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Posts posted by robbiehhw

  1. I shopped after a business meeting today with the aim of buying some clearance shoes. Got a pair of 41/2 wedges and 5" heeled pair of sandals. Very nice afternoon to shop, both SA's were very pleasant. I was en femme in a woman's suit blazer, pants and blouse but i am sure i would have been treated just as well otherwise.



  2. Somehow this response was lost. Here it is again:


    I take shorter strides but not tiny steps. I learned long ago to alter my stride and i think its pretty feminine. I lead with the heel and keep in mind the "invisible line" that you place your feet on. This also causes your to swivel your hips. The back should be slightly arched and the shoulders down  Finally, i took some time to learn to relax my stride and not be rigid for me that is a key to a feminine walk as well. 


    Love that outfit. I have a soft spot for burgundy, crimson and the like. Love the blouse and pants. I think velvet can go with the satin pants, but to me velvet always says winter. I think velvet and very shiny pants like leather can also work well, because of the high contrast. I think i'd go for more of a twill jacket or even leather/faux leather.

  4. I take shorter strides but not tiny steps. I learned long ago to alter my stride and i think its pretty feminine. I lead with the heel and keep in mind the "invisible line" that you place your feet on. This also causes your to swivel your hips. The back should be slightly arched and the shoulders down  Finally, i took some time to learn to relax my stride and not be rigid for me that is a key to a feminine walk as well.

  5. Guys this is what's happening here:


    We have a tendency to emphasize one half of the truth at the expense of the other half, and we can do that in either of the following ways.  For instance, we emphasize conservative style at the expense of creative and experimental style; or we emphasize what is acceptable in rural areas at the expense of what is acceptable in urban areas or what is acceptable free styling for Gen X at the expense of what is acceptable and even laudable free styling for Gen Z.  


    Very well said. Wear what you want and let others do the same :)

  6. If Caitlyn identifies as a woman, she is a woman. A real woman has nothing to do with biology. She may not be biologically female, chromosome wise, but she is very real as a woman. I suspect her dress up is only wearing clothes on the outside, that match her identification. Further, though i have not really ever watched the Kardashians or the new Cait show, care for her adult children is demonstrated in everything i've read.  


    Why is this so hard for people to come to terms with? I don't get it. You can change your gender as demonstrated by people the world over. 


    As to the effect of changing your gender on your loved ones, this is a very personal thing and we really have no idea about people's individual circumstances on this. Many spouses will not accept it later in life and it causes the end of the marriage, some like my own adapted to it and can actually strengthen the union. A lot has to do with the two people involved. There is no magic formula for marriage or any relationships, You work hard at it and do your best to love that person. Love is much more a verb than a noun.

  7. Freestyling is crossdressing but i usually think of it as more subtle.


    Gender fluidity is growing and more people are identifying themselves as that. The dress that expresses that is often some form of crossdressing or freestyling. Think about a guy with a beard in a men's leather biker jacket. Diamond studs in his ears, leather skirt, tights and women's leather boots with heels. To me, that is a good picture of presenting for a gender fluid person.


    I refer to my wardrobe as women's close but then i am a woman. When i was not sure about in the past, i still referred to them as women's.

  8. I'm glad things seem to have warmed. Honesty, even in the face of loss and embarrassment is always preferable. It can be very hard. 


    The questions about sexual preference, she should be called on though. There is no relationship between that and what we choose to wear. Her mind may have been going to "what else hasn't he told me? is he living some ultra-kinky life? " but still, we all need to understand the difference. It's footwear for crying out loud. If you found a men's t-shirt or a pair of Air-Jordans  in her things,  you momentarily think is she fooling around on me? but you wouldn't assume she is seeing another woman.


    Still, It's already getting better and she is showing her love by supporting your keeping of the boots. That is very positive.

  9. hh - like you girl clothes proceeded shoes. For a long time i had only women's jeans/khakis and maybe 1 skirt (this was like 20+ yrs ago). I think somewhere in there the femme clothes sent me in the direction of getting shoes that went with the outfit. I don't recall the exact progression but i was something like that.

  10. Society is changing and so are the definitions. Women x-dress all the time and never get a second glance. Definitely separating any thought of "straight, gay, lesbian, bi etc." from expression of one's gender is the first thing. Nothing fits into neat little boxes and it was never supposed to. 


    Some people really have trouble with this and of course it varies by culture a lot. I was reading a story of a TG woman in Japan, a society that is pretty liberal on many things and very accepting of the transgender spectrum in entertainment and culture, but most of the Japanese folks she spoke to were like...."you must like men" , when she replied she did a bit, but was mainly attracted to women, everyone gave her a puzzled look. 


    Life is not simple - i guess now we just have to get to know people :)

  11. In my opinion Feminization acceptance, gender fluidity and a society that simply does not care what people wear can only come when its no longer giggle material or stealth.


    To that end, i applaud anyone that brings it too the attention of society which eventually makes it mainstream. The same thing happened with other "lifestyles" (i hate that term). Whether it's TG models, modeling agencies, teens doing shows or even that somewhat cheesy Cait show, as a transgender person i welcome it all.

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