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Posts posted by Stilettoscot

  1. Arctic, Had this thread been placed in any other forum, I would wager it'd have been moved here on an instant. The fact that this forum is labelled as "Fetish" may impy a bit of "risque`" stuff that you (and I and many others) would not want their kids to see. Now, I personally would have preferred to see just the shoes, and his kink may not be his own, but I feel it is in the proper place. But, of course, the "line" can be abused...so we are watching.

  2. Admirer:

    In this particular instance, I object to the location being kept a secret.

    It's not your place to object as you're not putting in the effort on this meet. Once you run an event then you can thus make the event as transpearant as you'd like.

    This is supposed to be an open forum.

    It's as open a forum as the members feel comfortable with, nothing more, nothing less. If it's a total, "no secrets" forum you desire, this may not be the place for you.

    Certain individuals need to grow up and stop acting like little children.

    I think maybe you should take your own advice and I doubt I'm alone in thinking this. Let's now get back to civility please.
  3. I am sorry to hear this. I guess the only thing to think about for you now is if it is worth it to continue to have to hide who you really are. Also, can you continue to indulge in who you really are in the very limited and secretive way you will no doubt have to?? It's a tough road for you and I wish you the very best!

  4. I agree whole-heartedly with admirer. The effort put into these events is big league and I am sure the invite is there for yourself to put one on (and thus, posting the details as you see fit). BTW, Airwolf, if this forum is as "open" as you say it is, can you show us all a picture of your face? As for myself, it would all depend on the London heel meet. I hate being in the position I am in in terms of "wait and see", but for now, I guess that's all I can say. Good luck with it, and if I can go, I will.

  5. Funny, I just put the first pair I got on my new sling-backs...not for outside worries, but to keep the slipping down on the hardwood floor in the club! :thumbsup: They work great and are easy to apply. Hope you let them adhere for 24 hours before you walked in them.

  6. With all the snow the was falling, I had to carry my heels (My Jessica Simpson 5 1/4" sling-backs) in a box and change in the club. She saw me on the way in, came over to talk to me and asked why I didn't have my heels on. So, I showed her the box they were in, and she seemed to appreciate the fact I wasn't changing. I still don't know what's up between us, and frankly, didn't care last night. Only about 50 people showed up, but I had a good time anyways... Oh well.

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