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Posts posted by crotchboots-m

  1. i am married too,and my wife knows about my boots and what i do in them. she doesnt like it,but allows me to do it as long as i dont embarrass her or ignore her needs. i say take it slow...discuss it and find out what her limits are first

  2. being a former serving marine,i do believe the general was referring to what they call a "snatch". especially since he would not acknowledge that there is a need for male prostitutes...hehehehe

  3. as far as advancing the so called cause,its kind of like the lonely wolf howling at the wind. we male heel wearers with always be a minuscle minority. i kind of like to compare us to a monastic order...no one understands it and why we are drawn to it. the more u try to explain it the more confused they become. the best thing to do is make it as non-threatening as possible so they dont round us up and make joan of arc wannabes out of us

  4. being a former serving marine,i can attest that they are a very male orientated macho group. this is a good idea considering what there main job is..amphibious assault troops. being sensitive to the fashion/fetish desires of others is not on the training schedule at all.

  5. being a college graduate,ive read most of the explanation and platitudes about the whys,wherefors,etc of fetishes. in the long run,who cares? we all got where we are without them,didnt we? so if it floats your boat,go with your own current i say. it really amazes me that the so called experts on the subject are probably "normal"...so what do they know about what makes me or anyone us tick?

  6. i wear fetish boots and leather in public when i can. i also swim/wade/shower in it. rite now i have over 80 plus pairs of boots,etc. i have been married for 21 yrs to a woman who only wears ankle boots. she does not like my "hobby" but doesnt interfere with it as long as it doesnt reflect negatively on her or the family. sort of a dont ask dont tell arrangement...with the agreement that it doesnt get to out of hand

  7. i wear in public all the time. i frequently wear my boots and leather to my regular doctor,eye doctor,and dentist appointments. i usually go shopping once a week dressed up. about the only place i dont wear is work(dress code) and family functions. i also wade/swim/shower in my gear,using a public beach at a state park when its warmer.

  8. i look at wearing my black leather thigh high and taller boots and leather in public much like bomber crews did about bombing heavily defended targets in ww2. if the target was worth bombing,you just had to fly through the flak. i enjoy most of the reactions i get wearing out so i take the hits. it is surprising how many many people dont really care though. i also find that being outgoing,such as smiling and greeting,etc,goes a long way at putting people at ease. just think of a politician running for office...lol

  9. in all my years of wearing fetish boots and leather in public,ive noticed 3 disctinct reactions. the first,and most prevalent,is that they dont see you. what they see cant be real,so they ignore the input. 2nd is the 2 second look and then ignore. and the 3rd,and most fun,and the jaw drop and rubber neck stare.

  10. i have found that there are 3 distinct reactions to wearing fetish boots and leather in public. group 1 will act like u r invisible. group 2 will look,process the info,and then decide its an optical illusion and then ignore u. group3...the fun group...they will stare,drop there jaws to the ground,round up there buddies to come look,ask u stupid questions like"are u warm in your boots?"..."is that an everyday boot"...."dont those high heel boots hurt your feet?"...."is that a women's boot"....this list is only partial...and only the most memorable quotes at that.

  11. i like to go to my doctor and dentist appointments in my black leather crotchboots with 4.5 inch spike heels. i wear my fetish leather with the boots...boot chains,boot garter,skintite jeans(tucked in the boots),pyramid belt,vest,shoulder length gloves,wrist restraints,2 spiked choke collars,and my biker skullcap. its gotten to the point when i dont wear this gear,they ask me why.

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