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Posts posted by robbiehhw

  1. Shopping - absolutely love it. I was at the outlet mall on Saturday. It is a very crowded one here in Oregon off of the interstate. I dressed in a women's pink rain jacket, pink and blue button up top, denim jeggings to match the blue in the top and grey suede ankle boots with a block 4 inch heel. It was a rainy day, im glad i waterproof things well. My hair was in barrettes. I think i was pretty much passing and got a number of ma'ams. I did not have foundation/concealer on though, so more than a few people did double takes. One snarky male SA in J Crew, mis-gendered me after i told him his greeting was not friendly, with a sarcastic "nice greeting" after he basically looked me over from head to toe, did not smile and did not offer me help.. (on the way out he was like have a nice day sir ...ya whatever, i guess i was the sarcastic one first) 

    Young SA's are generally so helpful. The only things i ended up buying were a new pair of women's nikes for running and a new top



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  2. Many women struggle with heels because they either wear them infrequently, or wear them because they feel obligated in some situations. I've been wearing over 20 years and to me it feels pretty natural. 

    I was getting some makeup samples at a Macy's counter yesterday and the SA was like...wow you walk really well in heels. I said thanks - i wear them a lot. She said i can tell you do :)

  3. 15 hours ago, TXGuy said:


    pebblesf - Not in Dallas, further South.  But, I really do not take chances.  I have a good job, and a family that depends on my keeping a good job.  While technically, there should be no legal problem, I have a level of respect and position which i wish to maintain.  Maybe when I am ready to throw caution to the wind, maybe, but not now.




    I'm in no way suggesting that you should do something that makes you feel uncomfortable. But the mere suggestion that a job could be effected by your choice of shoes in  general blows my mind. The thought that anyone who chooses a feminine path in the slightest way or all the way, would earn disrespect is maddening. Fortunately the world is changing and in some places changing fast. Whatever level of stepping out you have done this far is to be commended :)

  4. Does not surprise me either. As FOH closed all stores (even their flagship in Hollywood i think) they became an internet retailer only. In that game - unless you can sell expensive shoes or a massive volume, you would get far better margins from lingerie.

  5. I disagree. Sex is biological, gender is a construct. Sometimes it is expressed as Gender identity. Gender roles are things assigned or adopted within Gender. They vary by culture as an example. Often the reason that people bristle (often cultural conservatives) at Gender being a distinct thing, is that it means that people can truly choose their gender, and they can. 

    There is disagreement on this and some of it is pretty intense. Even the Wikipedia article discussed it and may contextual uses of gender.

  6. Histiletto - Very well stated. Agree on all fronts. I have likened people that attempt to bring others back into line in this system to societies overactive and unneeded immune system. Antibodies doing harm. It is done out of fear or when they themselves remember stepping out and getting squashed on some issue. They believe they have to return the favor. 

    Human brains love to categorize and draw swift conclusions. At some point in our evolution it served us well by deciding if the animal ahead was a predator or potential food. This no longer serves us very well,



  7. Some women are lighter than men. Yes weight matters - if you have ever compared a heavy woman's walk to a skinny woman, they are different.  I'm working really hard to get down to my wife's weight, even though i have three inches height on her. Not sure if i will get there, but there are many women that are heavier than me.

  8. Gender and sexual preference are two distinct things and both are generally on a spectrum, biology likely has something to do with both. From a biological sex standpoint, the facts that we have need both hormones in our body and actually start out in the womb as female, are interesting facts. Gender fluidity and Gender non-conformity indeed are states of mind and expression of the underlying gender spectrum, and how people choose to express it. We all know men that must express themselves as "super macho" for their well being, and women who must express themselves as ultra-feminine.  There are a lot of people in between.

