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Posts posted by robbiehhw

  1. Great outings. I'm getting the she pronoun more and more myself these days. The first one is surprising for sure!  I also notice that transgender people (in my case) are rare enough that sales associates, salon people etc always seem to remember me and i found that surprising at first. I would not shop at a place for like three months and the SA would be like....hey i remember you. 

  2. I was in an airport recently dressed pretty conservatively in a conservative state. I was wearing a plain top, women's jeans (the only kind i own) and nice ankle boots. While getting my boarding pass, a woman with her sun sort of guffawed and said " Oh God...." clearly directed at me. No bigee - these things happen. The more we do this the more society will change and faster as well.

  3. Yes SD, i'm not sure where i got the nails resting thing, probably blogs but i do go sans polish once in a while but never more than a few days. 


    I use coconut oil for oil treatments, something else i saw on a blog,  and as a result i think they are pretty healthy. I have a pretty good diet though so who knows. I am changing polish colors every 3-5 days. It's hard to take off the professional work from a pedicure when it is still pristine, but i often do.

  4. Mine are rarely un-polished - maybe a few days a month to rest the nails. I also get manicures and pedicures every month. 75% of the time my finger nails are clear, 25% something else. My toes have a variety of colors, my favorites are mauves and light pink.


    For just getting into color, i'd suggest very light pinks, nudes or metallics. The former two are fun but not so striking, the latter is a bit more masculine (perhaps)

  5. It get's better. You will only be under her authority for a fraction of your life.


    It's sad that people do not embrace gender fluidity, as the world is changing fast. But it will steadily improve for you as you get older.

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