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Posts posted by Laurieheels

  1. I loved the Smurfs, by the way, and still do. Their absence is difficult to fill in the world of cartoons where most shows have something to do with enslaving monsters or robots and forcing them to fight one another. Laurieheels. I have been called Mrs. Heels in an e-mail. Um... It's much like Jennyheels, or Debbieheels, it's just a name, to say that Laurie is really into heels. But it would be Ms. Heels, of course, since I remain single, and quite happily for it right now.

  2. Obviously, those twin girls do not admire their mother. I would love it if my mother were able to wear heels more. Unrelated back and knee problems have made this difficult for long periods of time. But I would be beaming with girlish pride, knowing that I could stand tall next to the woman who made me the shoe loving goddess that I am today. :D Age is only important because of marketing. If seniors had more money, you'd see the world become a very different place. And twin girls who are 18 would not think that youth were the only ones who could look good. It's just that they are the target market for fashion. Why should their mother have to miss out because of the year of her birth?

  3. A picture of my legs in stockings? Is that what you're looking for? I've posted such before, but if you're looking for glimpses of the garter belt, hrm. I don't remember what the quote you had from me is referring to, so let me know and I'll see if I can provide something. :D

  4. I much prefer the smell of fresh baked bread, or rosting garlic, or the forest after it has rained. But leather can have a bit of appeal, I suppose. As for heel heights, I think obvious heel heights are one thing for schools, vs what you can actually wear. I mean, at a glance, who can tell the difference between one inch and one and a half? Not many people, and the school isn't going to go around and measure everyone. So I think a person could get away with two inch heels. But get towards three or four, and then, they can notice and enforce the rule. Besides, rules do need bending here and there. It's expected!

  5. Okay, so I finally managed to get a few pictures done. Within a few days, the member's section of jennyspage.co.uk will have an update, about 16 pictures, some of which are my feet in these shoe. A few dangling, and a total of ten for these shoes, all illustrating the delightful six inch stiletto weapon of a heel these sandals have.

    The other six are from my set wearing jeans and the five and a half inch white stiletto pumps.

    But here are a few teasers, exclusive to hhplace.org.

    Posted Image

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    The second picture was a candid shot that I got when one of my sister's cat's, which are mine as well, sort of, tried to chew on one of the ankle straps. Another girl, albeit quite a feline one, who enjoys shoes as much as I do.

    I'll try to get a few full body shots of me standing to share here, as proof that I can wear these. One of the member's pictures shows my foot in these shoes, flexing with a much higher arch and incline than the six inch stiletto has. Maybe seven inch heels aren't going to be so difficult?

    For those who have a membership, I'll post once the pictures are ready over there. For now, everyone can enjoy a glimpse of what my new shoes look like.


  6. Honestly, I don't really remember. Well, I don't remember for four inches and lower. But for five inch heels, it was when I was working for the communications company, and I wore them at work for my first time in public. This was not even two years ago. The leap from a maximum of four inch heels to a general minimum of four inch heels was exciting. But there was never a worry about confidence in such shoes. Once I had purchased them and worn them at home to get them in shape, it was more about building the endurance. But then, that fits with my personality well enough. Jump in, get it done, get it done right from the first time and then every time. :D

