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Posts posted by benno

  1. Regardless of whether Amanda is a woman or man or even a construct of HHplace's admin team. I dearly respect her and her opinions and would go so far to view her as a friend, but sometimes it would be nice to drop the men look silly in heels thing. It's not going to stop me liking to wear them. I agree that she's become a little aggressive, but she's probably just playing to a crowd. And also we are always banging on about men in heels. It's perfectly alright by me that some people can't stand the look or idea of a man in heels. What's funniest about Amanda's attitude is that she gives off quite a masculine air, which she uses to great advantage if all she's told me directly and indirectly is to be taken as true.

  2. It's more a question of which manufacturers run small. Or even who designed the original shoe. There's so many shops all selling exactly the same shoes. In the UK Aldo, Office, Topshop, Kurt Geiger and Faith (dead) all have super similar shoes. I have worn pairs from each company that were identical in sole/heel shape and fit. I have noticed recently that many of River Island's shoes have also popped up, unbranded, all over Ebay from discount pile 'em high sellers. Saying all that I have found Aldo to regularly run small. I have some shoes from them that are EU 41 and feel a little tight and I have a pair thay are EU 40 ad are almost too big. I've tried on some in a 42 that were not 'easy' to wear. I'm almost always a 40 or 41 and sometimes a 39. It's just numbers though.

  3. Can you give us a little more info? What's your GF like and is she a fairly open person? How long have you been together? What's your lifestyle like etc, etc? It all helps. Bear in mind the thought of a man in heels and the reality of a man in heels are 2 very different beasts. Also remember that it's not the end of the world that you like shoes. Don't feel embarrassed or guilty. Yes it's one of society's irregularities but it's only footwear. No one died.

  4. YES!!! I'll start with some of Di Marni's shoes, but there are so many designers to choose from. I actually prefer most of Di Marni's platforms to most of their non platform offerings. For me it's not about the platform or even the heel height that makes a shoe classy. It's all about concept, how it's then made real (materials and styling cues and touches) and most importantly context. I am in total agreement with Pata, the person needs to be able to pull the shoes off. If not the shoes take over. Cheers, Ben


  5. I would say the feeling is more extreme than in the CL Pigalle 120 (13.9cm) or Brian Atwood Nico 120 (13.1cm). Not very easy to walk -at least for me-.

    Majo, The Wang boots have a fearsome reputation. I've never heard anyone say they were 'easy' and I've read about them on lots of fashion blogs, all written by women who are not scared of a good heel.

    Do you mean that they have a high arch when you said the instep leans forward? If so, I find shoes with high insteps to be far more comfortable as the whole of you foot is cradled and supported by the shoe. The feeling of a nice high arch is also something special. I've modified a few pair of unsupportive shoes, by lifting the insole and sticking a gel pad under it.

    Cheers for sharing,


  6. I'm a man and I dislike all the Pleasers, but if you like them get them. I have owned a couple of pairs of Pleaser shoes and in my opinion they feel really cheap and nasty. The only reason I can see for buying Pleasers is if you have big feet as they go up to very large sizes.

    You don't need a specialist size so I would buy something amazing from a better brand. One pair of super hot shoes is far better than several pairs of cheap ones.

    If they still exist then try Leatherworks or one of the companies that sell their shoes.


    Of try your luck on Ebay. I have bought some mindblowingly sexy shoes (both modern and vintage) for peanuts there.

    Also try Italian Heels. I have heard good things about them.


    As to choosing shoes. I would always go for pleasing yourself first and your boyfriend second. Of course take his thoughts on board when choosing but remember that you have to wear the damn things.

    Good luck and remember to pace yourself. Good shoes can quickly become an addiction. Save some money for food.



    p.s Try Kurt Geiger, Office and Aldo. They have some really high heels in their online sale sections.

    Net A Porter has a sale at the moment. I had a quick look and they have some proper designer high heels for about £100.


