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Posts posted by benno

  1. Trolldeg the high stilettos was a ebay purchace about a year ago, there a bit big on her and for the heel hight she finds they have a much steeper arch than some classic 6" stilettos she has.

    can you id these shoes ? there is no make at all in or on the soles, they appear to be patent leather and very sold made, thanks Tim

    Were they bought from a private eBayer or from someone's eBay shop? Have a look in your purchase history or feedback and let us know.

    Might be able to I.D them from the info.

  2. Burlesque Blue were in Southgate and then changed the address to Scotland. I have a catalogue somewhere with the Southgate address on the back. I had to phone a London 020 number to reach them a few years ago.

  3. The pop star has been sentenced to complete 120 hours of unpaid community service and must also pay her victim £500 compensation.

    Tweedy was additionally ordered to pay £3,000 of prosecution costs.

    Judge Richard Haworth told the jury he would accept a majority verdict and the jurors decided by 11 to one that Tweedy was guilty.

    Sentencing Tweedy, he criticised her for showing no remorse over the attack.

    Sounds like a sentence to me.

    I'm not doubting that there may be some kind of back story to this, but who got punched in the face and who got sentenced?

    And I still think she has no talent.

  4. hmm. FF offers very different shoes from BB. i don't see any similar styles. have you actually ordered anything from FF, or only from BB?

    FF and BB sell some almost identical shoes and the heels look the same. Also FF are based in Southgate in London, which is where BB were. On FFs about us page it's stated that the company is headed By Cos K. I spoke to Cos a few times when he ran BB.

    It looks like they have revamped the website and hoicked up the prices, whilst forgetting to improve the customer service.

    I personally would think very hard before ordering anything from them again. It was bad enough when BB sold on Ebay and the shoes were only £30 to £90. Now they start at £130!!! At the new prices, customer service should be immaculate.

  5. The law student was working in a toilet when Cole was Tweedy. Tweedy took a handful of sweets and the law student told her they were not free. Tweedy punches law student in the face. Gets community service and allegations that it was a racially motivated attack. If I had the law student/toilet attendants attitude, I'd Love Cheryl Cole so much, and I would find her charming and good company. If a person has extreme talent (Peter Sellers), or even some kind of talent, then some foibles are often tolerated. But racially motivated attack allegations and nothing other than good hair, do not make a celebrity in my eyes. I don't think people will look back at her career and think. Yes! she made the world a better place.

  6. FF is Burlesque Blue by another name. I have bought 4 pairs of shoes from BB and a pair from Leatherworks. BB were awful and you have to keep chasing them. One pair I ordered were so badly made that I can't believe they got past quality control. I sent them back and it took 3 months from first ordering to get a pair of shoes. All the shoes from BB had heels that were a little too high for the shoe. They should have been a quarter of and inch shorter in size 7UK. Leatherworks were better, but it was a couple of years ago. They never replied to emails and one account kept being sent back as thre address wasn't valid!!! They rarely answered the phone either. I don't get why they can't be bothered to keep a customer (who has paid upfront) in the loop.

  7. I know all that, but I find her to be a non event as a 'talent'. She's averagely pretty, a below average singer and now with no talent in the area, she is to become a 'shoe designer'! It's actually Cowell's fault, and the fault of the idiotic general public for supporting them. I'm all for giving people credit where it's due... But I don't see what Cheryl has done apart from be lucky, steal sweets and then punch a law student in the face in a nightclub toilet.

  8. Well done, benno!

    But, to put things in perspective (and inspire others), please describe your 'outdoor' shoes and the rest of your outfit. As others have so often said, the co-ordinated look may be the key to acceptance, if not also to compliments.

    There's a description of the kind of outfit from a previous post I made, below in purple. To be honest. I think if I had been wearing some more daring shoes (that went with the outfit) I would have had the same reception. I have quite a lot of confidence and belief in my ability to dress well and I can allow people to relax and even gently take the piss out of me. Once they see that I am not a sexual deviant, have lots of good friends and a mega amazing, 6 foot, blonde, ex model, girlfriend, then there just simply are no issues.

    I've been wearing close to 4 inch, black, slightly shiny, stacked cuban heeled, womens brogues recently. I have worn them with skinny jeans (grey and also bright red). Stripey vintage women's/unisex t shirts and either old fashioned cardigans or loose jersey womens jackets and maybe my old trusted camo army jacket and a cool vintage trucker's cap and a bright or black scarf or snood.

    I have found that you don't need to hide your heels. Have them on display. It feels great.

