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Posts posted by benno

  1. I think, If people actually spoke with each other, without fear or shame, they would discover that some people like some people and some people don't like some people. It's all covered in Eurythmics 'Sweet Dreams' lyrics from the 80s Maybe we should have a 'World Speed Dating Day' to sort all this out. : )

  2. "if you can re-wire your brain (which you can) would you rewire it to remove the association of love for heels?" No, It would mean that everything I'd thought and experienced up to that point would have been fruitless and a waste of emotions. I don't see the point in examining myself THAT much. I am happy with where I have got to (pretty much through my own rationalising) and think the next few months/year or so are going to see me finally emerge from my chrysalis. Why would I have a lobotomy and give all that up? Plus I would still have other non clothing or gender related problems... Should we chop out everything we are that's not 'normal', like eating weird food combinations or in my case loving the look of electricity pylons? In Total Recall, Arnie didn't get what he paid for, did he? Instead I'd rather we rewired society to pull it's stupid head out from it's stupid bottom. GREAT TOPIC BY THE WAY. It's epic. Cheers, Ben

  3. Aahh... the allure of the designer stripper heel. I agree some of the higher end versions of the classic plastic Pleaser shoes base are quite appealing when worn correctly.

  4. Little kids in high heels just look absurd in my opinion. Fine for occasional fancy dress games or a party. When I see little girls wearing heels I shudder at the thought of what's happening to their feet and spine. I also doubt the integrity of the parents. When a girl becomes a teenager then I guess it's out of the control of the parents but I still think it looks horrible.

  5. Those are not the best implementation of the GML sole. I'm more worried about the slingback element of the shoe. I have yet to see a slingback I like. I like the grey, blue and yellow version attached. I like the sandal version I've also attached. With a simple outfit they'd work really well (in my eyes). There's nothing unstable about them. It's a trick of the eye. If you don't like them you'll have a fit when you see Finsk's heels. It's just shoe design and I heartily applaud it all. Even when it's ugly. Cheers, Ben





  6. But shoes like the black patent Giuseppe Zanotti pumps are always available on the high street. Aldo almost always has a pair like that as do many others. You can also always get simple classic pumps/court shoes on Ebay. Cheers, Ben

  7. Hi skirtedvik, Did you read my posts properly? It has nothing to do with being male or female. It's all about critiquing the whole outfit. The look simply needs more work. I found the leopard outfit to be missing some wow factor. Again, my personal opinion is wearing a dress and very feminine mega heels is not really integrated freestyling. It's more akin to being in DRAG without wearing a padded bra, blonde beehive wig, a face full of barbiesque makeup, false nails and eyelashes. When I wear a great outfit I primarily do it because I like making an outfit work and POP. I also want people to engage with me in intelligent conversation, not simply think I look like a square peg in a round hole. I like to inspire both men and women to question how both they and I dress. To me Heelguys outfit was just emulating drunk teenage girls at a cheap disco. I don't think that was Heelguy's intention, hence stepping in and offering my opinion and giving some tips and pointers... Even if Kate Moss wore it, as is, I still wouldn't be a fan. I was not trying to be rude to Heelguy, my posts were simply constructive critisism... I have read most of Heelguy's other posts. I think he has some serious chutzpah and needs to be applauded for that. Heelguy also has a good eye for individual items. All that's needed is to integrate the outfit with more thought. My personal view is that if I saw Heelguys tottering along in 'that' outfit I would think he was wearing it as a dare or for a laugh, not because he wanted to look amazing and inspire others to question gender and clothing. If you look at someone like Bryanboy you don't question his integrity as he obviousy has it by the bucketful. We're not perfect but if someone looks like they needs some advice I will offer it. Thanks, Ben

  8. I freestyle all the time. Just not always in heels. I'm lucky that I'm small for a guy. I have size 7UK feet and am probably a UK size 10 in female clothes. Many of my favourite tops and trousers are unisex or womens. I even have women's knickers that I wear as if it was completely normal... I'm not talking about frothy lacey french maid numbers, more simple lycra or cotton stuff. I just wear things that I like and are not going to get me beaten up or arrested. Make people think and want to talk to you rather than pull their kids away or laugh.

  9. Hi again Heelguy, If you want to wear the dress and heels then go for it. My personal opinion is even a woman in that combo looks a bit desperate and obvious. You are your own person and can wear whatever you want, but don't you owe it to yourself to do more? The title of this thread is 'share your BEST fashion freestyle photos'... Not 'Put on a tiny dress and massive heels'. When I started on the long road of gender messing clothing I made some horrid mistakes. I don't regret them, but I had a weird idea of how I wanted to look. In fact I have realised that those mistakes are the same as a teenage girl wearing something grown up, but overly sexy and grotesque, to a prom. It's all about finding your feet and sense of style. Read some style blogs. Borrow some ideas and HAVE FUN!!! Ben x ps. Check Out Style Bubble, Sea of Shoes and Bryan Boy's blogs. Just Google them and go on a journey.

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