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Posts posted by crotchboots-m

  1. i am not one for sweeping generalizations,either. its the sort of thing that starts wars,genocide,and a whole host of unpleasant,hateful events. before you express such opinions its best to look at yourself in the mirror and take a deep breath and ask yourself if you really believe it. And if you really feel that way,i would bet there is a lot more behind it than men wearing heels in public.

  2. my advice: be very careful here. just be careful that they are sincere in this...i dont know the motivations involved.you know your supervisor better than i do. all i am saying is that if they are looking for something on you,this might be it.

  3. all i can say is that once the cat is out of bag,he is gone. once they see you they will not forget. also,make sure you take another pair of shoes with you if the heat gets too hot. a good trooper always leaves himself a path of retreat

  4. a few years back i was wearing my fetish boots and leather in public,walking around an outdoor shopping mall. 3 young punks spotted me and began to follow,making all sorts of rude comments. when one of the group made a comment that they should kick my ass because i was "a fagot queer and wouldnt fight back", i whipped around got rite in his face and told him to try it if he wanted my pointy toe rite up his ass. that made them scatter like the maggots that are. of course,being 6 ft tall and being muscular at 240 lbs. probably helped me as well

  5. i really like your taste in boots...those ideal in my eyes,altho i would prefer them up to my crotch. as far as mr negative, let him fornicate with himself and the horse he rode in on. one thing ive found out from years of wearing in public is that i totally exposes the truly boorish and subhuman among us.

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