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Posts posted by benno

  1. ILK I get where you coming from and actually I have pretty similar views to you. But being told how to think by a Libertarian is not something I like. You know nothing about my political viewpoint and you are actually preaching to the converted. Calm down please. I am not a naughty child. The original post is entitled Obama Or Romney? I was answering the question. Given the choice between Obama or Romney I would vote for Obama. The NHS in the UK could be called health insurance. But when I had testicular cancer about 10 years ago I was treated immediately and received the best possible care and it was 'free'. Everyone in the UK would get the same level of care regardless of their background. I call that a pretty fair system. Therefore yes I think it's good that Obama is trying to setup a similar system in the USA. One can argue forever about money and taxes and national debt but at the end of the day the USA is the world's premier nation and I'm sure it can cope. In the last few elections in the UK I have not voted for either the Conservatives or Labour.

  2. ILK your posts are great and I admire your research and views... But what about Obama and healthcare? Does that not at least show some glimmer of compassion in relation to the Republicans and their ways. One of the troubles with large scale politics is that right wingers get voted in on promises of tax relief and easy to sound bite remarks about war and immigration... Left wingers on the other hand are trying to change years of right wing gobbledegook and political messing about with nations. All mainstream politicians could be said to have blood on their hands (and all over their faces), but given the choice between Obama and Romney I could only go one way. If a leftwinger actually tried to change the really big issues he would be gunned down (either with a bullet of some kind of scandal) pretty much instantly. We have messed up and it's going to take a very long time for any meaningful change to become apparent... I personally have never found any party that I could really get behind. I usually find the world to be so messed up with it's own issues that it can't see that the most important things in life are education, healthcare and the environment. Everything else is simply human delusions of grandeur.

  3. How about skinny jeans/trousers, an androgynous top and some kind of jacket/blazer? Add some good accessories like a cool scarf or chunky female but masculine necklace and or a good hat.

  4. Quick question Dr Shoe, Are there any traditional style shoes with stitched/glued together soles and uppers that are made without using a last? I don't mean molded or cast techniques as on Melissa's plastic heels.. Cheers, Ben

  5. I disagree. In the shops in the UK there's some of the highest heels I've seen anywhere (apart from fetish shops). For example River Island, Topshop and Zara have some incredibly high shoes. Online there's shops like Kandee where you can get shoes with only a nearly 5 inch rise. Most 'high' heels have a rise of 4.5 inches in 'normal' female sizes. Any higher than that and they don't sell as they are just slightly too high for walking etc. That half an inch difference between 4 .5 and 5 inches is a killer for most people.






  6. Anyone remember cardboard furniture? It was big in the 60s and then disappeared. I saw a guy on 4 Rooms on TV that made an amazing shell backed cardboard chair. It's the one with the man sitting on it in the attached photo. I think for shoes the card needs to be positioned together instead of using it folded to get the rigidity and strength. I should get in touch with a guy I know who owns and rents out time on his laser cutter. Anyone on here good at 3d modelling that could come up with a basic design?








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