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Posts posted by partyshoes

  1. Good Effort Sire - I applaud you and thank you for sharing. At least youve tried it as the others have said and remain a dedicated admirer. Can you also confirm that the experience hasnt altered your personality and that you havent turned gay as per the common misconception out there :D (apologies for my dark humour :smile:)

  2. When I am woking from home, I sometimes slip on a pair of 4' courts or my NineWest open pumps with hidden platform. I find it relaxing sitting at desk working with them and then when the need arises, popping downstairs, making myself a snack or cup of coffee. My wife knows that I heel but doesnt approve so i have to do it when shes out - dont know if its a sign, but twice in the last two weeks shes come home unexpectedly and caught me - the last time being right in the front door as she came in and I was just about to go back upstairs. Took a short while to realise and when she did, she just shook her head and went into the lounge without saying a thing.

  3. Hey Scrappy - think your getting there. Tend to agree with Heel-Lover re patent pumps, if they were another material you could probably get away with, its just the patent part that makes them quite 'dressy'. That said, I think theyre great shoes. However also looked at the previous post and think that the boots work well with the skirt and top you had on

  4. welcome to the forum Heelman500 - sounds as though you have found your way with ease and we look forward to hearing from you. I would agree that most shops dont give a damn about a man buying heels - I think that most of us (well, me certainly) create the 'issues' ourselves by worrrying what others may think about us. With the support of this forum, I've been able to go in and buy heels for myself. Granted, I have not always been honest about why I'm buying them ... but I'm working on it! :)

  5. Hello Booty Lover,

    What a prezzie from you to you.

    Whether or not they are value for money does not come into the equation when you see a pair of MUST HAVEs like those. They are in a class of their own. Well done, I'm sure you will have much enjoyment from wearing them ...often.

    Just magnificent.


    I'm with MuddyPaws - great prezzie!! Enjoy them cos Im jealous they dont do up to a 10UK :)

  6. Hey TML, thanks for the intro and welcome to the site. Sounds like the X didnt know a good thing until she lost it. I dont think that you should view yourself as having trust issues - youre human, you trusted her on the intimate level possible and she blew it! You are simply like most normal people - once trust and confidence is blown it is seldom ever regained. From the insite you have given us, it does not sound like her revelations had any lasting or hugely damaging impact on you (I may be mistaken) so she is the ultimate loser. Look forward to hearing more from you

  7. I can only agree with what 'Tech' and 'jdmonto' have already said.

    I hid it from my wife for a while until it just about killed me and then I had several half arsed attempts at broaching the topic with her. Eventually I just came out and told her - didnt make it sound creepy or perverted. Whilst she wasnt exactly over the moon about it, she wasnt in total denial just unsure :)

    Be prepared for all the stereo-typical questions - are you gay, do you want to wear womans clothes ... do you want a sex change .. they may seem silly to you but I believe that the questions are really as a result of societys pre-conditioning attitudes towards this type of thing. Best thing is to be patient and just talk through each part calmly.

    We had several conversations over a period of time that allowed her to digest it and, like JD, I am now free to wear heels with the privacy of our home. There are rules - she doesnt want to be a part of it and the kids arent to see it but this is part of the compromise. As the time has passed, she has softened in her reactions to me and heels and no longer rolls her eyes, she even cracks the odd joke about it in private - who knows, maybe in time maybe she'll buy me a pair to two :lmao:

    Best of luck to you

  8. After a little talk we came up with a cover story (not really what I wanted to do but I can get my head strait for next time while I practice) of going in fancy dress for a new years eve party (not exactly original I know).

    Hey it may not be original - but it works as many of us here will vouch for :). In fact, i think its been used so much that the SA's in half the shops must have cottoned on by now or they just think that there are a LOT of dress up parties going on

    Also dont be so hard on yourself for making up the excuse - its baby steps. You seem very comfortable and understanding of your desire to wear heels AND you have a very supportive and undertsanding GF, so you are far ahead of many of us here, but the rest - being more open and public about it - takes time. You are not denying yourself (or the rest of the community) but are growing as a person. Be proud

    Well done and best of luck in future. Look forward to hearing more about your adventures

  9. OH it really riles me when I see these riots on the telly ... :lmao: though to be fair, I know that the violence is perpetrated by a few mindless idiots who have absolutely no link to the protest but see this as a good opportunity to create havoc!! 90% of those out on the streets were appalled with this destruction being carried out in their names and condem it wholeheartedly as they should .. Enough of the politically correct policing and control - bring back good old fashioned riot police who when you stepped out of line - especially violence and criminal damage - would let the dogs go along with liberal helping of tear gas and the odd rubber bullet. If you choose to behave like an animal expect to be treated like one and dont whinge about your human rights and civil liberties or expect any sympathy from us - what about our rights and liberties? Who is going to pay for the damage ... take a guess! To the students, whilst I can sympathise with what you have to say about the increase and having to pay so much more, please consider this - we are one of the VERY FEW countries in the world where this privilege exists. I have lived and worked in several countries where students have to pay for their university education in its entirety and the tax payer doesnt pay a cent. Indeed in those countries, you have to pay back the student loan whether you pass or fail and irrespective of what you earn when you start work. To use an analogy I heard in the pub - the sweetie jar is empty! if you want sweets, you're going to have to buy your own for the next couple of years cos there is no money to fill it. Its sucks but that life - we're were fortunate enough to have led the good life but thats over now PHEW - deep breath. Ok, i'llget off my soap box now :)

  10. Let me be the first the welcome you formally. :) As you have already found out, the members here cover a broad spectrum of society and are more than willing to listen, support and /or offer advice with regards to heels as a fashion item for both men and woman. That said, thats not all we discuss and you will find that we also discuss / debate a broad range of other non-heel related topics and we encourage everyone to join in Look forward to hearing more from you as you find your way around the forum

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