    My wife who's appearance is very feminine, has a lot of male traits, even the entertainment she likes is traditionally male associated. There is no doubt to anyone that she is the leader in our home as well. Caitlin Jenner transitioned to her identified gender fully and lives every day as a woman, it is as simple as that. Many of us do and many more of us will in the future. In the future i am betting the technology will exist to give TG women the ability to bear children (and possibly men as well ). What peeves me at times is attitudes of this sort of expression is ok, but that sort isn't. Fortunately we are seeing less and less of that in western society anyways.

    Back when i was a teen and young man and started to put on feminine items, i knew i was at home from a gender standpoint. I never saw feminine as anything as but positive. If i ever even made a misogynist joke, or in anger used gender negatively, i don't remember it. I hope i did not. I don't think many men fully realize what it is like to be female, which is ok because why would they? The advantage that men have had, the disadvantage that women have faced is hard to imagine unless you have faced it. TG women are often shocked at how they are treated/objectified after they transition. 

    So whether you are a manly man, feminine man, transgender or something in between and you wear heels or more, appreciate the small expression of something that is seen as feminine. It's all positive and doesn't mean you are off to find a boyfriend (although that would be cool too )



    Men could be more excepted if they dressed in heels and skirts sensibly but many don the shortest skirt the highest heels and outragoeous wigs and boobs and makeup that makes them stand out like circus freaks

    its this stereo type that haunts us all

    I can hear what you are saying and i certainly am a proponent of dressing for the situation and your age, but i also believe people should wear what they want. If they want to dress as a drag performer, ok have at it.

    Another item to note is that some of those "circus" folks are transgender and simply trying to dress as their identified gender. Having said that i believe many of my sisters could use more fashion advice.

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  10. Good article. Things are steadily changing for the positive. As a TG woman it is an interesting subject to me. A guy wanting to transition to a woman is at times treated like its treason to all mankind by those that feel somehow threatened. In my lifetime i have seen very little "man-hating" feminism. If you throw out the few outliers (Dworkin comes to mind), most feminism is concerned with equality or a fully level field of play. I don't get why men feel threatened probably because i do not have a very male mind, but i know it exists. 

    Men/dads are definitely portrayed as buffoons in entertainment often. That is sad. Women are fast outpacing men in academics and i'm guessing part of that is due to the backlash that some young men feel as somehow education does not deliver the "toughness" that men want. As income equality widens as well, men are hurt by that. I read a study recently that indicated misogyny is more prevalent among poor men.  

    If i was getting the new iPhone it would definitely be the rose gold. I just got a knew Android phone in June and its leather back is pink.


  11. To the example of Costco hostility - i know its tempting to be angry at someone that wants to make you uncomfortable, but I wouldn't if it all possible. Other people have been more pissed at attempted insults thrown at me than i have. One time i thought my tall and very athletic son might take a guys head off, but i stopped him. 

    Look being gay is not a bad thing some great people are gay. If you treat it like it is an insult, you perpetuate the silliness. The few times i get those sort of remarks out in public i have laughed and kept walking or said something like " are you asking me out?", or " sorry dude I'm taken " always with a touch of humor. Many times people have blushed or turned away because they could NOT insult me. Usually the most negative things i get is muttering under the breath, head shaking or the like. Usually older males. 

    The amount of hostility i get is minuscule and the amount of support i get is large. Btw, 2 weeks ago in Costco i saw a guy with sandals, manicure and bright pink polish



  12. Understood, i think from a pure clothes perspective it is better to say " presenting as a woman" . A cross dresser or freestyler may not present as a woman but certainly has a path chosen in their own right and that involves dual gendered clothing. Think about the example of the guy with the very masculine upper body with face and beard, but wearing a tutu and ballet slippers That way you leave the gender question to itself and for the transgender woman for instance, you are just presenting as a woman, Why wouldn't you? because that is what you identify as.

    The OP crossed quickly from clothing all the way over to sexual preference which is even less solid ground to stand on. It is a common mistake to make, so no problem for him but it begs correction in light of what we know today. Transvestite sort of says someone is a citizen of a sub-group, transgender women are just women from a gender perspective and choose to dress that way.

    Even Wikipedia struggles with:


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