  7. I often find my shoes are tighter in the morning too. Actually it's probably my feet that are larger. We are organic, living, ever changing beings. So it's not surprising that body parts go through subtle changes. I would guess that it's a water based issue. Maybe we need to do a wee before putting our shoes on! I also think that maybe wearing shoes all day makes your feet conform to the shoe's shape. Our feet are maybe more relaxed in the morning as they have spent the night free to expand back to size. When I was about 14, my family and I spent about a month camping on a beach in Italy. I pretty much either wore flip flops or went bare footed the whole time. When we packed up to drive back to England, my Reeboks (which fitted me fine before and after the holiday) were agonisingly tight and I had to wear my mum's trainers which were a size bigger. Try an experiment... Wearing a pair of tights or stockings, slip on a pair of slim fitting heels and walk about for an hour or so. Then take both shoes off. Without putting one foot on the floor at all, put your weight on the other foot and see how much wider it gets. It's quite a shock the first time you see the comparison. You need to do this wearing fairly taut tights as they hold the foot in the shoe shape for longer. I also find I have shoes that fit better in the winter (or when it's colder) than in the summer. I have used the hairdryer trick on many pairs of slightly too tight shoes. Wear a pair or 2 of thicker socks and heat the tight parts of the shoes for a minute or so. Then walk about for a few minutes. Put on the thinner hosiery and have a test walk. Bear in mind the shoes might feel looser because of the contrast. If they are still tight try again. It worked for me. I'm sure some might say it's not good for the shoes, but I have only tried it on shoes that were only a tiny bit too small. Our local shoe repair guy almost always has some women's shoes on a stretching machine on his counter top. I asked him how it works. He said the shoes are given a spray on the inside with a gentle leather stretching liquid and then he cranks the machine little by little to expand inside the shoes. He does this for a day or 2. He said you can only really expand the width and not the length.

  8. FCR said they might be able to source some heels, but it would take time. As I requested cone heels they told me to buy a donor pair. My girlfriend and I looked through the shoes we have in our flat and found some great cone heels on a pair of Kurt Geiger shoes that we bough off Ebay for £7. I'm not sure why people find 5 inch heels hard to get hold of. It's pretty common for heels to be as high as 6.5 inches on many high street heels. I'd guess that the original heels on my boots were moulded in Italy. My dad used to deal with plastic moulding and extruding factories in the 80s and Italy had a reputation as the best in the business.

  9. Hi Puffer, I sent Timpson an email explaining that I was unhappy with both their repairs and that I had no faith in them being able to complete the job. They graciously have agreed to pay for another company to do the work.

    Lee, I am surprised that you have chosen to air your views on a public forum before contacting me.

    I only asked you for a quote. I didn't ask you to buy a sack of heels.

    As you said, you didn't have a heel of the correct height. Also the heel you emailed to me was thicker than those originally on the boots. I also asked about having a leather covered cone heel instead. I received no proper reply about this. When I told you that I have found a company that can do the work to my specifications, your reply was a brusque 'You pays your money and takes your choice'.

    The company I have found is called First Class Repairs. Here's a link


    The video Lee referred to is here:


    I phoned First Class Repairs and they gave me a quote on the phone of £45 plus around £5 or £6 for the postage back to me. They also offer a freepost service to send footwear to them. I asked about having a cone heel fitted. They were really helpful and told me that many of their customers buy a cheap pair of fashion shoes to act as 'heel donors'. If I buy a pair of shoes from a shop such as New Look or Primark then I can have the heels covered in a covering of my choice for £45. For an enamel coated heel the charge is £35. This is perfect as I get to choose the exact type of heel I would like.

    I will let everyone know how this goes.



  10. Wear them until you are bored of them and then sell them on Ebay for more than you paid. I would think the boots will get you far more than £39 on Ebay. Even if you don't get all of your money back, a good listing on Ebay will get you at least £30 for each pair. Think of it as renting some hot shoes and boots and maybe getting paid for it. Kurt Geiger's sales are an Ebayers dream come true.

