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Posts posted by crotchboots-m

  1. sounds like a silly dream i used to have as a kid: i would find myself bare naked in a classroom full of kids sitting at my desk,but they wouldnt notice or couldnt see. Being put on such a situation againist your will is a nightmare,not a fantasy.

  2. in mine outings i experience 3 basic responses: #1-they totally ignore you,the most common response. #2-they look for about 1 to 3 seconds,and then ignore you. 2nd most prevalent response. #3-least prevalent,but most memorable. they look and then stare,jaws dropping to the ground sometimes. they may even follow you around and ask others "did you see that guy dressed up in fetish leather and boots?". i have the most fun with those.

  3. most main line department stores(j.c.penney,target,etc) only carry up to size 11. the reason being is not anti-male sentiment to carrying larger,but economical reasons. i am sure there statistics show that the shoe size distribution curve shows anything larger as being not worth stocking. better to sell those size 8s at full retail than be stuck with 12 and 13s and have to mark them down to only make 1 or 2 dollars on them.

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