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Posts posted by crotchboots-m

  1. i guess it would be kewl to have a more common womens shoe size...like a anywhere from 8 to 10,but it aint gonna happen,so why sweat it? and my boot collection numbers over 100 with a us womens size 14 anyways,so if i wore a us womens 9 or 10,i would probably have 500 or more...and thats a bit much...for my wife anyways

  2. this outfit is in your neck of the woods(an old yank,er...redneck really...term) the website is www.afterdarkfashions.com.au A real cute gal named michelle owns and operates it. she has a range of boots from the cheap asian sweatshop versions all the way up the swanky jean gaborit boots.

  3. i would say go for it. ive had sex with 4 different women in the past 10 years while wearing my boots in public. or,shall i say,ive had sex as a result of my wearing them in public....strike up a conversation,see where it goes...

  4. i would tend to agree with that only because any of the men i know wouldnt even touch the subject of understanding "them". its such a complex issue that i wouldnt even attempt to consider it,even drunk

  5. the way they are made,the arch,etc are very important. i have boots with 5 inch heels that are more comfortable to wear than some with 3 and 1/2 or 4 inch heels. the worst pair i have are pair of the angie chap boots. i think they were designed by some sort of sadist...the arch is whacked beyond belief.

  6. i like bicycling,motorcycling,travel to exotic places,good food and beer,cats,dogs,outlaw country music,and sex...when i can get it...lol. dont like guns,even though i am an ex-marine. i just regard it as a tool that one has reluctantly sometimes use on varmints,2 legged and otherwise,kinda like doing plumbing...i can do it,but would prefer not to.

  7. ive always loved boots,since i could walk i think,always had a pair of cowboy boots. then mom started wearing knee high fashion boots in the 60s,and i would wear them when i could until my feet got too big. then i started buying my own,scrounging,etc. then i discovered thigh boots in the mid-70s and havent looked back. now i love to be in the tallest possible boot and covered in fetish leather!! oh,i have over 100 pairs...not bad since i wear a us womens size 14...i sometimes think i would have 1000 if i was a size 10 or so.

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