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Posts posted by crotchboots-m

  1. i am sort of confused by the categories...i dont try to pass as fem at all(shaved head,goatee,etc) i wear my boots with full fetish leather usually. i guess the boots and my opera to shoulder length gloves could be consider fem..but not the rest. i suppose i defy categorization...lol...i love it.

  2. there was a time in the past when i would have done it...and i would haved bahhhhhhed my way in the mainstream. not now...its a part of me and its fun. so why give it up? and dont most us want to be a cut above the usual mob? or maybe a cut below...depending on who is making the judgement. like the clown across the street...he was my good buddy until he saw me one day in my boots and leather. now he wont even look at me. does it bother me? hell no...i am glad i flushed out the little rat...now i know his real colors. so all you lurkers remember that the ones that will reject you arent worth the trouble anyways. your real friends will remain that way regardless of you wearing heels or whatever.

  3. i own a motorcycle myself(2000 honda ace tourer 1100). however,riding one of these is serious business. i wouldnot want to compromise my safety by wearing heels while piloting these behemoth. as the black gal said in "gone with the wind"...just taint fittin...

  4. gay,straight,metro...i am so sick of the labels...i like this one the best..human. its like we have to be sorted out and organized like fruit on the sorting line. one day they may be able to genetically grow humans in a test tube to make us all "perfect". and i am glad i wont be here to see it. i wonder who the prototype will be?....lol...alfred e. neumann or george bush...

  5. do what you are comfortable with. dont let anyone talk you into anything you cant deal with later. better to safe than sorry on this sort of thing...you CANNOT put the genie back in the bottle once it gets out. allegories aside...do it in private until you are pretty sure about yourself. good luck.

  6. the range of heel heights in my boot collection runs from 2 and 1/2 inches to 5 inches. the best compromise for me is anywhere between 3 and 4 inches. anything over is great looking but kill my feet. anything under the 2 and 1/2 and i might as well a pair of running shoes.

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