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Posts posted by benno

  1. GAY, Eeew, NO, Wrong, Fashion Fail, Cowboy boots are for real men, He wants 8 inches but not on his stilettos, GAY, GAY, Real men, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah!!!!! And my favourite... 'Society is crumbling'... How can anyone honestly say that people wising up to the fact that expressing yourself is not a crime, is making society fall apart? Who are the people writing the comments? I don't know, but it makes me wet myself laughing.

  2. Never say never. There just aren't enough of us out there yet strutting our stuff. If you want acceptance you have to get out there and be a representative of this community and people WILL accept you once they realize you are not a threat to all they hold dear. You need to show people in your area that you are just another guy. You just happen to love high heels. THIS DOES WORK.

    A million thumbs up to you Shafted!!! : )

  3. Having met Kneehighs in person, I can testify that if more people stopped bleating and started 'walking the walk', the world would wise up to men wearing better shoes far more quickly. I find his posts to be some of the most inspirational on this forum.

  4. I wasn't saying wear huge platforms to a job interview. What I was trying to say is that if you have the outfit you can wear big platforms. For the record I think Daphne Guinness is fairly well dressed, but I think the money has gone to her head, and she needs to take a step backwards and have a good look in the mirror (which might be awkward in those heel less shoes she seems to live in) : )

  5. It's too vague a question. It all depends so much on the wearer, the occasion and what they are worn with. In my opinion I find almost all the Pleaser plastic platforms, and their derivatives, look a little 'cheap and nasty'. In the 90s Chanel made some Pleaseresque shoes. They had the classic Chanel black toe cap on a white shoe. With the right, demure outfit they looked sexy and classy, but with the wrong outfit on the wrong person they would have not been flagged as Chanel in a million years. Compare the 2 attached images. Kerry Katona and Amy Childs look awful, Daphne Guinness has some semblance of class.



  6. Softly, softly, catchy monkey. You want the job. Don't wear mental heels!!! If you can gauge them right then by all means wear something 'interesting', but super high heels and job interviews should never meet each other. After you have the job and have been there for a while, try on a pair of the highest heels (only with the manager's blessing) in the shop for fun. See how it goes from there. There is too much of a good thing. Don't 'show off'.

  7. I wrote this a while back on the same subject. Sorry for the cut and pasting.

    The thing with designer heels is that they have been designed and conceptualized from the start. Yes they might seem overpriced to some, but to me they are works of art that you can wear. I don't see how people could berate Louboutin because some have copied his red sole. To me the red sole is almost irrelevant. If they had 'normal' soles they would still be beautiful. Don't get me wrong, there are many Louboutin shoes that I don't like, but surely one can see that he did something new and put a rocket up the shoe industries bottom. For that alone he should be celebrated.

    I believe that Mr. Louboutin started designing shoes because he had a passion and desire to do it. The money and fame was and probably still is secondary to his love of designing shoes. It's just the icing on his cake.

    Jimmy Choo is another case in point. The real Jimmy Choo started hand making shoes in London many, many years ago. He was rather unknown to the public and it was the fashion magazines that started to feature his shoes. He then got snapped up by socialite Tamara Mellon and she went mental and created the monster that the Jimmy Choo Corporation has become today. He was probably happiest when he had a little workshop and could do his own thing. Again the money helps but I thik he just had a desire to make lovely shoes.

    Manolo Blahnik is another example. He wanted to become a theatre set designer and started to make some quite theatrical shoes after being pushed into it by others.

    Yes there's hype around some fashion designers, but maybe that hype is more about the celebs that are wearing them rather than the shoes/clothes alone. The magazines, both high fashion and gossip style, need to sell magazine and create and manipulate people own to perpetuate the hype.

    Surely all of us would prefer something truly thought out, designed and handmade by craftspeople than something mass produced.

    So in summary I feel that it's the very nature of humanity that creates the hype around designers, rather than the designers setting out from day one with the sole aim of becoming rich and famous.

  8. I wore the Topshop boots all day on Saturday. I teamed them with bright red skinny jeans, a longsleeve vintage royal blue and white striped boat necked t shirt, a retro cardigan in black and white hounds tooth, a really long bright yellow scarf made from t shirt material, an 80s BMX (red, white and blue) baseball cap and an old camo army jacket. I had loads of stubble too. The boots were on full show and were pretty noisy. I walked into town in Brighton with my girlfriend and our female friend (who was visiting from Sweden). We met up with a male friend who knows what I'm like, but has never seen my in heels in the daytime. After about 10 minutes I got fed up and pointed out my boots. He simply said 'they are so cool' and that was the last of it. We went into countless shops and must have walked past thousands of people. We spent about an hour in a vintage clothes shop, trying on cool outfits. No one made any comments and lots of people gave me really warm smiles, including trendy yummy mummies with cute little kids. Then my mum rang up and said she was coming into town and did we want to meet for lunch. She knows I'm a little eccentric, but hasn't seen me in heels before (other than at fancy dress parties). When my mum met us in a pub for lunch I was sitting down. I went to get some more beers from the bar. When I got back my mum said 'I LOVE your shoes! They really suit you and your new colourful look!' Then she didn't mention then again. A couple of hours after lunch she told me she really admired me and wished more men would eschew boring clothes. Next time I'm going to wear some higher, thinner and more feminine heels and see if it makes any difference. Cheers and HAVE FUN OUT THERE. It's really liberating. Ben

  9. I need advice folks. I'm on the verge of doing something a bit daft, even for me.

    I recently came across a store that stocks shoes "in the style of" louboutin daffodil's.

