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Posts posted by Steve63130

  1. Welcome to the forum and thanks for introducing yourself. There are lots of interesting people here and it sounds like you fit right in! We look forward to many more stories from you. Steve

  2. MBHeel, Great post. Thanks for sharing. As you can already see, it gets easier every time. Pretty soon you'll be disappointed that nobody is noticing. You'll gain confidence the more you go out in heels, and at some point you'll share it with your family and friends, who will probably not care one bit. Good luck, and keep posting your stories. Steve

  3. What ever the male heeling status will achieve, children should be taught the truth so they can learn to make the best decisions for themselves and so they can have understanding for others who may choose differently. That is how relationships are suppose to happen.

    The truth is largely based on perception. Your truth may be different from my truth. We measure truth differently and compare it to different standards. Truth may have an element of faith in it, too, such as religion.

    What we must teach is not truth, but tolerance. We must teach children to accept others' dress and not make fun of it or belittle it. We are not all conformists, but we all want respect.


  4. Glad you're motivated again, Canadianbeaver17. I hope others are, too. The more people post, the more interesting the forum is, because not every post is a cookie-cutter replica of previous ones. I learn something from most of them, and I like to share with others what I've learned and experienced from my outings. Steve

  5. Jim, Great story! Thanks for posting it and sharing it with us. That should give some of the less confident guys a little more encouragement. If you can wear red stiletto platforms through an airport, you can wear them just about anywhere in public. The demons in our heads are just there for ourselves. NOBODY else sees or hears them. I'm glad you had such a successful adventure and I hope you get a chance to do it again soon! Steve

  6. Rockbass, I think there's no problem wearing either of the boots you describe. Boots on guys, even boots with thinner (but not stiletto) heels, don't get much notice, in my experience. If you don't make a big deal of it, neither will anyone else. The main thing you need to watch for is your daughter's friends, especially as she grows up. You don't want them to tease your daughter about her father's high heels. Kids can be cruel. But if you keep it to boots, clogs, loafers, and sandals that don't look too femme, you'll be fine. Steve

  7. Sleekheels, great minds run in the same gutter! I was wondering that myself. This might be an interesting test if we get enough data. I have confidence to wear heels in public (not stilettos, but thicker types of heels, up to 4 inches high), and I never purge, feel guilty or ashamed, or want to stop heeling. And my wife is supportive, too, which helps tremendously. Steve

  8. You should have gone up to him and introduced yourself. This would be my approach: "Excuse me but I see you're wearing heels and shopping for heels. My name is Steve and I love heels also. (I show him that I'm wearing heels). Do you know about the High Heel Place online forum? I'm there frequently..." Try to break the ice and see if he responds and is outgoing and willing to communicate. Sometimes he will, sometimes he will withdraw and say very little. You can get into a really good conversation and enjoy getting acquainted. Or if you sense that he's aloof, just say, "Well, I've got to be going. Nice to meet another heeling guy." And off you go. Yeah, it takes some guts to approach another heeler, but men are supposed to be strong, right? Steve

  9. Honesty is by far the best policy. Open up and discuss the issue with those you love. They'll love you still and they'll love you even more for trusting them with a potentially embarrassing subject. Don't do anything on the sly. It will just give you grief in the end and you'll hate yourself. Don't go there. Who knows? Maybe your mum will take you shoe shopping and give you feeback on what you look good in and help you adopt heels into your wardrobe in a very positive way. I'd love to hear you tell us that really happened! Steve

  10. Bob, not to hijack this thread, but the folly in that argument is that what makes the female attractive to men (especially item 1) isn't necessarily what makes a man attractive to a gay man. But people don't see that. They jump to the erroneous conclusion that if he's dressing as a woman, he's trying to attract a man. Illogical when you analyze it. Steve

  11. There are lots of reasons that people come and go. Some are just lurkers, curious but not serious. Others introduce themselves, make a post or two, but don't return. Some stick around and become serious posters. Everyone's interests can change over time, and after a while the posts may get boring and repetitive. "I went out dressed in heels and nobody cared." is a common theme. Non-events like that can get boring after a while, and people who were posting everyday can drift off to other interests. I encourage a lot of members who are like that, and don't get much from the forum postings any more, to consider giving back to the forum. Post encouragement and advice to the newbies. Be here for them, not for yourself. We are a community with a common interest, and the "elders" and experienced are as important as the novices and beginners. If you have gained courage, wisdom, and confidence from your time here, don't drift away. Give back. Stick around and encourage others who come after you! They need your help and advice. Steve

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