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Posts posted by azraelle

  1. You msy be right, Hoverfly... About 12-15 yrs ago, on my 165 mile weekly commute home, while in the parking lot of a McDonalds in Las Vegas, I happened to see about 300 meters in the distance in the desert between houses (Las Vegas has alot of such spaces) a guy obviously in an argument with (presumably) his girlfriend, whereupon he summarily pasted her in the face and knocked her out for about 20-30 minutes. It incensed me but all I had the courage to do was nip over to the pay phone and call the cops, then hide in my car while they showed up and accosted the guy. The girl by that time was getting up, and either didn't want to press charges, or because the eyewitness (me) was unavailable, I don't know which, they sent him off in one direction, and her in another (presumably to their respective homes?). Hopefully, I have learned by subsequent life experiences, as Lord Jim did in Melville's book of the same title, not to "wimp out" if there is a next time.

  2. There was a young (black) lady where I worked at the Nevada Test Site that was a victim of wife beating by her new husband (broken arm, etc) that I found out about quite a bit after the fact that got a couple of her female friends to help her move out very quickly one day. I told her that she should have come to me, or any of the other Male Radiation Control Techs, and we would have helped her to stay where she was (and "helped" HIM move out rather suddenly). She said she wanted him to remain breathing (air), which is why she didn't ask any of us--she KNEW what WE would have done to the *****, collectively, or individually.

  3. Maybe we should start a new thread about "What do men think about women wearing boxer shorts, or ties, or crewcuts, or ...?" Maybe another about "What do male heel wearers think about wife-beating, or rape"? I would think they would be rather more sensitive to the issue (as in "I'd like to choke the living sh** out of men that do it, but not before I've blown holes in both knee caps and sawed off....first") than "normal" men are. Siscilian justice ought to be alive and well in such cases! _________________ Hi-Heeled Boots, Bodysuits, and Back-Zipper Pants R wikkid-kool (on me, or U)! <font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: azraelle on 2002-06-08 08:45 ]</font>

  4. On 2002-05-12 07:59, Anagram wrote:

    I've dabbled, but I just can't hold the brush straight or could never get it right for some reason. (not too coordinated with left hand)

    So I'll stear clear until I get some more patience. :smile:


    The biggest obstacle to getting it right is the quality of polish you use followed by having a decent brush. To that end I have found that with rare exceptions, the primary ingredient should be BUTYL acetate, instead of the more usual ethyl acetate. The ORLY brand, ultimately from France, is the best I've found in this regard, although their color selection tends to be a bit conservative. The other brand on this side of the pond that I have found that is usually decent is Maybelline, surprisingly. The quality of Revlon is all over the map--you never know what it will be like until you open the bottle and try it.

  5. You look ok in Kittens...they sure beat 3" wedgies!!! Laurie, on the other hand...They also beat 3" wedgies--congrats are well deserved--but I still prefer the 5-1/2" pumps. Not that it matters, of course. _________________ Hi-Heeled Boots, Bodysuits, and Back-Zipper Pants R wikkid-kool (on me, or U)! <font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: azraelle on 2002-06-06 00:16 ]</font>

  6. Use schmetz denim needles, Gutterman all-polyester thread, and a "Hump Jumper", a thick plastic gadget that is the aprox thickness of 3-4 layers of denim--you stick it behind the fabric half way under the foot so the foot is level when you lower the needle and start sewing. <center><pre> ____ ____ | | | | | | | | | | | | | / | |____________| </pre></center> _________________ Hi-Heeled Boots, Bodysuits, and Back-Zipper Pants R wikkid-kool (on me, or U)! <font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: azraelle on 2002-06-06 00:08 ]</font>

  7. I agree with you on the princess seams on shirts, and their equivalent on pants ( remember "saddleback jeans" or for that matter "Chemin de Fer" junior misses jeans, circa 1977?). Since the saddlebacks are not currently in fashion, I've taken to designing a pair myself from several women's riding breech patterns available over the internet. Now if I ever get them sewn up I'll have to post a pic of them.

  8. On 2002-06-05 22:41, terayon wrote:

    its a proven scientific fact that wearing tight fitting underwear reduces your sperm count, so only boxers for me :smile:

    You CAN'T be concerned about children at your age Terayon! Sperm count bounces back within 3 months. I know this from experience in the Army doing "PT" in Louisiana for 3 years (hot humid weather combined with supporter & 3 miles/day)--I was effectively sterile, the Army medics even confirmed this, but as soon as I got out, wife gets pregnant with our 2nd child.

    Sexual position has alot to do with fertility as well...

  9. Skirts. Even if you completely remove social acceptance from the equation, skirts inhibit your options.For example, have you ever tried to climb a ladder in one?

    A Mormon bishop with whom I was aquainted in college the first time around (~1977), being the macho ex-marine officer that he was, told his wife that he wanted her to only wear skirts and dress shoes from that moment on so that his family could project the "proper" look of masculine/feminine role models for the congregation. She being smarter than he, complied, knowing that it wouldn't take long for him to see the error in his thinking. They were at that time involved in adding a room to their house, and he needed her to get up on a stepladder to help hold the drywall/sheetrock/plasterboard panel up so he could nail it to the ceiling beams. She did. He turned beet red and said "Well, ah, I think that maybe you ought to go back to wearing pants and tennis shoes, at least around the house.." "OK"! And that was that.

