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Posts posted by mtnsofheels

  1. Greetings Cinnamon, Although I have not cyber met you, welcome back to HH Palace. Looking forward to see your new collection of heels and Lauboutins! Sorry to hear about the nasty that got your laptop, makes a dent to routines and life for that matter. Mtnsofheels

  2. Hello, Most of the time I wear the jeans over the boots since most of my boots are skin tight leather huggables. I do wear the odd pair over the pants that are meant to be that way. Boots are the best! Mtnsofheels

  3. Greetings Heeled83! Welcome to HHplace, and you live in the land shoe/boot--Italy. You are so lucky to grow up and live in the country that produces the best shoes around, not to mention food and many other things. Tell us more about heels in Italy, Rome to be specific! Glad to have you join us. Mtnsofheels

  4. Welcome AnneV, Very nice to have you join us as well Alan on this great site. Is so nice to hear about your recently fulfilled relationship, acceptance and participation is the best one can hope for in a relationship including a heeling aspect. Alan can be who he is and that I can tell you makes one happy man! Congratulations! Mtnsofheels

  5. Welcome Ms C, Wow you have the dream scene, 96 pairs and rising, plus interesting occasions in which to wear and display them. That is awesome! How do you store them? Do you have a mega closet with shoe racks or just floor space? So traveling, like you must the 747 of suitcases? Love your stories and I would say a shoe/boot collection that most would die to have! Welcome! Mtnsofheels

  6. Greeting Twinkletoes, Thanks for joining the HHplace. There are many men but I think we are all pretty easy going and very interested in heels. Thanks for sharing your stories with us and your views about shopping in the States. We enjoy stories and having you join us. Looking forward to hearing more from you. Regards, Mtnsofheels

  7. Nice shots of you guys! Both of you look quite good and could easily pass for a woman. Annie, were you going out for the evening or to an event specific for dressing? Also noticed your selection of photos and the climbing one interested me, I take it you do climb? Spiker, nice outfits, looks really good, have you been out in them? Do you prefer boots over shoes or both? Mtnsofheels

  8. I would love to be more feminine, and the best is having both options available all the time to suite my mood and interest as it unfolds. I guess that is just what most woman have nowadays and what I would like to acheive that. As of present, pants and hose whenever I can and nail done most of the time and have been en femme in the past, time is coming for more of that though... "News Years Resolution" maybe is a good start. Mtnsofheels

  9. Greetings, I am a neutral as well, wear boots whenever I can, 2" to 4" under jeans, low heels over jeans with hose, but have not gone full blown en femme for a few years now. Where I do it is also changes what I wear. I like Europe and big cities for anominous heeling, less revealing for smaller centers. I, as others hope for the change before we are too old! Mtnsofheels

  10. Nice score on he shoes and boots you guys! I like all which you have chosen, the ankle boots are really nice. I had a look in Vancouver last weekend, almost bought some new boots but am waiting for an order from Gaborit in France, will post some pics when they come in. It is such a fun thing to do, I mean shopping for shoes. Then finding the right ones, tis the season for shopping. Mtnsofheels

  11. Hi ems88hh, This will certainly help me spend my sleepless hours versus reading about our current financial crisis. The site is pretty good but I agree with jwhite44 and Pussyinboots about filters, could spend all night looking for something to twinge the eyes. Lots of inventories to look through though. Thanks for the info. Mtnsofheels

  12. Not at this point in my life, perhaps earlier in life when I was in "confusing years" as mentioned before. But I now have gone down the road to finding out about self and realizing my interest is not going away so love it instead which I do. The prospect of taking a pill to fix something which is a perception/or a cultural expectation just does fit my reasoning for complying. All said we would miss out on the excitement and rush of wearing our heelswhich is the drug that keeps us going with heel wearing. Mtnsofheels

  13. Hi Pumplover, I understand your fears and worries about getting to where you want to be. We all have been there, we all have suffered through the remorse of wearing heels in public. It will come to you, the more you try the more you will finally just do it. The other day I was wearing a pair of mid calf 4"wedge boots, i suddenly had to go to the hardware store to get a dryer duct and a few other items. I walked in and cruise all around the store found the items I needed then went to the checkout, well I started to think and realized I still had my wedge boots on. I looked around and a whole pile of red neck carpenters are all waiting in line, nobody noticed! I now wear them and other boots/shoes when I go out and it just what need to do. By not even thinking about what I was wearing I just went about my regular course of actions and did what I had been wanting to do all along in a very unaccepting city like Calgary. I is full of rednecks, oil workers and cowboys. Mind set is the biggest hold back for us to do what it is we want to. Another big mind frame I have adopted is " I feel much better now that I have given up hope", this means, i have finally given up and I am going to do it regardless what anyone thinks. Keep on trying it will come to you, when you finally arrive it will be the best day in a long time! Whatever we can do to help, just post a thread, we are hear for you! Mtnsofheels

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