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Posts posted by crotchboots-m

  1. lots of people see what you are wearing and dont pay any attention or at least dont see any reason to make a comment. if they do,i find that it is usually a compliment. i think some women admire the courage it takes to wear heels in public. but only a few will say anything,for many different and varied reasons. if they do,i value it highly.

  2. i remember the first time i wore heeled boots in public. it was late in 1971. the boots where a pair of black knee high stretch boots with a nice 3 inch heel. i wore them shopping one afternoon with jeans tucked into them. man,what a rush it was. been doing it ever since,judiciously of course.

  3. sounds like granny wasnt too sure about the answer was she? maybe the worm is turning...i wonder if i will live to see it unfold? but then, who would have dreamed of the changes in the 60s and 70s in year,say,1957? most would have said "no way,jose". so dont give up hope,keep on wearing your heels,and damn the torpedoes!!!

  4. dollars to donuts the ogler 1) had a woody going 2) was probably envious and wanted to wear them too. when i wear in public,the most outrageous reactions usually come from men. ive had some go so far as to follow me around like a stray dog. or ask foolish questions like "dont those make your feet sweat?"

  5. both sexes...probably for good reason. at one time the male and female role defintion was set up to provide division of labor/responsibility for the safety,etc of the tribe,group,whatever. there was no room for debate since survival was at stake. but in modern times,its hard to shake off the traditions that got us here. maybe there is some of it burned into our dna.

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