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Posts posted by azraelle

  1. On 2002-05-28 23:22, terayon wrote:

    there are no firearm restrictions whatsoever in texas, you can conceal weapons, have full auto, RPGs, almost anything you want...they are lucky!

    Not quite true--they still have to comply with all FEDERAL laws, which make it difficult, and expensive, to get hold of a fully auto weapon, or any non-domestically manufactured semi-auto asault weapon--which means you have a choice of the Ruger Mini-14/30, the Colt AR15, or the Springfield M-1A, (complete with magazine that holds no more than 10 rounds, usually limited to 5 by the mfr, "just to be on the safe side!") if you want a NEW one, or pay whatever the owner of a used assault semi-auto is willing to take for his/hers.


    Hi-Heeled Boots, Bodysuits, and Back-Zipper Pants R wikkid-kool (on me, or U)!

    <font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: azraelle on 2002-05-28 23:56 ]</font>

  2. The trouble is, Trolldeg, with some 100 million hand cannons already floating around in the USA alone, if u make it illegal for "honest, law-abiding citizens" (u know, the ones that normally don't use the black market) to buy guns, Then they become the PREY of those who DO use the black market (u know, shady characters lumped together under the umbrella of "criminals"), such as is happening as we speak, according to the NRA, at least, in Australia. Gun control only works in countries where there weren't very many privately-owned guns to get rid of in the first place, such as Great Britain. It most assuredly wouldn't fly in Switzerland, or Israel. _________________ Hi-Heeled Boots, Bodysuits, and Back-Zipper Pants R wikkid-kool (on me, or U)! <font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: azraelle on 2002-05-28 09:00 ]</font>

  3. On 2002-05-28 06:18, Driver8 wrote:

    Far from considering the appellation "unmanly" as an insult, as it was recently hurled, I take that as a compliment. "Manliness" is a tool of control used to shame men into opening doors and lifting heavy boxes, dying seven years early working grueling hours at dangerous jobs and never seeing their children grow, and going to the battle lines to get shot defending the financial interests of the wealthy. Heels represent my rejection of all that bullshit!

    Thank You, you've voiced what I haven't been able to figure out about myself (in relation to my dad, especially) until now.

  4. Is there a certain feminine flirtatious joy that women get out of dressing trashy (assuming you're not doing it on the wrong side of town), or am I missing something here? _________________ Hi-Heeled Boots, Bodysuits, and Back-Zipper Pants R wikkid-kool (on me, or U)! <font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: azraelle on 2002-05-27 23:02 ]</font>

  5. I like Dilbert and Mallard Fillmore comic strips, and Alley Oop, when he was alive. I used to enjoy Tom and Jerry, Top Cat, The Flintstones, The Jetsons, and Space Ghost. I've never been much of a fan of the Simpsons, but as with Southpark, both series have had their moments. Got a kick out of this from Laura LeMay's website:

    Posted Image</img>

  6. It varies--it took only about 3 weeks for my 2 daughters; wouldn't have to be "rings"--unobtrusive mini-studs are available as well, but who am I to suggest that when I haven't got the guts to try even them myself!