    Now, I'm not really a fan of the idea of wearing replicas though the shoes are not trying to be a copy, only similar. No red soles, much cheaper (50£), cut not quite the same, etc.

    I love them. In fact I've been in love with them since I saw them in the media on the feet of several famous women. And I seriously think I'd never be able to look even half reasonable in them. I own nothing in my wardrobe that I think I could wear with them, but I love them.

    So I'm torn. I love them and want them, but they're not originals and might never wear them.



    Where is the shop? Do they have a website? I recently bought a pair of nude patent cheapo Lady Daf inspired shoes off Ebay for £30. They are not copies and not branded as Louboutin. I bought them as they are so ridiculous and are a good staple to have at home for future fancy dress parties... We seem to go to lots of fancy dress parties! And we always seem to play stupid 'dress up' games at home.

    We have been invited to a Tina Turner fancy dress party. A leopard print dress borrowed from my girlfriend and the nude fake Dafs will be perfect.

    If you like them get them. It's only money!

    Here's a link to the Ebay shoes I bought


  10. From the net... Although now more commonly used to define an extremely visually challenging appearance, the word minger originally came from scottish gaelic, meaning 'septic vagina'.

  11. 3 of the Jimmy's I posted are listed as having a 5 inch rise. Take the size of the shoes into account as the rise will vary depending on the shoe size. There's a damn good reason shoes most shoes don't go higher than a 4.5" to 5" rise in normal sizes (max EU 41) and that's because any higher and no mortal beings could walk.

  12. The women in the video weren't being close minded. They saw an amusing sight and had a quick chuckle. Who knows?! Those very same women might lust after Prince, Pete Wentz, Russell Brand and Noel Fielding. I wear an eclectic mix of clothes, mostly womens or unisex jeans and have been known to wear some eyeliner and shadow. If the wind is blowing in the right direction and I feel like it, I might wear some high heels too. I mix and match items from wherever I find them and my girlfriend and I share many items of clothing. Nothing is 'out of bounds' to us. Yet we would both be laughing if we saw the man in the video. I always try to make sure the clothes I wear present an image that I hope people would like, and that they would be able to understand and appreciate the effort that has been put into making an outfit work. If I was to go out wearing some great skinny jeans, a nice pair of well thought out heels with a masculine edge and a top and jacket that were integrated then I would not be expected to get laughed at. Quizzical looks and some questioning? Yes! If I went out wearing boring and shapeless mens clothes and then stick on a pair of really feminine gold high sandals (and walk badly)... I would expect to face ridicule. It's the world we live in. Would a woman wear a devastating cocktail dress and then wear a pair of wellington boots or scruffy trainers? No! Why? Because they don't go with the outfit and the look they are trying to complete. The guy in the video didn't set out to wear heels with his outfit. The women shooting the video were not laughing at men in heels. They were simply laughing at a funny sight. Because we are members of HHplace it can make us a little sensitive to any negative reaction to a man in heels. Get over it. Take a few steps back and have a re think. We don't live in isolated bubbles away from the 'real' world. What's more offensive... Having a small chuckle at a funny situation, or calling someone a Bitch for having that small chuckle?

  13. Everyone looks ridiculous when they first start wearing heels, or did you just take to them like a fish to water and instinctively know how to walk in them?

    Pretty much. Surely we balance using some form of instinct. I have been wearing heels since I was about 7. I was an adventurous kid and did, and still do, much harder things than wearing heels.

    I meant that he looked ridiculous. I wasn't commenting on his walking abilities in heels.

    He was wearing his girlfriends shoes with a regular un thought out male outfit. That's not a good look.



  14. There also loads of fakes on Milanoo. Also many of their descriptions don't make any sense. They say they are based in China and don"t offer any company address. I'd be super wary about ordering ANYTHING from them and getting the item pictured.

  15. Thanks for that link. There's some great banter in the comments section.

    I liked this one:

    Unfortunately, a major reason there is such a negative stigma about men wearing heels or female clothing in general is because too many CD's and TS's portray themselves as undesirable sexual misfits who wear these things for sexual gratification. I see this all the time on the Net and on trash TV talk shows and it sickens me.

    Until this behavior is not portrayed in such a way, and ordinary men, successful men and men who are married have the courage to wear what they want, be who they want and live ordinary respectful lives things will not change.

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