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Posts posted by robbiehhw

  1. On 9/2/2016 at 3:51 AM, mlroseplant said:

    I went out for ice cream with my family the other night, wearing high heels with shorts (it's actually beginning to sound a little bit boring, isn't it?), and I witnessed the most amazing thing: Five teenaged boys sitting at a table.





    OK, that wasn't the amazing part. The amazing part was that NONE of them had a phone out the entire time I was there. They were just talking and laughing with each other, and, as a added bonus, none of them seemed to be laughing at ME! I was mostly surprised about no mobile devices produced among five boys in about 20 minutes. You don't often see that these days.

    I would have had some concern that they were aliens and laughing about their plan to call the mother ship. Rare indeed.

    • Like 1
  2. I like flats and sandals like the ones highlighted here. This summer the only heels i have worn have been wedges and most of the time it's sandals or platform sandals (with an occasional day of converses)

    The heels and boots will return though, in about a month.

  3. I generally don't go much past 5.5 either (i may have a 6 in the collection some place) and have never worn ballet heels, but just looking at examples of both, i'd say the ballet heels when laced tightly would transfer more of your weight off the front part of the foot. Of course that would transfer it to the calf and the heel and that would have it's own challenges.

  4. As i am a trans woman, yeah i have noticed a steady increase in the "sisterhood" thing. To me it is just about being ourselves and since there is a commonality there with other people, we feel some connection to one another. 

    On the flip side, males have grown more distant and there is a definite loss of male privilege. 

    I suspect to whatever degree you feminize and assuming it is visible, there will be some degree of that.

  5. A lot of men's fashion is utilitarian to a high degree. Much looks like it was designed by the same industrial designer that designs things like weed whips or camping gear. There are many exceptions and stylish stuff of course, but it tends to be higher end stuff for men.

    Feminine as a design concept is gather steam though and has been for some time. Yes, i am taking liberty with the term, but many designers do. Look at the sleek designs of mobile phones for instance. Not that long ago there were blackberrys and orginal droids etc, now you have very sleek design even screens that curve around the device. 

  6. My hunch is that Torrid and others are simply following fashion into a more casual cycle. Jeans and shorts, booties and thong sandals etc. Rue 21, Forever 21, and others follow the same trend. Also the unisex or softer gender trend is effecting fashion in both men and womens lines. 

  7. On 7/28/2016 at 6:05 AM, Gudulitooo said:


    Most men are sweating a lot more than most women.

    Don't know the reason, maybe one of those

     - bulkier body / muscles = more important metabolism = more heat to be evacuated ?

     - less or simpler body care (I have only one soap / shampoo, my wife reach more than 10 differents .... things) maybe not optimal for each region of the body ?

     - men don't hesitate to start sweaty tasks (I'll typically take all the shopping bag in a single pass, while for the same job, my wife would look for a troller - or ask me to do it !) ?


    Sweat = odor.

    Sweat + dust / (natural things coming under your feet ) in a sandal = triple odor

    Guys have a tendency to have a higher muscle to mass ratio and muscle is more efficient and eliminating heat. One of the reasons women are always colder then men is that our fat does not heat up (or presumably cool down) as efficiently.

    On 7/28/2016 at 6:05 AM, Gudulitooo said:



  8. On 7/23/2016 at 3:46 PM, JeffB said:

    Well, that's a bit of a bother for me as well since you rarely see people of either gender dress up, at least not on weekends, save for Sunday morning when people go to church. But, there is a sense ease and simplicity to wearing a dress since it's just one item, put it on, add and accessory or two and it's off to the races.

    Even in the rather casual northwest,i do see an exception to that and that is evening wear. In urban areas around clubs, bars, restaurants and other events you see people dressed pretty stylishly. I think it is true though as you say, that during the day on most weekends, you mainly see casual dress. Our area of the country has the lowest percentage of church goers per se (and those that do often go casual). so you don't see a lot people dressed for church in restaurants on Sunday afternoon as you do in some place such as Texas for instance.

  9. 4 hours ago, Thighmax said:

    I finally did it!!  I bough a couple of leather skirts and I can tell you that I loved them. 

    As we have discussed before I have bought a few dresses, tried them on and even though they feel really good I don't really like the way I look in them.  I decided to buy the skirts and found that this look is awesome.  I don't really know if it is the leather or what but I love them.  I also bought a bodysuit and I believe that it looks great. 


    Congrats on the additions to your wardrobe. I have resolved to wear a dress or skirt every Monday to work this year, and that is causing me to buy more of both. 

    • Like 1
  10. Capris, skimmers, and shorts can work with some heels nicely. Wedge sandals can work with even denim shorts. It really depends on the shorts and the shoes. Case in point the picture of the lovely lady above. I can't see wearing pumps for instance with shorts, but pumps and jeans are a classic look. 

  11. My opinions on hosiery have definitely changed, possibly shifting more toward the current fashion. This last winter, i'm not sure i wore hose or stockings more than once or twice. I have unopened packages in my drawers. It was all opaque tights or textured tights. I've also been maximizing bare leg time - starting earlier and going later, a trend i have also noticed. 

    Oregon is a pretty cool climate and even later into the fall here i notice women with skirts, boots and boot socks but bare legs in between.

    • Like 1
  12. On 6/27/2016 at 3:17 PM, pumpcat said:

    Why do men have ugly sandals, and us women have pretty ones? 


    Why hey can women bare a lot of skin at work, and it's fine, but not for men. I can wear whatever I want without any grief. If they did, it would be sexual harassment. But men have limits to what they can wear. 

    It's patriarchy and sexism. Men are seen as utilitarian traditionally and women are seen as aesthetic. How long does value last for utility as opposed to looks? Looks are arbitrary and subjective, utility is more defined and objective. This is thankfully changing. 

    I remember an episode of "Seinfeld" where Elaine explained it as such. "Men have utilitarian bodies that are not meant to be seen, women have sleek elegant bodies " is the paraphrase. The writer was only parroting tradition.

    Men are definitely aesthetic and women can be quite utilitarian.

  13. 8 hours ago, Gudulitooo said:


    2) nd most of all, the other cherished customers (women !) should be comfortable in the store while guys are browsing. On a market standpoint this is mandatory."


    I'm happy to say that with 20+ yrs shopping in women's sections and stores, i have maybe seen less than a handful of customers that at all seemed visibly uncomfortable with me shopping along side of them.  

  14. On 6/26/2016 at 5:52 AM, mlroseplant said:

    You are also not required to wear a jacket and a tie. You would be if you were a professional male classical musician, even in Florida!

    But while we're on the subject of fancy dress, to get back to the original subject, isn't it funny how men aren't allowed to wear open toed shoes with formal dress, and women are? I can't imagine wearing sandals with a suit and tie, much less a tuxedo. It would look funny, I should think. To be fair, in a concert-type situation, there is often a prohibition against open toed shoes for the women, as well.

    Indeed it is almost as if sandals for men have not seen their day as formal wear since Roman times. Although in non-western societies that is not the case. In the middle east, men wear sandals.

  15. Very interesting survey. As someone who lives as a woman now full time, its only been a few years since i would occasionally wear men's shirts. Shirts and jackets were my last male wear. I don't own any guys shoes but i do have some women's shoes that are fairly masculine such as Oxfords.

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