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Posts posted by Bootking

  1. But johnnieheel, how about the closet space! My wife already has a closet and a half all taken up with heels! She has half of one of my closets filled with boots and part of the next with other heels! The pic is no longer accurate as mine have since been moved elsewhere! Then we're not counting her non-heel shoes!

    Now, I had to claim the stairway to the attic as my fun closet but I'm going to have to put in better shelving, etc. as it is not working very well, with the clothes, etc. etc. Most of the boots are hanging from rods and the heels in cubbys. But the short boots don't fit in the cubbies and so on.

    But then there are the ones in the car, in the den, in the other car, in the bin in the garage, under the bed, in the other closet, not counting the ones that don't fit and need to go to eBay........................


  2. It is getting ridiculous! Too many of this, too many of that - and the worst part, some are too darn tight! The count must be over 50 pairs of boots and heels now (mostly boots). Soon time to cull!!! Even if I wore them everyday, even then it would still be too much.
  3. Have you tried a salon? I can't shave my back myself so I have that done at the salon along with the occasional eyebrows. I'm sure that it's better than a kit.

    Sooner or later I'll try the leg wax thing in the salon too.

  4. I think that the reason that an anklet is so interesting is that you do not expect it to be there! Just that metallic glint catches your eye on the ankle / leg where a man's eye likes to be anyway. Just reinforcement!
  5. If you are looking for something different (and probably better and stronger but still elegant) you might want to look for estate jewelery. Some of the new stuff doesn't hold up at all.

    I expect a pic when you're done!

  6. RHTRick, know that the advice here, my friend, can only do so much good. I would recommend that you speak to a professional counselor who will not make the decisions for you, but help you to make your own.

    The path may be slippery, rocky or both - but you must look at where you are going with both eyes wide open and understand where that path can or will take you, for better or worse.

    Good luck!

  7. On the serious note (and although "get over it" may be applicable to some, it is not a one size fits all prescription. My wife, unlike others, tolerates the heel thing to a degree (but a limited one); going out in public together is NOT an option. Likewise, my heeling in our area would not be either (if she is awake, etc. etc.) The repercussions would not be fun.

    The same goes for the social community, churches, etc. in all of their various forms. May be some will, maybe some won't. But in a leadership role, in a word, NO!

    By no means does my situation fit everyone, but, by the same token, having one's own business, freelancing, etc. is by far different that being in an straight laced organization role.

    Your thoughts?

  8. The first ones, (Laura boot by Pleaser) are very nice with a 5" heel but they are too wide in the calf for me. I like a tight look and feel but as I have thin legs, it didn't work for me.
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