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Posts posted by mtnsofheels

  1. Hey Max i mus! Wow the temps are down in our part of the world for sure! 1st off I would say the hot spots are my big toe inside knuckle, followed by a left heel, LoL... But I am with you, the spots for sightings, well I have been pleasantly surprised by the downtown lunch crowd in Calgary, then I can bring to memory the trip to Milan in the Fashion district in late September. My god, there were heels everywhere, I mean I got sore neck from rubbernecking at heels. I think that was the best for me. It was fashion week/runway readiness all day. Got to say this time of year, pretty low viewing though except for the malls. Mtnsofheels

  2. Greetings Iwearheels! Thanks for sharing your story with us. You like many of us have been there and suffered with the same issue as yourself. The purge and re-buy cycles come and go as we learn more about ourselves and our likes, turn ons/desires. It is not going away no matter how you want to look at it. I finally accepted it as a part of me, more like I adopted a saying "I feel much better now that I have given up hope" attitude and boy does it make a difference. The reality is we only have so much time here, to not enjoy what makes us happy is missing out on life. Be it in private or going to the length which only you know is your goal it is all about you and you feeling happy and content. I am also getting there, some work with new S.O. to see my goal, it all takes work. My late wife had a great saying as well, "nobody ever said life is fair nor easy". But to accept self and heeling is by far the best start! I will enjoy hearing more from you and your adventures. Best of the Season! Mtnsofheels:wave:

  3. Greetings all! Well for the most part it has been a good year for heels, made major changes in work to deal with life that includes more heeling and freedom. Purchased 3-4 pairs of new hew heeled boots and shoes. The big purchase has been 2 pairs boots from Jean Gaborit in France. Finishing my house has been a major effort as well but will bring new time for heeling and traveling in the future, next year I will see the real benefit though. Also a personal benefit is: just do what I want in moderation and nobody notices my heeling interests. Downside is that S.O. or GF will take more work to over come my interests. My future is in sight ! Mtnsofheels

  4. Welcome bluegrassbtp! Awesome story and welcome to the world which we are normal and others have not caught up to yet! That is so awesome that your wife and family know about your heeling interests. My S.O. knows but is still a little shy to be seen with me in public in heels. But that can change over time. Presently it is a burley -25c which not many heeled products are ready for, nor am I. Once spring comes boots and shoes galore are waiting for a walk. Enjoy HHplace! Mtnsofheels

  5. Greetings Lady Alpha,

    Nice to have you join us on HHplace and our community.

    Hmm.. fitting you seems not that far out of reach. I recently got 2 pairs of boots from Jean Gaborit boots in France which were a special order but well worth the wait.(4-5months) They make made to order width and size in many styles. Their web page is


    and they well fill your needs and desires, it just takes time.

    It may seem a bit out there but they do fit well, built with care and precision and are awfully darned nice.

    I was given the tip by another member here and looks like I will be in for more pairs in the spring.



  6. Well I hardly fit the role of a technocrat, I take people above and beyond their comfort zones in life. Getting them to do things they would never do on their own. These activities are climbing; rock and mountain. As well as, skiing and travel to different parts of the world and photography. However I have always had an interest in fashion and style. The 2 I feel sometimes could be no further apart but it is how I like it. Just makes it a little difficult living in ski boots for the winter, heeling on my days off or at home, or stuffing them into rock shoes then going to the mall for a fix in heels. mtnsofheels

  7. But another take on all this would be, you me and all the other heel wearers on the flight could have a quick little vote take heels or not? I think all of us led by Amanda would be stuffing our heels in the life jackets. Except for a bunch that might be wearing lace up knee/thigh boots which means just go as is anyways! Problem solved let all of us just go with heels! Mtnsofheels

  8. Could not agree more with all of you. Just do it, that what it boils down to. I have seen DQ's which do not hide the fact of facial hair(like a beard) with skirt and hose and heels on in bright colors and just blow into the crowd and walk away untouched mentally and physically. If they can do it then I can with a pair of heels and jeans with less impact. Just do it. The confidence comes after that like a tsunami, then a high tide satisfaction. Mtnsofheels

  9. Stilettoheels, It was taxing for the wait but I am satisfied with the boots when they finally came in. The boots themselves are awesome, got a pair of "Siri's" and "madge's". They do fit well from toe to Knee and above. The boots are leather lined and fairly supple. I think I will order another pair in the spring or some time this winter. Looking forward wearing them more did a day of it so far. Hope to get pictures of them soon. All I need is the time-sigh.... Mtnsofheels

  10. That was 28 years ago, I was at a remote lodge care taking, I wore the boots all day and walked all over the place. Then in Public, a year or two later, concealed behind pants in the evening. I remember that it was so exciting and heart racing and feeling so vulnerable it took a couple of days to wind down. Now on occasion I get the heart beating a bit more but am way more comfortable wearing them. If I had been asked to write my name during my first times out in heels I might have been diagnosed with epilepsy rather than astounding excitement. Mtnsofheels

  11. I voted moderate, but when I am wearing in an area that I could meet people I know, I am subdued. But I am just getting to moderate away from home areas, then I am less concerned. I recently wore a pair of 4" heeled Hilfiger boots at the Grand Canyon, got some negative reactions from the GF. That was new. I now have to sort that one out before going out again. Its experience all round though. I am aiming for stars to shout it out however it could take a bunch more launches before the atmosphere is reached. Mtnsofheels

  12. I try and wear shoes and boots whenever possible. I would say I wear boots more than shoes due to climate here in BC, but also it is harder to hide in open toe shoes and sandals since I also am a big fan of pedicures. It is just a part of life now. Mtnsofheels

  13. My Vote is: 1st Pumplover 2nd Gony 3rd HHBoots Best shoes, I think that is Pumplover photo #2 Wow that is a tough selection to narrow down. By in large guys you/we have a great selection legs that need to be seen! This is something to strive for, I am sure there is more legs to be uncovered. Good stuff. Mtnsofheels

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