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Posts posted by Laurieheels

  1. I really don't like anyone wearing my shoes for more than a few minutes. I mean, just to try out, that's okay, more so for girls than boys, but even a curious guy could get a few minutes in my stilettos. But to actually wear around, I don't think I would like that. My shoes are my own. Of course, it all depends on how much I have had to drink, and what my 'silly' factor is at. :( It's not a measure of finding the idea silly, but a measure of how silly I find myself and my usual ideas about things. :( If I am getting silly, then things I usually enforce can be ignored for a short time.

  2. So long as the socks being worn are not toe socks, which are worn with sandals by some young girls, and we're not talking about sandals that are cute or sexy or otherwise. Toe socks... interesting idea, that, but hey, I've only seen them in rainbow patterns... What are they? Think of gloves for the feet... yes, each toe with its own little cozy place to snuggle into.

  3. I don't think I have done much to this one, and it is a few weeks old.

    I have managed to have enough energy to look through the pictures I have, and so, here's somewthing I don't think I've posted yet!

    The shoes are new, a gift, thanks to JeffM. They are common on many internet sites, and I know they are man made materials, but... they looked nice, and the feel very nice on my feet.

    Black matte pumps, size 11 US, the silver needle heel is five inches in height. You may have seen them for sale as the model 'Brazil'.

    Posted Image

  4. Could the 'duct' in duct tape have anything to do with the word ductile? I had thought of something clever about a week ago, after seeing the word ductile used in an article. Of course, I did not post anything here, and thus, it slipped away. Here is what a dictionary says about the word ductile 1. Easily drawn into wire or hammered thin: ductile metals. 2. Easily molded or shaped. 3. Capable of being readily persuaded or influenced; tractable. 2 being the definition I know for the word.

  5. Distrubing trend, yes, but there's always room to test it out and see if anyone likes it. I don't think many people did. I think my thoughts were more along the line of pedophilia, taking something that is an indicator of young girls, or of a time past, those white ankle socks, and then something that would make them seem more mature, seem older, such as high heels. I might be grasping, but you never know. Young girls are always looking to look older, older women are looking to look younger, and I suppose I can't speak to what men want, but...

  6. Stockings, sometimes made from tights, or stay ups. Fishnets when I can afford good quality, and always in the stocking variety. It's easier not to have to struggle to get the panty part of hose or tights over my hips and then just have the top of them roll down anyway. Garters and stockings make life easier. As for colour, black, black, and then black again. Darker being better, of course. :(

  7. Fondues and spicy food do it for me. Someone buy me a plane ticket and arrange for a nice hotel suite. Something visiting royalty would stay in should do well enough, I suppose. :( You could do a psycho chicks movie night, getting all sorts of movies that fit the bill, though I am not sure what else would have lots of heels in them.

  8. Hey, be nice with regard to Fred, the last two times I have seen him in chat, he did not ask the same old questions of me. :( He's friendly, harmless, and just curious is all. We cannot fault him for that. Besides, it's attention, and who hates that? Not me!

  9. I wouldn't mind, except there's no room. I do recommend visiting the mountains up here, whether you are approaching them from Alberta or B.C. Everything from where I live going west is what I think to be the best part of this country. Scenery! Hot Springs! Wildlife! Beef! This has nothing to do with Tri-Ess, I suppose, unless they are a group about visiting Canada.

  10. Cats are everything we think they are and more. My sister once suggested that cats have a way to talk with one another than doesn't include sound. Not exactly telepathic, but some mysterious way they can convey thoughts and feelings about things with only a glance. And it seems to be true most of the time. Of course, that's not to say the cat receiving the advice will actually listen and leave the sleeping one alone, or some such thing. :(

  11. I was Wolf Whistled in 2002, it was summer, I decided to walk to work (when I worked in downtown Calgary and lived on the edge of it) while wearing capri pants, a slinky red tank top, and my clear heeled four inch black patent sandals. It was a bike courier. I was a bit thinner then... It happened again a few weeks later, when I decided to wear the same sandals while walking home, and some workers in the alley behind an office building did the same thing. I would assume both were meant for me, since no one else was around at the time. Nothing like a good whistle to get one feeling like she's actually worth looking at. How times have changed, I guess.

