane Bryant, I think, along with a pair of black Valley Lane flats. That was back in the late 1970s and I still have and wear both pairs. The clogs are a little short and a little wide for me, but are ok for a short time. I wouldn't want to spend all day in them. I like wood, though. I used to have a pair of Scholl's sandals with blue leather strap, and a pair with a brown strap. I wore those all over the place with shorts and jeans, and never got so much as an iDrop. I don't have them anymore though. I gave them away. I should have kept them.

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