  9. I wish Cheryl would just go away and leave us alone. I can't stand her and her stupid hair and tears and false drama rubbish. Actually... U turn. There's jobs available in our local Wickes DIY shop. I'd love to see her do a full day's work in dungarees and steel toe caps, mind the forklift trucks Cheryl!

  10. I went to London on Friday afternoon for a friends birthday. I was away from home untill Saturday evening. I took a brave pill and decided to leave the house wearing heels and didn't take any other shoes with me. From very rich posh women in a swanky bar, to total strangers stopping me in the street I had about 20 women all say how cool my shoes were. All the girls at my friend's party were ecstatic that a boy was wearing heels. So it's now a definite YES from me on this subject.

  11. It was so casual. It's great that we now have this kind of thing on TV. More of the same please. I have been wearing heels in my daily life in the last few weeks because of this kind of reporting. I figured that we need exposure to make people take it seriously and for it to not just be a flash in the pan to fill the news. Fashion is moving on and it's pretty exciting.

  12. I've been wearing close to 4 inch, black, slightly shiny, stacked cuban heeled, womens brogues recently. I have worn them with skinny jeans (grey and also bright red). Stripey vintage women's/unisex t shirts and either old fashioned cardigans or loose jersey womens jackets and maybe my old trusted camo army jacket and a cool vintage trucker's cap and a bright or black scarf or snood. I have found that you don't need to hide your heels. Have them on display. It feels great. Most people in public don't notice and those who do haven't said anything bad, but I have had plenty of raised eyebrows. Just be sensible and stick to safe places. I find being with friends and or my girlfriend is good as people leave you alone. Be confident in your taste and look up, not at your feet. And don't fall over!!! : ) If you're not the greatest at walking in heels then wear some higher heels at home and then your lower public heels will be so much easier to cope with. It's pretty tiring after leaving the house for the day and doing normal daytime and night time stuff. Also knowing you can't kick your heels off and walk in your socks makes it quite daunting at times! Last night I was asked if I had a yacht by 2 rich Eastern European girls in a very swanky bar in Notting Hill. I had nothing but compliments from people and some great conversations with total strangers.

  13. I lived in a village in north west Leicestershire with my first wife which fits your description perfectly. It was as though I drove through a time warp as I entered the village.

    Ahhh, The charity shops in those kind of towns are often mindblowing. Unopened armfuls of packets of vintage fully fashioned stockings for 20p and incredible barely used 80s heels and handbags for 99p!!!

  14. In true classic style the 1st pair I bought with my own money was a pair of white stiletto 4.5 inch courts when I was 15. The 1st pair that I wore frequently were some amazing early 80s 4.5 inch, polished black (almost patent) soft leather sandals that were given to my sister by a super glam Essex girl auntie when I was about 7. They had a simple peep toe fronts and thin, wrap around, gold buckle ankle straps and were probably very expensive and Italian. They were about a size UK3 (super sexy vertical foot position) and I used to stuff my socks with tissue and walk around my bedroom in them... I actually found them pretty easy to walk in straight away. Heaven. I still go weak at the knees if I see similar shoes. I wore them untill I outgrew them aged about 9.

  15. I am very curious to know how many members of this site wear heels every day? to clarify i mean out doors in public and for how long at a time!

    For the last few months i have been making a conscious effort to heel everyday in public mainly as i got fed up just heeling indoors.I try and aim for at least half an hour but have done all day,depending on my schedule.

    So far i have managed to stay upright,nearly slipped arse over elbow in westfield shopping centre yesterday but survived!

    It seems to be taking ages for my calves to adjust,especially on the all day stint i did,i was shattered that night! its amazing how much more you use muscles you forgot existed!

    oh and the heels have generally been these which have 9cm and 12.5cm heels.

    Bladerunner, You have good taste. I know the cone heels are from Topshop, but where are the wood heeled elastic panel boots from?

    Love both, good choices for the BIG outdoors. How did you find the Topshop cone heels? I saw a woman struggling to walk comfortably in them a couple of weeks ago.



  16. You know. I thought exactly the same thing a couple of weeks ago. There I was in Kensington Gardens in Brighton, wearing women's red skinny jeans, a striped blue and white 80s women's longsleeved t shirt, a camo army coat, a yellow jersey material scarf and black patent 3.5 inch women's slenderish Cuban heeled brogue boots. A punk type, gently off his head on god knows what, staggered into view. He was wearing punked up bondage style trousers, armfuls of spiked cuffs, a black tippexed trench coat and massive goth boots. He also had a big black spiked hairdo. He got all the looks and barely anyone one clocked me, BUT, he was wearing an assimilated and accepted style (especially for Brighton) and I was wearing almost entirely 'women's' clothing and a big smile.

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