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Posts posted by crotchboots-m

  1. i always carry a set of "standard issue" clothes and shoes when i go out and about dressed. i always leave myself an out. as far as the cops go,then can press the boundaries of their power and harass you if they really want to. like make you get out of the vehicle while all the traffic goes by,etc. but i say,if you cant handle that,then dont go out in public dressed up. i am not being elitist in this,but most of us are up to going in public in heels,etc. my advice would not be push it past your individual comfort level. i mean,if you cant have fun doing it,dont do it at all,i say.

  2. this is a case where someone else is making the decision for the wearer. i think it should be based on a case by case basis. some are more advanced,etc than others in this regard. besides,i bet they will wear them when you are not around if they want to bad enough...i remember doing it too

  3. i dont know about that...i guess you could be other/either/both. anyways,who cares,be what you feel you must be when you wannabe...if that makes any sense,i will eat my boots.

  4. the answer is depending on who you are asking. there is no clear consensus,never was one or ever will be one. just remember that once upon a time long hair on males was extremely frowned upon. and a lot of intrepid souls decided to wear it anyway,out of moral conviction,protest,or whatever. after enough of them did it for a long enough time,it became more acceptable. there are still enclaves and individuals that dont like it,but screw them and the horse they rode in on. so the moral of the story is clear...numbers and time. wear the bastards out until they quit and go home.

  5. my father once told me the minute you understand a woman,your gonads will shrivel up and fall off. now this is an exaggeration to say the least,but it does have some truth to it. i tend to look at it like the french do,vive la difference.

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