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Posts posted by Cali

  1. Today I was sitting having an afternoon beer with some friends, sitting with my leg across the knee of the other. One of guys I was drinking with looked at my Freebird Blaze and said "those are some nice shoes."

    The one below is a black pair, I wore my brown pair today.


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  2. I was in Costco and an young Asian woman came around the corner and she couldn't take her eyes off my heels. She looked up at me for just a moment and went right back to locking onto my shoes. I used the "Don't you just love them" line as I passed. I heard her whisper "yes".


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  3. 5 hours ago, KneeBooted said:

    So I bit the bullet and said screw it. Heeling makes me happy, so I put on my knee boots with extra long pants in Chicago and wore them until I got home just now. Took out the cushions and my feet actually felt better without them in there.

    I wear Aldo cushions in many of my heels, but not in my boots and some booties

    5 hours ago, KneeBooted said:

    Back to work tomorrow, so no heeling until the weekend lol

    We should get together some time and go shoe shopping. Maybe meet at DSW on Steven's Creek Bld.




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