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Posts posted by crotchboots-m

  1. its a small market thing,too. as most of people interested in the product aquire them,the demand naturally drops off. if they had a marketing department they would have drum up demand. this is in keeping with the idea that marketing is an art form which gets people to buy products they neither really want/or need.

  2. i hope that doesnt make you a hermaphrodite or some such. the paparazzi would hound you down like they do the psuedo celebs and no talents. well,they hound the talented ones,too.

  3. exactly,wear your boots/heels/whatever the way you want. after all,you are the one that probably had to work for the money that bought them,rite? and if not,you have ask permission from the one that did...jk...lol.

  4. i think worrying about what others find to be acceptable...why dont we just call a spade a spade here...politically correct is a total waste of time. even if you did and wore what "they" wanted you to someone would dislike your ass for one reason or another. so why worry about it? and if you are really serious about following your own fashion/fetish tastes you are just going to have to accept that your are peeing into the wind and that you will get wet. no other way around it. or you could pretend you are a mindless,brainnumbed sheep like the good portion of society. so i ask you,which path is worse? being who you are or living a lie?

  5. whenever i see something different like that i suppress the onrushing thoughts of comformity that society as a whole wants us to think. as long as no laws are being broken then live and let live i say. and the laws i am thinking about are the usual no total nudity,etc...not some local homophobic tripe.

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