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Posts posted by Bootking

  1. Not to throw a bucket of water on this topic, but here it goes. There is not a darn thing wrong with anyone wearing stiletto heels if they can do it! Now I will agree wholeheartedly that someone too large (m or f) would probably looks a little silly balancing on a skinny skinny heel or shoe. But for most people, it shouldn't really be either a problem or an issue.

    It is just our inherent biases that keep categorizing male heels to be "male" or masculine (read thick, wide, etc. etc.) You would actually think that a site like this would generate more openness and a more liberal attitude!

  2. Don't you think that we are carrying this a little bit too far? I agree whole heartedly with a nice presentation - but I never thought that I (we) would have to be pillars of the community - truly exemplary fellows!

    For me, that is the challenge (with no real current solution) as my position both at work and off the job precludes the heel thing (not even talking about my wife yet).

  3. LADY PSYCHIATRIST'S ANSWER: "I'd be more worried about you if you DIDN'T have a fantasy of some sort. Everyone needs some sort of "thing" or fantasy to take their mind off everyday problems. Good for you, stop worrying and just enjoy it!


  4. i think its bull how they said 6 inch heels can cause u to permenately injure ur ankle.....anything can permenately injure ur ankle...skateboarding,ice skating, falling, gymnastics, etc.

    Very true! I received a permanent injury to my left ankle rollerblading in 1999 as I tore the ligaments there. The only thing that keeps it okay is to do the "high heel exercises" aka ankle/calf lifts. Without that, I'd have pain.

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