    There is just so much more you can do in pants, or shorts, decently at least, than you can in a skirt, so why would you want to wear one (men at least) if you don't have to (unless "passing" is your thing)?

    Some women look better in them, some don't.

  10. The Europeans on this board have really enlarged my understanding of the relatively large number of similarities, as opposed to the differences that I always thought existed between Europe and America, and I thank you for that. I took Russian in high school for one year, and remember learning the curious fact that 4 years of English was required in all schools in the USSR. Since many of you seem to be at least as fluent in English as some North Americans(!) on this board, I would like to know how you learned it in your native, non-English-speaking countries. Was English required? If so, for how long? Did you have native English-speaking instructors? Did you have any "immersion-style" classes (or schools) where only English was allowed to be spoken? Thanks. AJ

  11. On 2002-06-04 06:59, Laurieheels wrote:

    If it has a heel, I'll like it.


    I'm sorry, I can't resist--ever read Gulliver's Travels about the class differences between those who wore hi-heels on one foot and those who wore low heels on one foot? I think that is how it went--its been ages since I read it--may have the details wrong. Your first sentence just seemed so hillarious...:smile::wink::smile:


    Hi-Heeled Boots, Bodysuits, and Back-Zipper Pants R wikkid-kool (on me, or U)!

    <font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: azraelle on 2002-06-04 08:56 ]</font>

  12. On 2002-05-29 23:36, Dr. Shoe wrote:

    The main reason why these heels bend outwards (kick out) is because the heel is slightly too high for the shoe shape. Otherwise it could be that the manufacturer put say a size seven heel on a size six boot.

    Perhaps it is not a characteristic of custom or designer shoes, but my experience has always been that manufacturers tend to use the exact shape and size of a particular heel (whether stilletto or block) on the same shoe model, irregardless of size. Thus: a 5" heel on a size 6 results in a greater arch curve, and resultant strain on the size 6 foot, than it will cause on a size 12 shoe and foot, identical model. Also, a size 6 shoe with a 5" heel has much more aesthetic appeal than the same shoe in size 12 with the same 5" heel. And finally, if we take a purely equality of experience (or hardship?) point of view, it is still much harder for a woman to walk comfortably in a size 6/5" heel than it would be for the average man in the same shoe in a size 12/5" heel!

    It has long been my contention that shoe manufacturers should take this into account. In these days of computerized manufacturing, inventory control, and micro marketing, that allows Lee jeans to offer a service for about $125/pr to design one's own "designer" jeans (I read about it recently, don't know if it was, in fact, ever fielded), it shouldn't be too much of a hardship for shoe manufacturers to proportionally size the heels based on the size. Where, for example, a size 6/5" heel exists, the size 12 shoe (aproximately 1/4 longer?) would merit a 6-1/4" heel. What say you, Dr. Shoe (or for that matter the distaff members of the board)?

  13. Women's extreme hip hugger pants have the added attraction of actually FITTING(!) a man's hips, and being tight in the crotch, AND looking like they are ready to fall off! _________________ Hi-Heeled Boots, Bodysuits, and Back-Zipper Pants R wikkid-kool (on me, or U)! <font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: azraelle on 2002-06-03 19:41 ]</font>

  14. I like Sci-Fi: Anne Mccaffrey, Andre Norton, Elizabeth Moon, David Weber, Orson Scott Card, Ben Bova, Emma Bull. And medical thrillers: Tess Gerritsen, Kathy Reichs, Robin Cook. Tom Clancy's not bad, and then there's Iris Johansen and the unforgettable Fritz Leiber. I like what my dad used to call "tear jerkers" for movies (I believe they are now referred to as "chick's movies"), as well as action adventure, and fantasy/special effects. Fav (American/Canadian) TV: I liked the IDEA behind the one season "Queen of Swords"; the acting was terrible, and scripting was worse! "JAG", "Law & Order--SVU", "The Division", "Strong Medicine", "Any Day Now", "Relic Hunter", and "The X-Files". And I'm a sucker for Disney's "Lizzie McGuire" and "So Wierd".

  15. On 2002-06-03 04:10, Laurieheels wrote:

    Thanks J.D. Too bad people don't see this where I live, although my date from last weekend told me all of the guys were looking at me. Interesting. I mjst be oblivious to these things.

    I think you may have missed his point, slightly. In the probably slightly misquoted lyrics of the Herman's Hermits song "Mrs Brown You've Got a Lovely Daughter", "..You'll pick her out, standing, in a crowd...Makes a bloke feel so proud!"

    They were probably looking at you with envy for HIM! Why, then, don't more guys ask you out? They don't want to lose face with their peers by being different, sensitive, or even sensual (unmanly traits unless you are French or Italian!). But that doesn't keep them from being jealous or envious of the rare guy with courage enough to rock the boat.

    <font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: azraelle on 2002-06-03 04:46 ]</font>

  16. I must be missing something here... Apparently one must be "PC" here as well? What is the difference between speaking one's mind if it is a positive reaction to a photo, and doing the same thing if it is a negative reaction? Are we only allowed an opinion if it is complimentary? If so, then George Orwell's "1984" is upon us--"I have seen the future and it is us!"

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