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Posts posted by shyguy

  1. Since our most recent "discussion" of my liking for high heels, my wife has started pointing out the heels (especially stilettos) she sees. On Saturday we were shopping and she tapped my shoulder to point out a pair of dayglo orange 4" stilettos a woman was wearing just behind us. They were glow in the dark orange, and I couldn't think what they would really fit with, certainly not the all black skirt/jacket combination the owner was wearing them with :D

  2. Well there goes the high heels neighbourhood. If Dr. Shoe is admitting to trying on his mothers shoes there is just no goodness or integrity left here on this forum. :D That upstanding pillar of the community turned out to be a fraud and we all fell for it, I am so humiliated. :D

  3. Thank you for the clarification Bubba136, I knew you weren't trying to change my mind already, or your first post would try to convince me through reasoning :D

    Secondly I have no problems with the censorship here on this forum as it is obvious from posts from most members that it is a TRUE MAJORITY who want no porn here (myself included) another point I make is that as adults we can choose what we want to see read and hear, if I wanted more porn style or fetish shoe discussion I could go elsewhere on the net to get it, I don't so here I am MY CHOICE, and I therefore live within the rules of the forums here, hopefully not offending anyone ??. But as I say in my posts the "majorities" quoted in the issues bought up in this thread are not truly majorities, rather, vocal minorities.

    I have no wish to change laws anywhere in the world, especially the US, I feel very strongly about the issues of foreigners changing laws. We have to put up with a lot of it in the UK as immigrants come here, make their home in the UK and then try to change things to be more like where they came from. I also respect the US way of life, even as far as I would move there if the opportunity arose. And fyi I am a very law abiding citizen, not even a traffic violation to my name here. As for the UK hating the US, most of the people I speak to support the US even when it is running round the world trying to force its ideals on other countries. If we listened to a vocal minority here, we would cut our ties instantly with the US but luckily for us all we don't.

    I am interest in what my children and grandchildren are exposed to

    I also have children, and I have stated we need to protect their innocence, but again it is up to adults to decide what they want their kids to see. I protect my children from things in a way others may find excessive, but it is my choice, when they are adults I hope my children will not need someone else to tell them what is right or wrong, they also should be allowed to decide for themselves as adults what to watch, hear or read.

    The only points I make is that most majorities are minorities who shout loudest. Censorship led by these minorities can spiral to ridiculous proportions. Anita said a line must be drawn, and she is right, but it also needs to be firm enough to stop over sensitive minorities censoring everything adults may do. Adults should be able to choose their own level of censorship, I censor myself, I don't like porn I don't go where it will be found, shouldn't others just let me make that choice?

    Shouldn't others just make their own censorships?

    I think a joke I have heard in relation to censorship sums up the mentality of the actual majorities.

    "It was so disgusting I had to watch it 3 times to believe my eyes before I complained" :D

  4. the connection is the censorship, it starts with banning swearing dj's or popstars showing their body parts, but when some smallminded group gets vocal enough and they believe crossdressing is wrong, they will "protect" others from seeing crossdressers by censoring them, and fining them.

    I just found your post odd nestled inside an intelligent debate, to just say "you're wrong" no explanation, no backing up your statement. Just

    Shyguy, you're flat out wrong!

    Thanks Jim c. you back up my argument on the "majority" issue when you say

    The majority is never vocal. The 0.1% who get whipped up enough to open their mouths make enough noise to convince everyone else they are 'the majority'.

    A more direct way of putting what I was trying to say about the "majority" who push their views on others
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