  12. Okay, that offends me. But then, no one actually knows what this is all about, do they? There is a mistrust of the Western world, on the part of the Middle Eastern World, and it was created about 900 years ago. Well, in 1096, some Pope named Urban decided that it would be right to go over to Muslim lands, and rather than make nice so everyone could share the holy places, he decided that anyone not Christrian was bad, and thus, should be killed. He had given a speech the year before which had everyone excited about this. So Kings and pesants alike thought they would be saved if they killed people. People whose religion was based on the same biblical stories their own religion was based on, to some extent. So in order to be considered holy and get into heven, droves of Christians set out for a land far away, so they could conquer it, and make it Christian. And of course, some groups of Muslim people had done the same prior to that, and there was a time when they invaded Spain, and did their own rampaging about. So no one is innocent here in an exact sense. Now, the people in the Middle east, they remember all of that, and when America comes trying to influence everything, well, they remember, and they are afraid, and they fight back. Honestly, if you knew that people with a Christian mentality had tried to conquer and convert you 900 years ago and many times since then, and now you're seeing that same group influencing your culture again, trying to change it, and trying to put soldiers all over for "peace and protection," you might be paranoid too! So instead of being friendly, as these cultures should, they become antagonistic. They become paranoid! So if you claim Americans are paranoid, well, that's fine, you have that right, but remember, the Middle East has been paranoid for 900 years about this happening to them. And I was being silly, taking a shot more at Prince Charles than anything (he can't be king, his sons are too young, his mother is strong willed) and someone decided to shoot off her mouth (at least it wasn't a gun) and get into the right to own a gun. Well, that's just super. If we understood the causes, maybe all of the cultures involved could sit down, see that they have a lot in common, and focus the efforts against the impedning invasions of aliens and the threat of asteroids, and actually save this planet. The terrorists are paranoid, the people they claim to represent are paranoid, and the people they target are paranoid. You just know that if we don't all calm down and start talking, this will end with a lot of horror. Wow, this is WAY off topic... :( And no, none of this is meant to detract from the tragedy that happened in September of 2001, that was a very evil thing, and I was affected by it as well. But I think the aftermath is a thinly veiled attempt at revenge, as it becomes a game of "one-upmanship" that can not help. And as for being stabbed in the back by other countries, the last time I checked, those were soverign nations, who could make their own decisions. it's Pearl Harbor all over again, I think... but it didn't quite play out the same way this time.

  13. This is a grim thought, but, if we think of Marilyn Monroe, then those who only know her from movie roles and general perception think she might be a blonde woman who was flirty and pretty, and not a rocket scientist. And they may think of her as being married many times, being involved with many men, and taking her own life. But we all know there is more to Marilyn than the general perception of society. However, I think the perception is what makes some women fear stilettos deep down, and they find other ways to express it, as not to offend the person wearing the shoes. Let's face it, there is the all time Mrilyn classic image of her in open toed stiletto slingbacks, standing over the grate with air blowing up her dress, and she has to take care to keep it from rising up past her waist. Maybe some women see this image in a different light, and find it negative. Personally, I think it says "image is power" and "made you look, who's smarter now?" However, perception is the key. It is how we think, how we regard things in our society, and how we treat those things, that truly define our attitudes towards something. It's all about the why. We never ask why. No one ever explains why. Why is the single most impotant question! Why is behind the reason people do things. When you know why someone said or did something, then you can understand everything.

  14. Well, here is the update. My mother had the day off, so she took the tiny kitten to the vet, a different one from where we had her shots done. This vet listened to everything, gave her an exam, and determined that she does not have worms anbd her digestion is just fine. He also examined her teeth, and concluded that this kitten, which the local shelter told us was born in early June, and we thought was actually born in early July, is even younger. The teeth tell everything, aparently. my mother said that the Vet checked her teeth many times, and we is certain that maybe this kitten is only three months old or so. So as it turns out, she would have been spayed too young. The vet gave some food samples, encouraged a number of different things, and generally confirmed many things we knew about cats, such as they have feelings and they react to many things. it turns out that my mother's tiny kitten is just very young, and has a traumatic time of things since being at the shelter. And the shelter has lied to us a great deal about her. A woman from the shelter who is supposed to be an expert about cats and their behaviour had told my mother via telephone that cats do not remember things and do not feel emotions. Um... yeah. Right. The Vet has indicated this is quite contrary, as we always believed. Cats remember a lot, they are quite celver, and they have feelings. They get moody, they get lonely, they can be afraid, happy, sad... I am sure cats feel at least five of the seven basic emotions. So the two weeks is now ignored, we have been told our kitten is just really young, and has had a lot happen to her at too early an age. Either that, or she is the runt of the litter in a way that's very rare, and that has her all confused. The end result of reasoning is that she goes on the carpet sometimes because she is afraid and uncertain of things. She knows it is wrong, but there are times when she just feels mixed up and uncomfortable, and so she just goes in a spot she has before. Only time, love, attention, and encouragement can fix this now, along with a balanced diet of good quality cat food. And that is the report!

  15. I did not expect such a thing! I was certain everyone would be saying that men like really short women, for reasons that can not be mentioned on the message board. yes, quite crude, I know. At least I didn't make a comment about flat heads for resting beer... Oh damn, I suppose I just did. Well, I must be in a better mood tonight.

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