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Posts posted by azraelle

  1. The basic Dark Angel premise: In 2011, or thereabouts, a terrorist org. got hold of and set off a special type of nuclear bomb in the upper atmosphere over America, without warning, which caused a meltdown of nearly everything electronic due to an enhanced Electro-Magnetic Pulse (very plausible possibility). The culminating effect of this was to plunge America into a new Dark Age, from which it is slowly recovering in 2021. At about the same time, a few adolescents escaped a secret quasi-Gov't-financed facility (known as "Manticore") where they had been genetically engineered from the best genes available in the natural world to be perfect soldiers-for-hire (cat genes for near dark vision, for example). One of these grew up to become the Dark Angel (played by Jessica Alba). She has enhanced abilities that no ordinary human has--strength, speed, agility, night vision, recouperating ability, and probably reasoning ability. Not unlike SuperLaurie, except that she has very black hair :smile: ! Two distinguishing characteristics of these now grown-up adolescents are 1) a genetic bar code tatoo on the back of the neck that will regrow itself even if it is removed, and 2) a potentially fatal nutritional deficiency that must be satisfied by some difficult-to- obtain ingredient every few years. Apparently pre-programmed into the genetic code to enable Manticore to keep it's minions in line. It was well-scripted and acted, filmed mostly in Seattle and Vancouver, BC. It was hailed as the best cable network new series last year, when it was on Friday at around 9pm, then they moved it to Tuesday at ~7pm, for no logical reason that I can figure, whereupon it lost market share (DUH!), so now it gets cancelled. Network executives are assholes, each and every one! _________________ Hi-Heeled Boots, Bodysuits, and Back-Zipper Pants R wikkid-kool (on me, or U)! <font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: azraelle on 2002-06-19 23:25 ]</font>

  2. I used to like Cinnabar, Poison, !, Jil Sander No.4?, Le Jardin, Enjoli, Aviance Night Musk, Jontue, and Bijan (the french one whose bottle was shaped like a doughnut that I couldn't remember the name of) but haven't worn any lately, e.g. since my divorce 3 yrs ago.


    Hi-Heeled Boots, Bodysuits, and Back-Zipper Pants R wikkid-kool (on me, or U)!

    <font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: azraelle on 2002-06-24 02:35 ]</font>

  3. HELP!

    Any ideas for a short essay on the following subject??

    "Like it or not, we live in a gendered world. To what extent do men and women have the power or ability to create or re-create how gender molds, shapes, and defines them?

    How do we promote gender equality (assuming you find this to be desirable), while continuing to emphasize, possibly even celebrate, any necessary and desirable differences between men and women?"

  4. On 2002-03-25 00:52, Jeff wrote:

    ...But I think there's more to it then just an addiction or habbit. Comparing it with smoking for example, I quit smoking six years ago and never touched a cigaret again, even though I get tempted lots of times.

    Now, could I do the same with heels? Just 'quit' buying and wearing them? I tell you no, my life would be misserable as hell. Whereas quiting smoking didn't have any negative impact on my life.

    My theory is this: There are some 1200 different endorphin molecules that are produced by the brain, acc to some obscure source (heck, it may only be 120); point is, each molecule causes a slightly different "joyful response". If for some reason your autonomic nervous system "learns" to make up a particular endorphin concoction that provides intense pleasure when you wear high heels, or crossdress, or even engage in BDSM activities, then you are "addicted" to this mixture, and the activity that causes it to be produced. All you have to do is think about it!

    You don't have to march down to the corner store (or pusher) and buy some of it, like with cigarrettes, crack, booze, etc. Any ol' stray thought will do. Drugs, whatever the variety, are artificial and external MIMICS of actual, naturally secreted brain endorphins, which are, by definition, much more potent, and therefore addicting, than anything you have to get from an external source.

    So--quit smoking? No big problem. Quit doing something that causes your central nervous system to pump out the OH SO FAMILIAR endorphin FIX? BIG PROBLEM!

  5. Did u miss my point, or are u being ironic? Queen of Swords was awful--lousy, inaccurate writing, generally bad acting (tho it was getting better), etc. But I liked the idea of a strong woman and she was pretty good with the sword! But Dark Angel. Exactly the opposite, with a strong woman hero, and it still gets the axe?? Relic Hunter doesn't even come close. As one person put it, there's nothing left on Fox worth watching (or in my case, to induce me to go back to watching); I hope they go under. GRRR

  6. Ahhh Powerful sorry, Nikk. I too am a cyclist, or used to be at any rate--was certified in the early '80's as a Motorcycle Safety Foundation safe riding instructor. I believe that the "pet Peeve" was referring to cyclists who might be lumped in with the label of "one percenters". They do give other cyclists a bad name to regular car drivers. I hope your "bright spark" didn't get the idea from the hhplace board; he wasn't in heels, was he?

