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Posts posted by Stilettoscot

  1. Oh the horror... 2 days back I was practicing (in my powerless house due to the ice storm), and felt some "give in my right heel. While it was not broken, there is now "play" in the heel which is obviously a manufacturing defect (brought it to a cobbler yesterday to see). I contacted Sexy-shoes and they told me no problem on returning them Sad, but they have no more shoes in this style and size. Good news is I will be able to trade them in for 2 other models (one on clearance), and they'll do it for no extra charge (just shipping). So, while I'm really sad they are leaving, I'll have 2 other new ultra's in which to practice on. So, for the upcoming week or two, I'll be ultra-less... :thumbsup: Oh well, these things happen!

  2. ON a personal level, the pics aren't "my thing" in terms of style. I love the shoes, and like most, I concentrated on the shoes instead of the entire photo. Saying that, I can see both points brought up. While it is borderline in what the rules do say, and certainly not really in line of what the forum seems to be about for most, I'm not sure I see it crossing the line so to speak. I, also, am not privvy to some of his previous pics, either, so there could be a history of rule bending. If there is to be a place for these pics, this is the right section. I would hope that "regular Joe" described by JMC (to which I am) would recognise this at a seperate section designed for tastes that may not parallel his/her own. Rules are rules, however, and we all have to read and stick by them. From what I see, even though I did not linger on anything but his shoes, I don't see these particular pics "breaking" them. Just my 2c.

  3. Took a while to get comfortable in 6"ers for any period of time. I hope to be able to get at least decent enough with these to bring them the club once in a while. I doubt I'll ever walk in them like Pata (I can dream though, can't I??) but still I think I can at least wear them OK...LOL

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