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Posts posted by heelguy

  1. i would LOOOOVE for something like this to happen, although i dont think it would ever gain enough popularity and participation for me to feel comfortable in the womens atire infront of anybody i knew. but it would be something id definatly go out and do for sure!

  2. thank you :) it was! i didn't feel as nervous as i thought i would be! i tried to walk in with as much confidence as i could to make it seem all the more normal. I would love to go out in broad daylight wearing them in a really public place, but it's choosing a destination that i know i definatly will not be recognized at, as i dont wish for anybody close to me to know about my heeling.

  3. i spoke to a female friend over the internet last night and told her for the first time about my "thing" for heels. She was very accepting of this. i was asking her about how a partner would see it and she said that it wouldn't bother her, but it wouldn't turn her on either. so i think if the woman is accepting, that's more than enough. i wouldn't expect them to have the same excitement and satisfaction of seeing me in them, that i get wearing them.

  4. BIG NEWS! last night i went out with the intention of wearing my heels in public so people could see for the very first time! as it was late i knew there would only either be quiet places with nobody to see, or masses of people exiting clubs and what not, and as it was my first time i decided against being seen by a large number of people, in fear of being heckled by drunks or even worse. So i thought the next best place would be a petrol station. i pulled up around the corner from the petrol station, put on my heels, and started walking towards the front of the place. there was nobody on the forecourt. the distance from the door to the counter was very short, maybe only 5 paces, so initially i don't think the clerk had any idea what my choice of footwear was. I didn't go in there with the intention of buying anything in particular, as the only reason i went there was to be seen in the heels. so i picked up a packet of gum. the clerk was quite short, so i knew he couldn't see what i was wearing, but never the less, my heart was still racing, it was such a good feeling. I turned around to leave and started walking, it seemed as though the only thing i could hear was the clicking of my heels on the hard floor, and knew that by now the clerk MUST have known and had a look. I wanted to turn around and see if he was looking, but i didn't. As i was walking back to my car all i could feel was a huge sense of joy and excitement. I wanted to be seen in them more!!! i was so happy with my escapade that i decided to drive home wearing the heels (i have never driven in heels before, so to begin with, found this quite challenging). i soon got the hang of it though. this is definatly something that ill remember, and want to do more. public heeling as amazing. thankyou everybody on here who has given me the confidence to atleast try it! all i can say is.. WOW!

  5. i just took a drive to the bank, it's 2.30am so i knew nobody was going to be around. I was wearing a singletty blue dress and my black suede 5inch pumps, such a thrill. Not happy with that venture, i took a drive to a local beach road, parked up and took a walk up and down there, again nobody was around, but one car drove past. it was exhilarating! tomorrow i plan on being SEEN in my heels, but maybe just with a pair of jeans than in the dress, im not that confident yet!

  6. congrats heelguy, youve done somthing i feel i could never do. i love to be able to go into a shoe shop and buy a pair of heels. but im to nervous. i was nervous enough ordering them off ther net.

    but nothing and i mean nothing beats the very 1st feeling. when i got my platform boots i was shaking so bad i could barly do up the laces. it was as awsome feeling, especially when you have dreamed about wearing them for so long.

    then the 1st few steps in your new shoes when you dont kno how they will feel to walk in. to me that was the greatest feeling in the world.

    thanks hhfan, i never thought i could do it either, but my mindset was, hey.. the person serving me won't necessarily jump to the conclusion that im buying them for myself, and also i'm probably never going to see anyone from there ever again. Whilst standing in the heels section waiting for the guy to bring the shoes out to me, there were women shopping for heels all around me, and i remember looking around thinking they all must be staring at me, but i didn't get one look, it made me feel alot more relaxed about the whole experience. Before i went to get them i was actually considering trying them on in the store as i've read so many positive stories on here.

  7. Due to renovations at work, we were forced to use the toilets in another department store. Everyday i would walk through and stare at the heels that the manikins were wearing thinking to myself "id love those shoes". Being too nervous of what anybody would think, it didnt even cross my mind to purchase them or anything as i was just enjoying looking at them every time i walked past.

    A little while ago we were informed that our store would be closing down in the shopping center and not returning, well... today came the very last day, so being that, and not having to worry about walking past these people who would serve me for these gorgeous shoes every day ever again gave me the encouragement and bottle to go and buy them, so i did!!

    Wow, as i was standing at the counter to inquire about them i thought my heart was going to pop out of my chest, i could literally feel the adrenaline pumping, and going over in my head what i was going to say to her, i thought about it so much i mixed my words up a little talking to the lady, only to find i had to go upstairs on the next level to buy them.

    So i made my way upstairs and approached a guy who was working there, at first i wanted the pink suede heels, so i asked for those, but they didnt have my size, i was just as happy with the black ones though which they did have my size in, so i got those, i didn't try them on, i wasn't game enough, but he did bring them out to me asif i was going to (maybe one day)

    as i was walking away with the heels in the box in the bag i was carrying, i felt a huge sense of excitement just knowing that i'd done what id be dreaming of doing for a long long time.

    here's a couple of pics of me wearing them when i got home...



  8. yea i think the experience is pretty much the same for most of us guys, i applaud the guys that have taken the step to being fully open about their passion for heels, it's admirable, but also something i never see myself doing, although i was talking to a female friend earlier and had the MASSIVE urge to just tell her, but decided against it. So the quick dashes in and out of public view are all i have the bravery for atm. Id love to hear about similar experiences in relation to my story, so thanks for posting onyourtoes!

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