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Posts posted by Cali

  1. I think part of is your predisposition. Kill them with kindness.

    I had three encounters yesterday with people I had never meet over my heels.  

    The first was when I came out of a building and saw two women  walking across in front of me look down at my heels. Before they could form an opinion I said "don't you just love them" as I continued walking across campus to pick up some papers from another office. I try to help them form a positive opinion of men in heels. Just using the old jedi mind tricks on them - "Let the force be with you".    8-)

    After leaving that office I had the second encounter. An Asian woman came up behind me and said "your feet must hurt walking in those heels." Since was walking in the same direction along a path between buildings I engaged her in conversation.  First I informed her I wouldn't be walking in them if they hurt and I wear heels to relieve pain.  It turns out she can wear heels and more. Could this be jealousy? I hope I changed her opinion about a man in heels. She turned at the end of path to go to her car as I continued, running into the third encounter just 100 meters away.

    When this third woman joined the path she immediately said "I love your heels."  We had a small chat about men in heels. Turns out she lives in San Francisco and frequently sees men in heels at parties with no indication of gay, straight, it doesn't matter. She said that some are now wearing leggings, shining or faux leather.  I hope I run into her again, real soon!

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  2. 7 hours ago, HappyinHeels said:

    Cali, Now why didn't you wear those to the ballpark?? I love that style. Imagine that wedge with a skinny jean. HinH

    This is a new pair, I wore out my other pair this color, so they are still not broken in enough. Besides I didn't know what surfaces I was going to encounter at night or how many stairs I would need to walk in crowded conditions, so that's why I wore boots. The light brown version I have of these. shown somewhere above, doesn't attract as much attention.  This is one of my perfectly mismatched heels.

  3. 4 hours ago, Shyheels said:

    Sure, you might go around in shorts and heels all the time but that doesn't mean you couldn't bump into someone you hadn't seen for ages, or who just came in from out of town, and is surprised to see you in heels - 'caught' as it were.

    That happened last week at the post office, saw a former physical therapist of mine. She said they hadn't seen me is some time. I said that's because I haven't had ankle problems since I switched to women's shoes. And no hip problems since I started to wear high heels.

    Wearing heels is now just second nature to me. I've worn high heels almost everywhere for over 3 years now. There are some places I might wear boots, and I still get nervous at times. 

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