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Posts posted by Laurieheels

  1. We lesser privlidged people park outside, at home and at work. So boots are practical as well as fashionable. But there must be care when trying to go over ice in stiletto heels. Not every model is well suited to it. If it were not for good balance, I'd have fallen many times. But then, I did fall on ice while wearing my Reeboks once, so not even that can save you every time...

  2. Okay, some replies, since there are some of those I have been asked. 1) How do you walk in those? I take this leg, move it, take the other, move it, feet one in front of the other, and go forward! That, and practice. 2) Don't your (add body part here) hurt? If they did, I wouldn't wear the shoes! 3) Where did you get them? People send them to me. Comments? 1) I don't think I could wear shoes like that. Ah, come on, I can teach you, it's easy! 2) I used to wear shoes like that That's cool. :( A few other comments generally have to do with how people would injure themselves wearing such shoes, and a general amazement at my sense of balance and ability to do things like stand on one foot or even jump from one foot and land on the same without difficulty. Wide eyed amazement when I show off is something I enjoy, but I have not been able to do that for some time. Pout pout! All of these goddess powers are going to get rusty!

  3. I thought the most recent episode of friends was funny, they had Matt's character shown in a Japanese commercial for "Ichiban: Lipstick for men" It was a light, powdery blue. I am sure he gets paid enough to have any kind of fetish he would like. As for the women, well, Gwen Stefani is an amazing singer, and certainly very interesting for her fashion. It has changed a lot over the years, and I think she always does her best to look unique yet still fashionable. Yes, I am a No Doubt fan. They're an actual band, after all, and they make songs that do not all sound alike. Yes, Gwen has developed a thing for heels, and I have seen her in some nice ones, pairs with many different outfits, sometimes ones you might not think go with heels, but she makes it work!

  4. Let's face the facts of this. If we all had the money to set on fire and wave in the air, certainly, we'd all be able to buy a pair of Choos Shoes (the new spinoff series for teenage girls who grew up on Blue's Clues) we would, and then we'd know. The way I see it, there is an idea here. Rich people have lots of money. They should be spending it. let's make something high prices, so they feel the need to spend all of that money, and then lie and attach some hype and prestige to it. Of course, we'll need to get expensive materials for all of this, sure, and make it worth the while, but in the end, we are making those rich people spend, and thus the money is entering the market again, albeit on a higher level of things. If I had the money, I'd be jetting all over for shoes. And fine dining. And site seeing. I mean, I'd probably spend years in Europe. Buying Italian pumps and lunch near the Flavian Ampitheatre in Rome. Now there's a good way to spend a day. And a sensibly priced meal that tastes home cooked and fabulous at a nice Trattoria before bed. :(

  5. The cost associated with the web hosting is irrelevant, when we consider that we get full control, and Fox is the contact for it. We always appreciate the offers of others to help with the hosting, but with the disappearance of Pheels, and the downtime that has hurt Jenny's page, well, I think this was the best option. Jenny gave her blessing, so that has to mean things will work out!

  6. Well, we have two weeks to figure it out, according to my mother. Vet visit will go in there as we can afford it. I do the litter every night, cleaning it, changing it, whatever it needs. We've been using citrus on the carpets prior to this, we have this spray, but so far no luck. We have a bit of vinegar, so that will be next. But my mother doesn't think it is a scent issue. The thought is that this kitten was premature, or is somehow having problems. She's tiny, and she's very quiet. Sometimes she's fine, sometimes she goes in the hallway. And she knows it is wrong, and she runs if she's caught. My mother is hoping the vet can see if she has bowel problems. The bottom line is that if our little kitten is in any kind of discomfort, then she should be free of it, through surgery or otherwise. Kittens, like people, deserve to be happy, and live happy lives.

  7. My mother is thinking about giving back one of her kittens. We have tried so much with this little one to get her to behave. And the only problem is that she likes to relieve herself on the carpet. Not urinate, that she is happy to do in the litter box. And sometimes, she will deficate there as well without prompting. But she has used the carpet in every room of my mother's apartment at least once. And she has a favourite spot about two feet from the bathroom door, as we have the litter box in there. When we had one in the hall, just outside the bathroom, she'd still decide to go about six inches to a foot away from it. We have tried different litters, we have two litter boxes again, we have sprayed the carpet with many things that cats are supposed to dislike, we have given her more attention, we have priased her, we constantly show her the litter box and try to make her feel comfortable there... Nothing is working. So it's likely my mother will have the cat go back to the shelter tomorrow, which is heart breaking, for me, my mother, and for the older kitten as well, except he doesn't know what's going on yet. How does one deal with having to get rid of a kitten that is very much wanted? And at this point, my mother will not change her mind, as much as she loves her little kitten. If the shelter does not call by tomorrow morning to offer some new advice, the kitten goes back. So if anyone has advice on how to get over having to give up a very much wanted pet, I would really like it.

  8. Oh great, this is going to errupt into violent competition about who has nice legs and who doesn't. Children, please relax, and that includes you, Anita. Bubba's comment was quite easily discerned as being directed towards Maxim, especially with the quote from one of Maxim's messages. Now let's all play nice, because if not, Laurie has to be cranky, and we all will be very unhappy about what happens then. Fire, brimstone, end of the world sort of stuff.

  9. There's some quote about flames burning bright and half as long, but it's cliche so I'll refrain. Personally, I'd like to make sure new members stay here, whether they post a little or a lot. Consistency is the dream that we moderators have. More active members in the long term mean more prestige for this message board, and that's just plain good for business. :( I hope our new members, whatever their posting pace, are here for longer stays. Do settle in and enjoy!

  10. Of course people are shy. A girl is shy because she may get more attention than she knows how to handle. She may be shy and afraid of stumbling or stepping out of her shoes. It comes down to confidence, really, and in the end result, lack of confidence and being shy are rather connected. Confident people are not shy. Confident people can wear stiletto heels into a crowded bar and steal the show. Shy people think that they'll do something to ruin that if they try. Maybe some will fall over. Some won't, but they just don't have the nerve to find out that they can bend it like Mrs. Beckham.

  11. I think it was the brand more than anything. Sounds cheap. I only found one when I unpacked some months ago, and I turned it into a fingerless glove for Hallowe'en. Very gothy, and very comfy. And stockings make sense, if you wore hose that were all fishnet, well... yes, I could see why they hurt. I think.

  12. I am not taking any writing classes, though I did in University, along with many classes where writing papers was the key to survival. I think characters are most important to a story, since they are the means of experience. if the people can be understood and seem real, then we can relate to them and enjoy the story that much more. Things happen to people, after all.

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