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Posts posted by azraelle

  1. I've read more than once that shoe experts recommend trying on shoes in the afternoon or evening because that is when the feet have swollen aproximately 1/2 size larger from being walked on all day. If you have a water retention problem, it probably would be at least a full size. I can't understand why a guy that is unafraid enough to sign his 1st name (or nick?), and the sand to freely dispense with his sage wisdom and advice, doesn't seem to have the ollos (to use the Samoan word for them) to actually sign in as an official member of the board. <font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: azraelle on 2002-06-14 09:44 ]</font>

  2. I use the paid-for ($9.50) version of Limewire (www.limewire.com). So far as I know, it doesn't have spyware. I have used it to download hacked versions of several programs used in my college classes that I couldn't afford with my limited student loans (for learning purposes only--I actually purchased Photoshop, Illustrator, and Acrobat). As well as MP3's, MP2, etc.

  3. If I must, I must! Alyson Hannigan in some sort of kelly & forest green stretch velveteen-based microminiskirted band uniform, possibly with some purple trim (or auburn to match her hair?), with almost above the knee kelly or forest green suede boots, 3/4" platform, and narrow chunky heels about 4 to 4-1/2 inch heels. And of course, a flute! <font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: azraelle on 2002-06-13 21:59 ]</font>

  4. On 2002-06-13 08:14, stellah wrote:

    ...I think there are many girls who are in need of a hh walking course...

    I wouldn't presuppose to know all there is about walking in heels--all I know is derived from watching women whom I considered good at it, and then attempting to imitate and figure out how it was that they did it. But assuming that I have figured out the right way to do it, it seems useless knowledge if I can't pass it on. And there lies the rub--How do you tell a woman (whom the world expects to already know how to walk in heels) the right way to do it, without at the very least ticking her off (it would be almost like getting advice from a man on how to insert a tampon!). And then there's the inevitable followup question, the answer to which will destroy all credibility in most people's eyes "Well how do you know how to do it?"

    So, I have 2 Questions:

    Guys: Have you ever given advice to a woman as to how to walk in heels (or for that matter have you gals ever done it as well)? What was their reaction, etc.?

    Gals: What would be the best approach to you if a guy wanted (purely out of the goodness of his heart--you can pretend, at least!) to impart his knowledge of how to walk in heels to you? Or is there a way that would not offend? (Is this a case where it is better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to open one's mouth and remove all doubt?)


    These boots feel so much better!

    To Francis: I am dying to know what Qapla' means, what language it is, and the significance of your rotating logo.

    I apologize if you answered this sometime in Jan or Feb. Thanx, AJ


    Hi-Heeled Boots, Bodysuits, and Back-Zipper Pants R wikkid-kool (on me, or U)!

    <font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: azraelle on 2002-06-13 02:19 ]</font>

  6. Forgive my asking this on the high heeled board, but my 12-yr old daughter asked me if I could locate a source for inexpensive flat-heeled (<3/4") "granny boots" of the ankle heighth variety as hers are completely gone, size 6 US, aproximately. Thank You, AJ.

  7. Trolldeg, as resident expert on 3D, have you ever heard of "Strata 3D Pro 3.6 or 3.7" (free 23-Mb basic version avail from their website at http://www.strata.com )? My College computer classes start up again in the fall and Strata is the 3D program that they teach for the (required) 3D visualization class. Do you have an opinion on the program, particularly how it compares to 3D Studio Max, Maya, Lightwave, etc. Thanks, AJ.

    <font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: azraelle on 2002-06-12 08:04 ]</font>

  8. On 2002-06-12 01:13, stilettos wrote:

    If FDR is/was male then this thread doesn't call for his thoughts, but if secretly FDR ever wore heels what would the ladies think?

    Don't know about FDR, other than both he and his wife apparently secretly "played the field" while in office.

    J.Edgar Hoover, on the other hand, regularly organized and frequented TV/CD parties, so one would assume He wore heels...

  9. <h1>L. O. L.</h1>

    You should be ashamed of yourself Firefox--that was even better than Laurie's, I'm sorry to say ("Standing all day in heels, Page 4").


    Hi-Heeled Boots, Bodysuits, and Back-Zipper Pants R wikkid-kool (on me, or U)!

    <font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: azraelle on 2002-06-11 12:43 ]</font>

  10. That's dead easy: When a drop-dead gorgeous girl walks by and the first thing you look at, and notice, and ask yourself, is what does she have on her feet?! _________________ Hi-Heeled Boots, Bodysuits, and Back-Zipper Pants R wikkid-kool (on me, or U)! <font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: azraelle on 2002-06-11 12:22 ]</font>

  11. On 2002-06-10 20:56, Jeff wrote:

    That's not leather.. That's PVC. :smile:

    But they are hot too.. :grin:

    Yes they are, especially in the summer!!

    But they DO attract attention...anytime of the year, but as I found out the hard way, washing them on a washing machine and drying them (even on LOW) just doesn't do them any good at all! WAHHH :grin: :grin:

    As to Laurie's post...

    What a sacrifice! Still, ?

  12. FDR, spent most of his presidency (outside of the public eye) in a wheelchair, was elected to serve 4 terms, served 3 terms, & ~3months, died 1945, damn good for a "canuk"! :smile: Afterwhich US Congress passed law forbidding presidents to run for more than 2 terms, consecutive or otherwise--might even be constitutional ammendment, don't know for sure.

    As an aside, it was a common left-handed joke among the generation of my parents, at least in Utah, who were young adults during his presidency, to refer to outhouses as "Franklin-D's" in reference to the many "civilizing-the-hicks" "made-work" projects that he was responsible for in an effort to get the unemployed working again during the Great Depression.

  13. I don't have a problem with a husband who manages to convince his wife to wear insufferably high heels, but, as I have said it before and will say again, HE should be willing and make himself able to do it too!! He can't hide behind embarrassment--Ultra high heels are nearly as unacceptable in mainstream society on a woman as they are on a man. What's good for the goose...ought to be good for the gander..."GEE, WHAT HORRIBLE THOUGHT, that I should have to wear what I force my secretaries to wear!" (possible, tho unlikely thought running through the head of some business tycoon or banker in any decade before 1980) :smile::grin:

  14. Actually I suck at classical physics (vectors, moments, arrgh), but at radiation and particle physics, nuclear chemistry, stuff like that, nooo problem, but I didn't find this out until I got out of college (the first time) and found myself in the Army involved with that sort of thing, and I was GOOD at it, surprise, surprise!!

  15. Would you care to enlighten us as to which brands fit into the "quality" shoe category (Jante?), expected price range, and if such shoes are actually made in Eur size 44-45 (and available for ordering/purchase across the pond)?? Pleeze! :smile: _________________ Hi-Heeled Boots, Bodysuits, and Back-Zipper Pants R wikkid-kool (on me, or U)! <font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: azraelle on 2002-06-10 04:09 ]</font>

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