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Posts posted by crotchboots-m

  1. total fetish leather....this what i usually wear....high heel thigh/crotch/chap boots,2 pairs of boot chains,boot garter(with the thigh or crotch boots),skintite leather or pleather pants,pyramid belt,black dress shirt,biker vest,shoulder length leather gloves,wrist restraints,2 spiked choke collars,biker skullcap. oh,and its all black,of course

  2. if worse comes to worse,you just wear them on the sly when she is not there. but dont be disrespectful of her wishes by flaunting them in front of her...thats not good for either one of you. i guess bill clinton would call it dont ask,dont tell...lol.

  3. dont purge any of your stuff...ive done that in the past and all you end up doing is buy more stuff to replace it. just put it away someplace and wait for at least 6 month to a year,and then and only then if you feel the same way should you toss it or give it away.

  4. unless they get hostile of course. i had an instance while wearing when 3 punks thought they could bully me about. i kicked the loudest mouthed one rite in the groin and that pretty much ended it. i do believe i not only inflicted punishment with the pointy toe,but i am pretty sure i got him with my heel on his leg as well.

  5. i like to swim/wade in my boots and leather. i like to use settings that are frequented by other people(ponds,lakes,etc). i would try to use these spots when no one was around,but if you hang around long and late enuff,someone always shows up. so a few times i got caught out all dressed up and found i liked it...thrilling to say the least. so i got bolder and started wearing to nearby outlet mall. from there i worked up to wearing to my appointments,etc. the one thing that is pretty much a constant in it all is that no one really cares what you wear...really. odds are they wouldnt notice you anyways,truth be known. so wear what you want,i say.

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