  7. To Vanessa, same age as myself: Since you seem to be more confident wearing makeup in public than myself, I have a serious suggestion: Take a (college-level) Stage Makeup class. I took one about a year and a half ago. It allowed me to experiment with what makeup can actually do for a person, male or female, with expert advice on what to use, how to apply it, how to make it look like you don't have any on, how to make your face look like it is thinner, more masculine, 10-20 years younger (or older, for that matter), etc. Most of the techniques are applicable for everyday wear as well. I won't go so far as to say that makeup can make you look as young as Laurie, but 35 IS reasonably doable, if you really apply yourself to learning the art and skill. Luck. :smile:

  8. On 2002-06-02 09:12, Samantha wrote:

    what ever i wear my feet are dying at the end of a night out on the town...

    Not really on the subject, but my feet have never ached more than the times during "recovery operations" immediately following the setting off of a nuclear blast at the US Nuclear test site where I used to work, when we were required to work a 16-hour double shift wearing low-heeled steel-toe, leather work boots. I don't know how my feet would have felt if I had been wearing hi-heeled steel-toe workboots (assuming such a mythical creature could exist) but I doubt it could have been any worse. :smile:

  9. On 2002-06-18 01:10, Dave Lipstick wrote:


    The innermost reaches of an al-Quaeda cave?

    Interesting thought. I used to have wishful dreams of some star trek like series or novel where hi-heeled boots were a required part of the everyday uniform in the space navy of both sexes..

    I think there would be a lot less war if all member nations were to agree on just one international rule on the conduct of war--that all soldiers (including the generals) had to wear 4" spike heels during battle!!

  10. I know this is for the gals, but it reminded me of something from the distant past: One night while in college back in 1977, in our small basement apartment, my wife and I had just gotten home after an exasperating study session. I went into the bedroom and kicked off my (fairly loose fitting) shoe (a ladies style loafer) rather fiercely and it went through that room's only basement window (up near the ceiling, about 1 x 2 feet)! You could have picked my jaw off the floor. We never did get it replaced.

  11. The part in the middle rarely touches much inside snug fitting hi-heeled boots, so why not? The heel drop-off edge looks like it might cut into the skin of the heel uncomfortably, but if you're into avant garde shoe fashions, a little pain won't even dent your stride!

  12. Should have said to her "RTFM" and directed her to Jenny's site, or here for that matter. There have been cases where accident coverage was refused if it could be proven that the victim wasn't wearing a seatbelt, or wasn't wearing proper (and specified) safety equipment, but unless it becomes stated policy in your employee's handbook that they won't cover you if you wear heels higher than some specified height, they have no recourse BUT to cover you for any claims you make--I've never heard of claims being denied cancer victims because they chose to get addicted to smoking. _________________ Hi-Heeled Boots, Bodysuits, and Back-Zipper Pants R wikkid-kool (on me, or U)! <font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: azraelle on 2002-06-16 17:10 ]</font>

  13. If they're leather, get a shoe shop to stretch the toe box, then buy a pair of Spenco brand insoles, cut only a piece to comfortably pad the ball of your foot, and then try walking in them. Spenco's have been around since the mid-70's, were made with a patented then-new process of injecting nitrogen into the foam under extreme pressure, and have the added benefit of NEVER developing flat spots, as is common with ordinary foam rubber. They are only about 3/16" thick, BTW. A Podiatrist recommended them to me when I was "trying out" for the Army Reserve Officer Training Corps in college to help counter the problems I was having from my severely over-pronating flat feet while running. I have tried other, "newer tech" pads, but none of them are as comfortable as Spenco's. They do cost a lot though, but are worth it.

  14. Most everyone, sooner or later, reaches a certain age where they examine their life up to that point and realize that there are things that they haven't done that they wanted to do but were afraid to do it "because of what people might think". If you reach that point after being "humbled upon" by life's events, instead of on your deathbed, you realize that the only thing left that is still important is to be true to oneself; You ask yourself "do I want to go to my grave not having done (such and such) because I was afraid of what other people might think of me??" For me the answer was and is a resounding NO! After all, what more can "they" do to me that hasn't already been done? I hope YOU get to that point while you're still young enough to enjoy it.

  15. I'm LDS, and I'll leave it at that. About once every 10 yrs or so I come out of my shell and test the waters to see if arguing has begun to solve anything, and thanx to the (<font size=1>guns & hunting</font>) thread I once again have come to the conclusion that it doesn't. :smile: _________________ Hi-Heeled Boots, Bodysuits, and Back-Zipper Pants R wikkid-kool (on me, or U)! <font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: azraelle on 2002-06-14 10:07 ]</font>

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