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Posts posted by crotchboots-m

  1. wow,i couldnt do it. i know my mom pretty much knows,but i will let her go to the grave not convinced. just me and the way she feels about it(at least the way i percieve it)....did i spell percieve rite?...old crow makes me a lot less of spelling bee winner....

  2. this is perfect example of what ive said in the past about wearing heels in public...there is a cost. but the side benefit is that it smokes out those closet fascists that you dont know about. once you know who they are,you can deal with them.

  3. it seems humans like to categorize everything...put them i nice tidy boxes that everyone can relate to and understand. this is far easier than taking off the top of the box and really figuring out what is going on,of course. and the great majority dont want spend any time thinking about men in heels. so they spit out the most likely scenario(in their mind and experience) and move off to more interesting and pressing matter. and this is especially true of unpleasant and deviant topics.

  4. i found by accident that no one really cares if you wear in public. i was using a public beach to swim in my fetish boots and leather and this couple came by to my(up till then)secluded swimming spot. after a brief startlement,they merely went about there business. i was intrigued by this,so later on i went to an outlet mall in my gear and walked around. i found that the public has 3 distinct reactions to such a sight... #1-they act like you are not even there #2-they briefly stare and then act like you are invisible #3-they go apeshit,staring,pointing,giggling,whatever. this is the smallest group and usually is comprised of brainless adolescents in groups of 3 or more. ive been doing this for several(about 10) years. i also go to various appointments all dressed up. now when i dont dress up the staff will ask what happened to my fetish gear. other things have happened also...2 of my neighbors shun me now like i have the plague...no great loss i say. glad i know what they are made of now...lol. but the really cool people that i know dont let it bother them,i am still the same of pre-fetish boot and leather dude they knew before. so to all that are afraid of people not liking you for wearing heels,dont let it bother you. the ones that abandon you probably werent worth knowing in the first place.

  5. rednecks are the salt of the earth...they fight our wars,build our stuff...do all kids of shitty jobs. so if they drink too much beer,so what. if i had to go to war,i would consider myself blessed to have rednecks in either of the foxholes adjacent to me.

  6. i had an episode like that in junior high school. i snuck back into the classroom at lunchtime to try on a pair of one my gal classmates boots. just as i got the second one on the teacher came in the room. the look on her face was priceless...pure horror. i was too young and scared to appreciate it at the time. she admonished me at length on my heinous activity and promised further discipline if i did it again. amazing what people will kick under the rug isnt it...if i was smoking a doobie,etc i would have been keelhauled and hung from the tallest yardarm in the fleet.

  7. i personally dont worry about what others wear. let them do as they please and their fashion sensibliities dictate. i may want them to wear this or that,but i am sure they couldnt care less. and if i want to see my ideal,i dress up and stand in front of my full length mirror.

  8. i like to wear my thigh high and taller boots with total fetish leather. this includes: 2 pairs of boot chains,skintite leather or pleather pants,boot garter,pyramid belt,biker vest,black longsleeved dress shirt,2 spiked choke collar(one narrow,one wide),wrist restraints,and biker skullcap. i am sure all can agree there is nothing ambiguous about this array...lol.

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