  7. So with a day off from work, and having spent a Monday morning searching out a few pressies for this holiday season, I thought that it might be time for a bit of writing. And the long awaited return of a posting for the Goddess Field Report. But what could I have to discuss? Well, Friday night, my mother had me attend her company Christmas party with her. It was a nice evening, nothing overly glitzy, just a few hundred people enjoying dinner and trying to win prizes. Of course, it was a party, requiring some sort of semi-formal attire. And I do own this very nice burgandy dress, very much a christmas colour of burgandy. It's sleeveless, and falls above the knee by a few inches. And it has a very nice accompanying jacket of the same material and colour that is as long as the bottom of the dress. Matched with black stockings (held up by garters and worn under jeans at work during the day) the dress looks great, but what was I to wear on my feet? It's winter, and this year, it's actually being winter here in Calgary at Christmas time. There is ice and snow all around. And I haven't really worked on my new pair of boots, which I feel look best with pants. So, once again, I turned to my ankle boots. Yes, the well worn and somewhat broken black lace up ankle boots with the four inch stack stiletto heel. The right heel is broken, a crack in the layers that make the stack means the heel wobbles, and I think the metal shaft inside is now a bit bent. I keep telling myself "Just once more, and then I'll retire them" but once more keeps becoming once again, and then again. They're amazing boots, after all, and even if they cannot be repaired, as far as I can figure, I keep wearing them. One day, that heel is going to bend or snap or something... Of course, I did have my black velvet pumps along, hidden away just in case that sort of thing did occur. As for what others were wearing, well, I was impressed with a few ladies, who also had thin or even stiletto heels that were just as high as mine. Naturally, I did overhear some women who were worried about their shoes hurting their feet, and they were wearing low heels, usually blade styled, and sandals. I said nothing, of course, sitting or standing with a quiet pride that is best held inside with a smirk and a turn of the head. Amateurs.... But for those few who dared aspire to the lower levels of goddess heights for this party, I was impressed, for they must have been used to wearing such heels for parties. The pair that stood out the most happened to be red sandals with a nice four inch stiletto heel. The woman wearing this pair had an oriental influenced sleevless gown of a brighter red that was ankle length. And there was another pair worn by a woman that had about a four inch heel, although she was wearing pants so it was difficult to make sure they were that high. Closed toe black ankle straps, open in the back, and certainly very stylish. I could get glimpses of the shoes as he walked and her pant legs swished about. And there were some three inch heeled shoes as well, stiletto and thin and blade and rapier styles, pumps and sandals alike, all black, and all worn by women who seemed to wear them well enough. My mother wore her black suede pumps with the three inch heel, showing that even though her back has had problems (not heel related, mind you) she could still put on a nice pair of heels and do her thing. And matched with a short black shimmery dress and short black velvet jacket, I think she was one of the best dressed women there. I was very careful when we left the party, making the quick walk across the ciy parking lot to the car. Boots are certainly the thing to wear in this weather. And I was very careful driving so that I did not make the boot heel any worse. Of course, on Saturday, I put on my Reeboks to run a quick errand, and I ended up falling on a patch of ice on my way to the car. I was a bit sore for that evening, but I am well enough. It is just proof that being careful is important, because that is what keeps one from falling. No matter what is on your feet, you can still fall if you're preoccupied and not aware of where you're going or what you're walking on. This morning while I was out and about, I happened to be at Wal-mart, searching for some special Christmas cards and a few essentials for home. I did take a moment to look at the boots and shoes. And I have to say, the trends for thin heels must be popular, since the winter boots section featured a few pairs, some looking to be three inches high, or even higher. We all remember the Jennifer Lopez work bootie with the high heel, and they had a pair in size 10. So I gave them a try. They fit well enough, which surprised me. With the right pair of socks, or even stockings, they'd be great. And with a heel that looked to be above three inches, they would be wonderful with a pair of jeans. Sadly, this was not a day for personal shopping, as my money has to be saved for giving to others, this Christmas. So the boots were bid farewell, even though they were lowered by $10 for a clearance price of just under $40. At least the signs are good, for if Wal-mart can have thin, stiletto looking heels of a good height on boots, then what will the spring and summer fashions bring, even in the low end shoes of such a store? We can all hope it turns out well for fashion, as women wear heels more and more, and I find myself less and less alone in my choice of footwear. :D

  8. I appreciate the suggestions and well wishing, but i fear it is far more complex. I do feel talked out. That much is accurate. I don't think it is a lack of sunlight, since I have always loved the night, a sky filled with the full moon, glowing silver-white, stars and planets shining, and the calm pace the world seems to take when the sun has gone away.