  7. Name: Alma Joe (honestly!) Age: 49 Gender: Male Location: extreme SW Utah, ~120 miles East of Las Vegas,NV Occupation: unemployed, full time Computer Info Tech college student, 2nd time around (1st time was in Agricultural Pest Control, BS, 1981) Height: 75 inches/190 cm Weight: 235 lbs/107 kg Shoe size: ~12.5 US Women's, most size 11 sandals, few boots fit, best fit 12-D or 13-B What's your favourite heel style: narrow chunky or convex chunky: | /_| What's your favourite shoe style: Suede Leather Knee-Hi Boots Do you wear your heels outside: Every chance I get What is: (a) Your favourite heel height: look at (chunky) 4"; look at (stiletto) 5"; wear 3 to 3.5" (:smile: Your highest heel height: 4" How often do you wear: (a) Your favourite heel height: 3 days/wk (:smile: Your highest heel height: 1 day/wk Do you wear socks, hose, stockings or bare feet with your shoes: Pantihose (just my size Light Support or Lasting Sheer) or Sears Thi-Tops (Statuesque) almost exclusively; Ladies' "toe socks" with size 13 boots, thong type sandals, and anti-pronation running shoes (which I wear about 1/2 the time--can't wear regular men's low heels without some sort of fairly rigid anti-pronation support such as Spenco insoles--unfortunately most men's shoes, other than athletics, don't have enough room to wear the insoles comfortably, so its either running shoes with Spenco insoles, or Women's high heels, at least 2.5" Anything else you wish to add: Freestyle, more or less. I don't wear dresses or skirts, never have, never will! Men look ridiculous in them, including kilts (and I'm 1/4 Scottish) IMHO!! Sorry Highluc, Francis, but hey, each to his/her own. Favorite dress style on women: CheungSam. Also like (short) jeans skirts out of leather or denim. _________________ Hi-Heels and Back-Zipper Pants Forever... <font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: azraelle on 2002-05-27 19:01 ]</font>

  8. Damn...you go girl! But may I ask a question? If you are showing off your belly-button, then I assume the skirt is somewhat of a hip-hugger style; How then do you keep the pantyhose from sagging (esp in the crotch, or does that just not bother you?)? Fold the waistband over?? (Underneath the skirt, of course!) Questions such as these have always bothered me...

  9. On 2002-05-27 03:11, Laurieheels wrote:

    ...so I hope too many hearts aren't breaking...


    Any man who could pique your interest...

    must be SOME SPECIAL GUY! I do hope it works out.

    You remind me alot of my oldest daughter (yes, she hates hi-heels, but...): When she was about 16, I asked her what she wanted in a husband (since NONE of the boys in the town we were living were worth even a first look, in her considered opinion) and she said "I want him to worship the ground I walk upon!"

    And the guy she married...does, among other things.


    Hi-Heels and Back-Zipper Pants Forever...

    <font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: azraelle on 2002-05-27 13:04 ]</font>

  10. On 2002-05-27 00:31, terayon wrote:

    meh, those are all just fetish type heels, and basically just entire jante collection that you see on every shoe site...*shrug*

    id like to find NORMAL boots, not 6inch heel patent leather ones....

    I said be patient...

    Posted Image</img>

    BTW your boots are an excellent choice for first time out--I have an "el cheapo" polyurethane version of your boots that I got from WalMart on closeout for $12--can't imagine why anyone would have bought them for any more, but they ARE comfortable.

    BTW again, what does "MEH" stand for?


    Hi-Heels and Back-Zipper Pants Forever...

    <font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: azraelle on 2002-05-27 01:00 ]</font>

    <font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: azraelle on 2002-05-27 01:09 ]</font>

    <font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: azraelle on 2002-05-27 01:47 ]</font>

  11. I hope no one minds if I resurrect this category...

    At commencement exercises a couple of weeks ago I saw a very gothy girl dressed (among other things) in these:

    Posted Image</img>

    And low and behold, http://www.alloy.com send me a catalog a few days later, with them inside ($32, size 5-11).

    I know they're not most of the gals' "cup of tea", but I thought I'd ask anyhow, "What do you think of these?"

  12. On 2002-05-26 23:34, terayon wrote:

    im pretty lucky in that i got thin calves...makes wearing most boots easy...now if only i had small feet to match..

    As I posted elsewhere, try http://www.trashy.com ; there ARE a couple of styles that should appeal to you, if you are patient enough to navigate through the entire "shoes" portion of the site.


    Hi-Heels and Back-Zipper Pants Forever...

    <font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: azraelle on 2002-05-26 23:50 ]</font>

    <font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: azraelle on 2002-05-27 00:57 ]</font>

  13. I can't believe that no one has mentioned http://www.trashy.com before now. It is on-line only, but they do have a lot of non-fetish styles, even a couple of plat boots that would appeal to Terayon. If you click on the image that says "size 11 and up" you will find that most of the styles they carry are available up to size 13. The prices are better than most places as well. Granted, most items are made of synthetics, but I can live with that.

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