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Posts posted by mtnsofheels

  1. Greetings Guy in heels, This will siting for you by the time you get back from your sojourn in the Mountains. Hope it went well for you. The mountains are a highly spiritual place to visit and expand mentally. I am deep into the mountains myself, way deep. I work and live in them summer and winter and explore them all over the globe. Do tell where you went and how you enjoyed them. Thanks for sharing. Mtnsofheels

  2. Hi Nick313, Glad you mustered the courage to join and tell us about your interests and divorce. Heels are our constant companion but marriage difficulties and then divorce make it harder to believe in ourselves and what we are and accept. I too like many others here have been through marriage then divorce, I can relate to your scene. Mine however turned even wilder by having my wife contract cancer and passing on after 4 months separated. This caused me to even go further to dig deep and fine what is important and not live in fear or denial and accept all of myself including heels, they are a part of me and will not go away. My favorite saying through my difficulties is "I feel much better now that I have given up hope" This has allowed me to be who I am. Glad to have you aboard! Mtnsofheels

  3. Wow, I had not seen this tread, I just posted one thread in this section under "The Grand National Boot", Oct 1st. It is another hoof boot made for a company in Canada. These however are quite wild indeed, less of heel compared to mine however they are all quite cool. They would be quite the street heeling epic though! Mtnsofheels

  4. Colors would be really nice but I like the look of classic black and brown. I do have red pair of pumps which do look good but limited for my rural heeling purposes. Brown is easy for looks. I think if I spent more time in places like London and NY I might buy into more colors. Its still fun whatever I can wear! Mtnsofheels

  5. Hi secondtake20, I wear both, 60/40 kneehighs/hose. They both do the trick and very comfy with boots. If I am wearing booties or ankle boots I use kneehighs, kneehigh boots I am in hose. Once winter comes in Canada, I even go with tights for more warmth. Hardly ever use socks in boots, just does not feel right. Mtnsofheels

  6. Having a GF and acceptance of who are. It took along time for me to accept that I was ok and normal to have this love for HH's and boots. So much that the cycles of get rid of the shoes, attempt without them, buy some more shoes,double guess and finally just accept who I was and am. It took 20 years or more. Then finding a GF who will eventually find the stash and ask what is this? Finally being up front and honest allowed me to be who I am and accept me for my interests and rest of me too. To have GF/SO say, no I can not have you do this or not accept it is as part of me. We can not hide or give this stuff up, we can not bury our interests and hope it will go away, it dosn't. So in being honest with self I would have to say "I don't think this can work" Then I am honest with her. Mtnsofheels

  7. I am for boots now more than shoes, I like them all but knee highs have a special spot in my heart of desire. But as many folks I am sure, a good selection of all boots and shoes is my present collection. Each height of boot offers a different feeling and look, I like them all. :smile: Mtnsofheels

  8. Greetings Becs 39! Welcome to HHplace, I thought I was tall too, just under 6'/180cm. But I have seen some women in North America at your height look really good in heels, 3-4 inch heels. Plus as you mentioned, you also gain in confidence and other areas of one's life. They are a boost for sure. Finding sizes 8-9UK is pretty easy but if you are larger in size it will a good shopping challenge. Hope all goes well. Mtnsofheels

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