  11. Hi Lady In Red and welcome to HHPlace. Don't be too devastated. Ebay is an auction and someone was happy to pay more than you did. Sniping software is just part of the Ebay 'experience'. Ebay allow it and therefore you have to accept it as part of the process. Anyone can use sniping websites. Just google auction sniping and do it yourself. You can choose from a range of sniping options. Pay up front for a set amount of time or number of snipes, or choose to pay a small fee (around 25 cents) for successful snipes. You usually get offered a free trial and something like 3 free snipes. Or you can simply enter the max amount you wish to pay on Ebay (without using sniping software) and if you win then great. Ebay call this proxy bidding. If you were prepared to pay anything for the shoes then you should have entered a higher amount. Don't get too worried about a pair of shoes. If you do you will eventually go mad. Yes it's annoying when you lose on Ebay, but there's plenty more shoes out there! Cheers, Ben

  12. His footwear was nothing to do with the decision to place him on the sex offenders list. It's just a good story for the media to get their teeth into. You have to admit it's quite a strange thing to do.

    This quote was the reason he was place on the offenders list...

    'He behaved in a threatening and abusive manner that was likely to cause fear and alarm by persistently following the woman.'

    Panic over.



  13. I normally do wear hosiery with my heels. I came across these pictures and really didn't give much thought about the leg hair. Unlike other men who wear heels, my situation keeps me from shaving my legs. With that said, I thought this site was for people who love heels but thanks for the input.

    I wasn't meaning to have a go at you. I am grateful for the photos you posted. This site is indeed for people to talk about heels and share them with others. I just feel that the hairy legs are something that could at the very least be covered up.

    Do you like the look of slick leggings and high heels juxtaposed with all the hair? Have you ever shaved your legs? I understand that it might be an awkward issue, but if you try it I think you will love it. It's quite an intense sensation, especially if you have never done it before. Even better, why not treat yourself to a full leg wax. It does grow back pretty quickly, so if someone doesn't like it (a lover for example) they won't have to wait long before your are all hairy again.

    If anyone asks why I have shaved my legs. I simply tell them 'because I wanted to.' They are my legs after all. I have got a few gently amusing comments, but anyone worth being friends with will let you do what you like. If someone was unhappy with my personal choice, that was clearly not harming anyone, I would think long and hard about whether they were worth keeping as a friend.

    Keep posting pics. You have a certain style that's pretty interesting.



  14. To me designer heels are like that. You take a high heel shoe, the basic design of which never really changes, you add a little twist, stick on some red soles, add some fancy marketing spin and then rake in the money. Add in a waiting list for increased exclusivity. And to be honest, it wouldn't mind it that much if this Louboutin wasn't spawning so many copy cats. Red soled shoes seem to be everywhere these days.

    The thing with designer heels is that they have been designed and conceptualized from the start. Yes they might seem overpriced to some, but to me they are works of art that you can wear. I don't see how people could berate Louboutin because some have copied his red sole. To me the red sole is almost irrelevant. If they had 'normal' soles they would still be beautiful. Don't get me wrong, there are many Louboutin shoes that I don't like, but surely one can see that he did something new and put a rocket up the shoe industries bottom. For that alone he should be celebrated.

    I believe that Mr. Louboutin started designing shoes because he had a passion and desire to do it. The money and fame was and probably still is secondary to his love of designing shoes. It's just the icing on his cake.

    Jimmy Choo is another case in point. The real Jimmy Choo started hand making shoes in London many, many years ago. He was rather unknown to the public and it was the fashion magazines that started to feature his shoes. He then got snapped up by socialite Tamara Mellon and she went mental and created the monster that the Jimmy Choo Corporation has become today. He was probably happiest when he had a little workshop and could do his own thing. Again the money helps but I thik he just had a desire to make lovely shoes.

    Manolo Blahnik is another example. He wanted to become a theatre set designer and started to make some quite theatrical shoes after being pushed into it by others.

    Yes there's hype around some fashion designers, but maybe that hype is more about the celebs that are wearing them rather than the shoes/clothes alone. The magazines, both high fashion and gossip style, need to sell magazine and create and manipulate people own to perpetuate the hype.

    Surely all of us would prefer something truly thought out, designed and handmade by craftspeople than something mass produced.

    So in summary I feel that it's the very nature of humanity that creates the hype around designers, rather than the designers setting out from day one with the sole aim of becoming rich and famous.

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