  9. I would suggest the Playstation 2. Xbox might be like a PC, but that means the best games will end up being released for the PC and Mac at some point because it is Microsoft. PS2 will provide a wider range of games, as others have said, and all it requires is a television. Of course, it can be a DVD player as well, if one is willing to spend the money on the remote control that makes it work. As well, the PS2 can play games for the original Playstation. So concerns about expensive games for your nephew can be alleviated by looking at some older titles for the PS2 and some original PS1 games. Nintendo's Game Cube is cheaper, but the games are a bit more limited. I doubt you'd consider buying your nephew a pair of shoes anyway, so certainly, a game console will make him feel special and allow him to fit into his social circle of friends that much better. Hey, being young is about having toys and sharing experiences. It may be a bit too materialistic, but it's there. Being old just means even more expensive toys, in some cases. :D

  10. I fear I have been quite withdrawn of late. I haven't been writing, I haven't been working on web sites, and I am not overwhelmed by work. I'm just very quiet. We have a number of people who can comment on subjects here, and rather than risk repeating myself, I've just been reading here and there, and keeping to myself, really. I don't have a real explanation as to why I have been quiet, but it has just happened. There are many thoughts about things other than shoes in my mind of late, and that may be the reasoning behind it. It's all quite a crop of melancholy, and I am sure it will change in time. :D

  11. Some places are going easy on this rule, especially in the summer. Besides, a nice pair of capri pants means bare legs. Shaved is probably a good idea. :( No one likes ankle growth, it's poodle like. Winter is a very different story.

  12. First, to address the part about dialogue. Yes, that is a tricky one. I like using dialogue because it is a direct expression of what the characters wish to convey, and it can capture things like slang and attitude that narrative can lose if it is in the third person. But it can become a bit much. Of course, I see everything in my mind, with vivid detail. If I could link a recorder to my mind, I'd be producing movies and TV Series that would congest the broadcast airwaves. So it is difficult to pull back from seeing the characters speaking in my mind, and bringing in a bit of narrative to compact the discussions. Second, well, I don't see myself as being a successful writer until I am some old woman. And we have to admit, a lot of the genre in which I am dabbling is dominated by men, and when women come into it with any strength, generally they are considered to have a feminist view, which is part of their success. Now, we take one girl with a dream, and she happens to love cooking and wearing heels and being all girlish, and not a feminist. Maybe that's a great angle, but... my goal is not to be famous. Okay, this requires qualification. I would like to make a good amount of money from royalties and selling rights and live a life of great comfort, with closests of shoes and clothes, a huge kitchen, a garden, and the security of knowing there is something in the bank every month. But I don't care to be on television shows, or do interviews, or sign autographs, or be known in that sense. I am just eager to write, and have people enjoy. I think my life is directed towards customer service, let's face it, all I am going to be anytime soon is a voice on the phone trying to explain utility bills. I do an excellent job of it, there's no doubt of that. And I am grateful to have that job. But right now, it feels like that's all I am. And elusive little glimpses of the life I wish to have, perky blonde, summers spent in strappy heels while enjoying lunch on some patio, spending the afternoon deeply immersed in the next part of creating a story... that's a life I may only get to experience by creating it for some story. I'd have better luck trying to become an engineer. Of course, I could always apply for a government loan to go to cooking school....

  13. Maybe we all get too carried away with this need for going higher. Sure, the challenge of it is fun, but... it's like if we all go there, in that mind set, we forget about lovely looking shoes just because they are not as high as some extreme seven incher. But come on, a good pair of four or five inch heeled pumps is practical for so much. Much like we always say that a woman is the overall package and not just the shoes, maybe we should be looking at shoes as an overall item, and not just as something attached to heels. Hrm...

  14. Thanks, thanks, yes the shape is just wonderful. I know a lot of people are wild for the highest heels they can find, but sometimes those extreme heels don't have as nice a shape as a classic pump. I think sometimes we focus too much on the shoes, and not enough on the entire look. That particular pair is quite comfortable. Looks, comfort... I've always liked Jante brand. It's too bad they don't offer the styles in real leather. I wear out Jante pairs so fast...

  15. Just another picture of my favourite pair, the black velvet stiletto heeled pumps, measuring five inches in height. And I am wearing black stockings here as well. Edit on 07 Nov 2004! I just found where the pictures of these black velvet pumps were on my hard drive. I used them for a mini member's update, since the end of the year is approaching and Jenny's member section could use the support. So scroll down, you'll find the new post and the picture. :(

  16. I did the goth thing, but I was never sent home from anywhere. I was once told that a T-shirt of a rock band was inappropriate, but I was done classes for the day and I was just hanging around, so I ignored the authority figure. Some teachers see a skull and thing it's satanic. I just think it's what we all have underneath the skin. Okay, so it's all about the goth love of death and all things macabre. :(

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