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Posts posted by Stilettoscot

  1. Yesterday I managed to spend my $100 DSW card in a nice hour + shopping trip before work. Wow, never been one before. Not too bad... Lots of people, but most in the boots/low shoes area. I must have tried on at least 50 pairs of shoes, in full view of some shoppers, with limited looks. 2 pairs I settled on, which I am glad I did. 1rst, a pair of Diba booties, with are a roomy size 10. Just enough peep toe to show off some of my pedi, and this kind of bootie seems to be in now. I like them. 4 1/2" heel with a 1/2" plat, comfortable, supportive, and easy to walk in. I like the off metallic color, too. Goes great with jeans. (pic 1) Next pair took my by surprise. Jessica Simpson "Silk Kid" slingbacks...they caught my eye but it wasn't until I tried them on that I fell in love! Almond toe just looks great on these, they are a roomy 10 (I had to make another hole in the sling buckle as they didn't have 9.5), but fit my feet like a glove! Plus (which probably caught my eye), they have a towering (for a department store shoe) 5 1/4" heel (no plat)!! Saying this, they are super comfortable, and remarkably easy to walk in (easier than a lot of my 4" heels). (pic 2 & 3). I haven't been able to take these off since yesterday, and even snuck them into work to show some of the girls I work with (around midnight when admin leave). Just a peek of toe cleavage, almond toe, beautiful heel...I'm in love! I've had them on now for 6 hours today (out on errands to ship out a package, gas, and atm), and they feel like I just slipped them on! Surprise, surprise. The "Chicken of the Sea" Girl makes nice shoes! No wonder Pete Wentz likes her shoes!




  2. OK, I have to step in and say my 2 pence...

    I am a member of quite a few forums, including 2 where I have over 30,000 posts each. I am a mod at 2 of them, admin at a third. So, I have some experience in forums and how they do/should relate to us.

    The ONE thing everyone has to realise is you are reading someone's messages from a 2-dimentional standpoint. Without the third dimention, you have no knowledge of the nuances in which the poster has written his message, meaning, a lot gets lost in any translation.

    ALSO, Admin have a tough job (I know). Creating a place where everyone feels part of the "community" is tough. BUT, the members have to take part in this as well. Members have to take responsibility in how they use the community, just like in real life. In real life, there are people/places/things that you cannot change and don't like (or just don't jive with your views). That is OK in itself. HOW a member of any community deals with this fact will determine how effective the community is to them.

    Take you work environ. Unless you're the owner, chances are good you can find a page or two of things you don't like about the place, including people there. It's natural.

    2 options are then presented to you:

    1. You can quit the job (or any other community part of your life), and go elsewhere trying to find the perfect place.

    2. Ignore and move past the things you can't change in a positive manner, and continue to be part of the community in other aspects of it.

    The pro's and con's are obvious is both scenarios. It then boils down to your decision...

    Good luck in whatever you choose, but as for me, I like this place too much to let things I may not agree with spoil it. I just move past the things I may not agree with and concentrate on the things I do!!

  3. Yup. In fact, mathematically speaking, your chances actually increase.

    Actually, the eventuality increases, but NOT your chances. Your chances will stay the same each time.

    Saying this, I would think your best bet would be to wear pants which you could roll up during your trip in the club. So to help your chances of staying incognito while enjoying the experience:

    1. Going to a gay club.

    2. Bring your heels (nice spiked ones which you like) in a box to the club.'

    3. Change into them while you're already in the club keeping your pants over the shoe until you are ready to show.

    4. Have a few drinks. After a few, you will see the truth that noone cares! :w00t2:

  4. Roni, Once I wore a pair of 5" peep toe pumps out, navy blue jeans, with a (too big for me) red shirt. The shoes ripped my feet up, so they've never gone on my feet since. The look wasn't too bad though. My avatar ultras are my only other red shoes and they're only going on once in the club. Still have no clue what to wear with them, but the pants won't cover the heels!

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